Sentences with phrase «scientists figure they use»

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In a large review of studies published in the Journal of Nutrition, Purdue University scientists found that whole tree nuts and peanuts have roughly 15 % fewer calories than the figure calculated using the Atwater method.
How it should be used: A growth hacker — they're often marketers, engineers or product managers — is basically a social scientist, running experiments to figure out what techniques and strategies will best grow a business.
And, in addition, when they, (scientists) do figure something out, you are additionally using the «self - sealing» argument... as in anything that does get proven by science, just becomes «more» reasons to «validate» the existence of God.
In Australia, the Sydney Morning Herald notes that «Australians are not used to scientists and engineers being public figures
The scientists used 2.6 million observations captured over 30 years to figure out the sink strength in the past.
So scientists have been trying to figure out how to use biomass with minimal emissions.
Some societies may get stuck using nothing more than the wheel or the abacus, but it takes only one scientist to figure out how electricity and magnetism work, as James Clerk Maxwell did in 1864.
And in an effort to figure out how the nickel - sized pelvic fin structure of the aptly named clingfish creates suction against rocks, a group of scientists created a giant replica using their trusty 3D printer.
Using a simple set of loudspeakers, scientists have figured out a way to levitate and rotate objects in midair.
I just love how scientists can pick up from the tiniest clues something as broad a question and something as [ethereal] as a question of sociability; but they can look at beads and they can figure out how they are used and factors of economy that go into it.
The scientists used the Hubble to figure out the direction of the star's travels and the distance from the galactic center, along with the star's mass, age and speed.
Since then scientists have figured out how to drive DNA through proteins with tiny pores embedded in a film using an electrical charge.
The US Environmental Protection Agency says that 5 per cent of the power used by American companies is consumed by computers, and that without regulation this figure could reach 10 per cent by the year 2000 («Birth of the eco-computer», New Scientist, 30 October 1993).
By using the new formula, which relies upon newly developed measurements for the figure of merit and power factor of a material — called the engineering figure of merit, or (ZT) eng, and engineering power factor, or (PF) eng — scientists will be able to determine whether devices based on a material would generate energy efficiently enough to be worth pursuing, said Zhifeng Ren, principal investigator at the Texas Center for Superconductivity at UH (TcSUH).
The scientist have used this new method to figure whether three species of yellow jackets (the western yellow jacket, the common yellow jacket and the German yellow jacket) have alarm pheromones, and whether each species is able to recognize each of the alarm pheromones of the rest.
«Food scientists using X-rays to figure out fats.»
Scientists are now using data about Sandy to try to create forecasts that can better define impending surges, and can help urban planners and engineers figure out what kinds of barriers might reduce future flooding.
The technique they used to pinpoint the pit — a laser take on radar — figures to help scientists find evidence of hundreds of similar impacts that have remained hidden until now.
The next step, the scientists say, is to figure out what molecular language the spores use to chat across that gap.
The scientists figured out a different approach using genetic engineering.
The scientists used data from the Argo floats to figure out by how much the upper oceans have warmed and expanded.
Many efforts are underway to figure out how to break that cycle, and most scientists agree that the use of multiple methods will be required to eliminate dengue and other mosquito - borne diseases.
To get around those problems, scientists figured out how to brew «hoppy» beer without the use of hop plants.
Specifically, the scientists figured out how NTHI uses the body's own immune response to its advantage.
They didn't see hurricanes until the rain clouds were right above them; in our case, we can see storms leaving the sun but have to make guesses and use models to figure out if and when they will impact Earth,» says Michael Kaiser, project scientist for STEREO at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.
To help figure out how species are related, scientists use a method called cladistics, invented by Willi Hennig in 1950.
