Sentences with phrase «scoot along the floor»

Remember that time you shat yourself on the pitch during a World Cup match and had to scoot along the floor like a dog?
I can't tell you how many hours they spent mimicking the animal noises and making the little animals scoot along the floor with their chubby hands.
One of the first symptoms is when a cat scoots along the floor on his butt.
The sweaters help prevent the dogs» bellies from getting irritated or infected from scooting along the floor, and as a plus, also make them look super cute.
Rule out intestinal parasites if your dog is scooting along the floor.

Not exact matches

A little boy scoots a toy car along the floor.
Sylvia has learned to scoot on her back along the floor and she enjoys transferring small toys from one hand to another.
Cats affected with anal sac disease may lick the anal area, scoot or drag their bottom along the floor, bite their tails, or have difficulty with defecation or sitting.
Symptoms: Sometimes an infected dog will scoot his butt along the floor in an attempt to relieve the irritation.
If your dog scoots his butt along the floor often, he may be suffering from anal gland disease.
Watch how the hamster, with a whole wide floor surrounding him, will instead scoot along where the wall meets the floor.
As the anal glands fill with fluid, your dog may attempt to scoot his bottom along the floor to relieve the discomfort.
You may not notice any weight loss or sickness and even though some may «scoot» along the floor, this could simply caused by an itch or impacted anal gland.
A Cavalier «scooting» its bottom along the floor could have fully impacted anal glands or possibly worms.
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