Sentences with phrase «screening approach»

This study evaluates the best screening approach for breast cancer: annual or personalized screening.
In search of higher quality, we adopted a two - tier screening approach in our index design.
A genetic screening approach to studying bone disease has found nine new genes associated with bone health and suggests a new way to discover genes that may be implicated in human skeletal diseases.
After trying to implement a dual screen approach, the developers soon rejected the idea.
We invite you to request a free employment screening risk assessment to analyze the key factors that determine your ideal employment screening approach.
But another approach shows the traditional screen approach too though, with a foldable main display on one side, and another smaller phone display on the other side.
The problem is, without a lot of dedicated apps, the dual - screen approach just doesn't add enough.
Candidates are also looking for a more transparent screening approach.
We reduce the risk of a tenant not paying rent or damaging the property by using a conservative tenant screening approach.
Key Concepts in the Evaluation of Screening Approaches for Heart Disease in Children and Adolescents.
These use a high - throughput screening approach combined with MALDI - IMS to assess the specificity of those drugs on a transgenic mouse model of AD.
An Internet - based screening approach performs well in identifying patients with treatable diabetic eye disease, according to a study in Optometry and Vision Science, official journal of the American Academy of Optometry.
Infuse transparency and constant communication into your background screening approach so that candidates know exactly what's happening during each step in the process.
He adds, «The window of time that exists between the development of a STIC lesion and metastatic disease highlights the importance of new screening approaches such as liquid biopsy methods for early detection of ovarian cancer.»
Early detection has been proven to improve outcomes, but screening approaches such as mammograms and colonoscopy, used in the developed world, are too costly to be implemented in settings with little medical infrastructure.
Designed from the ground up for co-op play — you can literally only play it in co-op, whether locally or over the internet — it features a fascinating dynamic split screen approach to showing you the game.
Furthermore, a lack of universal annotation standards for phenotypic data sets makes it difficult to compare different screening approaches.
iPad technology is better technology than many other screen approaches, but some significant set of people reading are likely to be affected by eyestrain on the iPad either now or over time.
In the search for higher - quality corporate bonds, we adopted a two - tier screening approach in our index design and launched the S&P China High Quality Corporate Bond 3 - 7 Year Index.
Using an innovative screen approach that graduate student Shahram Jevin Poureetezadi designed, the team exposed zebrafish embryos to small molecules, prostaglandin E2, from a chemical library of such molecules known to be active in cell development generally.
This hypothesis was already confirmed in first screenings approaches,» Schindler explains.
Therefore, identification of molecules that affect both parasites during their release from infected host cells not only highlights robustness of the complementary screening approach we adopted, but also conserved drug targets for pan anti-parasitic drug development,» Dr Dhanasekaran Shanmugam from NCL added.
«In our study, we applied a novel high - content screening approach that we recently developed to investigate the role of microRNAs in neuroblastoma differentiation.
Drug discovery for genetic diseases: Screening technologies are applied to identify chemical compounds able to inhibit REST function, a major target gene in Huntington's disease, and will serve as a paradigm for high - throughput screening approaches applied to neurological disorders.
By using a novel in silico screening approach, the researchers were able to identify several fragments with the capacity to bind to MTH1.
Their contributions to the yeast community include physical mapping methods, synthetic lethality screen approaches for identifying cross-species candidate genes as potential cancer drug targets, and a widely used set of vectors and yeast host strains that have been instrumental in work that has led to countless discoveries in recent decades.
If so, tDCS may provide a useful screening approach for other treatment studies, as well as a useful treatment in its own right».
We will combine large - scale screening approaches with focused explorations and validations of promising leads and continue to advance our understanding of the nervous system until rational strategies can be developed for the treatment and prevention of the most disabling neurological ailments.
The SEngine founders used a unique arrayed siRNA screening approach to specifically identify such gene pairs (6,7).
As part of an ongoing functional genomic screening approach, we have been using microarray analysis and next generation sequencing to identify mouse genes that are specifically expressed in meiosis, and are likely involved in aspects of chromosome biology that are required for meiotic ploidy reduction.
With that said, the current pre-implantation IVF screening approach is used by some with these mutations.
«However, I think it will require the development of more sensitive techniques tested in larger populations of patients before it will be a plausible alternative to current screening approaches
Single measure and gated screening approaches for identifying students at - risk for academic problems: Implications for sensitivity and specificity.
Navigation input was quick and the system uses the highly practical split - screen approach showing a settable wide view of the route but also shows you a close - up of your next turn or waypoint.
The screens have gotten progressively better, with today's ivory - colored screens approaching the grail of print - on - paper sharpness.
With this sequential screening approach, the earnings diffusion strategy delivered return alpha over the simple value strategy in a majority of the Asian markets, with the most pronounced excess return in South Korea and Taiwan (see Exhibit 1).
Both this instinct and this mutual fund screening approach can be fatally flawed.
The dual screened approach took some getting used to, especially when the GamePad's map layout also shows robot icons moving through the mining sites.
It's still a strategy game, but this time what you'll be playing is something more akin to a MOBA mixed with a collectible card game — but with a single screen approach that moves at a lightning fast pace.
There are simply too many cases where a company's failure to adequately screen its employees has resulted in expensive claims of negligence and damage to people, brands, and profits that could have been minimized or avoided with the right screening approach.
HireSafe's tailored employment screening approach offers different screening packages for the following industries and more.
That so vibrant a «civilian» as Pepper has been for years reduced to cameos (or, worse, temporarily infused with superpowers) is emblematic of why the small - screen approach doesn't scale well to the big screen.
Using a robotics - based screening approach, researchers screened a library of 1,192 FDA - approved drugs for any that suppressed tumors in the fly and identified several that improved overall survival.
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