On the high end, recent work suggests that 4 feet is plausible.23, 3,6,7,8 In the context of risk - based analysis, some decision makers may wish to use a wider range of scenarios, from 8 inches to 6.6 feet by 2100.10,2 In particular, the high end of these scenarios may be useful for decision makers with a low tolerance for risk (see Figure 2.26 on global sea level rise).10, 2 Although scientists can not yet assign likelihood to any particular scenario, in general, higher emissions scenarios that lead to more warming would be expected to lead to higher amounts of sea level rise.
SNPs are genetic variations — one letter replaced by another — that scientists are using increasingly to figure out which occur more or less often in people with a certain condition or disease.
«For the past 30 or 40 years, scientists have used similar animals to figure out how fear might work in humans,» says senior author of the paper and associate professor at Salk's Molecular Neurobiology Laboratory, Sreekanth Chalasani.
Hazen would now like to see other scientists use his research to figure out how to turn off the process of TMAO production that is jump - started by gut bacteria.
Now scientists can study the regeneration abilities of frogs and figure out what developmental mechanisms are used to repair a damaged eye.
Scientists are now using the same simulation to figure out why other birds of prey also have specialized hunting techniques.
A few years ago, scientists figured out why: the receptor that the virus uses to get into cells is shaped differently in a human nose than it is in a chicken egg.
«For the past 30 or 40 years, scientists have used simpler animals to figure out how fear might work in humans,» Sreekanth Chalasani, associate professor in Salk's Molecular Neurobiology Laboratory and senior author of the paper, said in a statement.
Scientists can use the stripes to figure out how fast Earth's crust pulled apart.
«Some mad scientists in New Jersey have figured out how to synthesize a facsimile of the smell and flavor of bacon using «natural» and «artificial» flavors.
What are some tools or methods that scientists could use to figure out the age of Earth?
What are some tools or methods that scientists could use to figure out the age of
The «abhorrent» dating tactics of the male redback spider: Scientists find they target immature females who haven't yet learnt to eat them after mating Car companies use crash test dummies when they want to figure out how to make their vehicles safer.
Working with another figure from Tony's past, a beautiful scientist named Maya Hansen (Rebecca Hall), Killian has discovered something that could change the future and decided to use it for personal gain.
Template facebook profiles for getting to know new students, can be adapted for use in subjects e.g. for historical figures or famous scientists.
What I did find very interesting, however, was an article about a set of «five Los Alamos physicists, statisticians and math experts» who responded to some of New Mexico's VAM critics who charged «it would take a rocket scientist to figure out the complex formula» being used to measure teacher's value - added.
Drivers are more likely to avoid gas guzzlers It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the bigger a vehicle is, the more gas it's going to use.
As Banksy's aim to remain anonymous has apparently driven scientists to such degrees of madness that they're using their precious brains to figure out who he is, it might be time to follow the career of a new mysterious muralist dodging about the streets.
Since I know these scientists are significantly smarter than me, a simple farmer, one can only guess their use of the improper figures was purposeful.
Ellis's online efforts are just the kind of approach being explored at the Science Online 2012 conference I'm attending in Raleigh, N.C., at which hundreds of scientists, journalists and bloggers are trying to figure out fresh ways to convey (and in some cases conduct) science using the Web.
Using data from the new carbon storage map, scientists from Woods Hole Research Center (WHRC) at Boston University and the University of Maryland say the real figure may be up to 12 % lower.
Between search and rescue missions, Barber and other scientists aboard the Amundsen used the ship's research equipment to figure out where the sea ice had come from and why so much ice was there at all.
Evidence for changes in the climate system abounds, from the top of the atmosphere to the depths of the oceans (Figure 2.1).1 Scientists and engineers from around the world have compiled this evidence using satellites, weather balloons, thermometers at surface stations, and many other types of observing systems that monitor the Earth's weather and climate.
because when fossil fuels are burned, the fossil fuels are running out more and more and so scientists are trying to figure out a way for fossil fuels to become more of a renewable resourse then a nonrenewable resource so that way we have more of a likely cause that we will have a future use of all the fossil fuel that are about to run out just like an extinct species.
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