Sentences with phrase «score of students»

Teachers were offered a $ 15,000 bonus to raise test scores of their students in math.
This researcher will study the effects of these reforms on the absolute and relative test scores of students in low - income school districts.
The database also shows the test scores of students who attend traditional district schools and independent charter schools.
At the start of junior high, the math achievement test scores of the students with a growth mind - set were comparable to those of students who displayed a fixed mind - set.
Initial test scores of students at charter schools are usually well below those of the average public - school student in the state in which the charter school is located.
This book explains the success of a low - income school district in improving the reading scores of all students over many years.
First, I compare the reading and math scores of students in schools that start earlier to the scores of similar students at later - starting schools.
We need a system of schools where more Black and Latino students take and pass advanced placement courses and where ACT scores of all students are rising.
This tool describes 9 principles to guide the process of teacher scoring of student work products.
The grades that students get through writing tasks play a huge role in deciding the final score of a student.
We found that once private schools were required to report their results to the public, the test scores of their students improved dramatically.
The test scores of students seeking to enter graduate education programs are similarly low and, on average, undergraduate education majors score even lower than the graduate education applicant pool as a whole.
A school, for example, shouldn't be evaluated solely upon the raw score of their students on a state achievement test.
Our writers have given assignments help to score of students till date.
But a comprehensive scheme of education is there in deciding the academic score of students.
And since the individual student loans are repaid in full, the credit score of the student is improved.
When researchers examined the prior achievement - test scores of students transferring to charter schools, they found that those scores were near or below the local district or state average.
These findings are related to the test scores of students after only one year in the program.
For many general education teachers, the impact of the test scores of students with disabilities on their value - added scores is relatively limited.
First, high school scores might appear to be stagnant because not enough time has passed for the gains from earlier grades to show up in the test scores of students in later grades.
Are we leaving our highest performing students behind in the quest to raise the test scores of students at the bottom?
A term paper is an essential thing to determine the final score of a student.
Now the department will compare the test scores of students with disabilities with those of students not designated as having special needs.
Over the course of five years, the average scores of its students on the state Academic Performance Index have risen more than 200 points, from 443 to 672 (in a range of 200 to 1,000).
To date, Arizona has only focused on AzMERIT scores of students taking the eighth grade math exam, and excluded accelerated middle school math students taking Algebra I and II and Geometry.
As Results Are in: Common Core Fails Tests and Kids shows, NAEP scores of students whose education was focused exclusively on the Common Core curriculum decreased while NAEP scores for students in affluent suburbs whose education is not limited to test prep for standardized tests increased.
Cardozo Education Campus, a public school that serves sixth - through 12th - graders, had the highest influx, with a 30 percent enrollment increase due in large part to a growing number of immigrant students; the Northwest Washington school's net gain was about 18 percent, as scores of students withdrew during the same year.
Table 1 shows the frequency of teachers» answers, along with the average TIMSS score of students for each response category (in parentheses).
When the College Board stopped flagging the SAT scores of students who took the tests with accommodations (most commonly, extended time) in 2004, it instituted a tightened eligibility process to offset the new stigma - free advantage.
School libraries with certified School Library Media Specialists have a measurable effect on the reading scores of students across the country.
the average reading scores of students assigned to three highly effective teachers in a row rose from the 59th percentile in fourth grade to the 76th percentile by the end of sixth grade, and students of similar ability assigned to ineffective teachers for three consecutive years fell from the 60th percentile in fourth grade to the 42nd percentile by the end of sixth grade.
The Brookings Institute's 2009 Brown Center Report on American Education found that the NAEP scores of students taking Algebra I in the eighth grade varied widely, with the bottom ten percent scoring far below grade level.
«I've seen test scores of students rise because of the engagement in project - based learning,» says Gwendolyn Faulkner, former technology coordinator at Harriet Tubman Elementary School, in Washington, DC.
Interviewing scores of students, teachers, researchers and education officials at all levels of government, participating reporters set out to determine how the money is being spent and whether the changes it sparks are likely to last.
Today I'm thinking about how and why we got to this point in the evolution (painfully slow as it is) in K - 12 education that we need to put so much emphasis on the test scores of students within an individual teacher's room, in a sense to force accountability for good performance from the outside of the school (i.e. we're not increasing the power of the principal to make staff decisions from the inside).
Since we can totally before the school year predict the expected test scores of students based upon previous test score and effective teachers we can simply weed out all the students that would fail if they were assigned in a class with an effective teacher.
Counting scores of students who don't take the test as zeros would «further erode confidence in the validity of Utah's accountability system,» the State School Board statement issued on Feb. 1 said.
Table 5 Summary of ANOVA Comparing the Mean Post-FKT Scores of Students» Procedural Knowledge for Seven Dimensions.
We accept nothing but the very best since we understand only too well that it reflects on future academic careers of scores of our student clients that are at stake, and we make absolutely no compromises when it comes to providing them with what they academically need, and what their University demands from their academic coursework submissions.
Likewise, the low scores of students in an inner - city Newark school will reflect the disadvantages of growing up poor.
completing a study of achievement scores of students enrolled in its English - as - a-second-language program, the Fairfax County, Va., school district has fulfilled the last step of a 1980 agreement with the Education Department that settled a five - year d
The high scores of students in a wealthy suburban New Jersey school will reflect the contributions of well - educated parents, a communal emphasis on academic achievement, a stable learning environment at home, and enriching extracurricular opportunities.
When I was in Korea on my Eisenhower Fellowship, even though I had heard about it, I was still stunned to see scores of students sleeping during their formal schooling and then awake late, late at night in their hagwon after school programs where they did their actual learning.
Tables 3 and 4 provide the summary of ANCOVA comparing the mean scores of the students» fraction concepts in experimental and control groups with respect to post-FKT scores for procedural knowledge and conceptual knowledge responses, respectively.
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