Sentences with phrase «scribal error»

A "scribal error" refers to a mistake made by a scribe or a person copying a text by hand. It could include misspellings, omissions, or other mistakes that happen during the process of writing or transcribing a document. Full definition
Save for a few scribal errors, it is completely self - consistent across all 66 books.
In consequence of the two tendencies and inevitable scribal errors, it becomes impossible for us to say whether the longer text or the shorter in Luke 22:19 b - 20 is the original one.
The temptation to practise exegesis by removing difficult passages, and treating them as scribal errors or the work of stupid editors, should be resisted.
scribal errors), I believe inerrancy can only be argued for the autographs.
Many have suspected — even a few church fathers, like Cyril of Alexandria — that the Greek word kamelon (camel) might be a scribal error for kamilon (a heavy rope, a nautical cable), if only because the latter seems to make for a somewhat more symmetrical trope.
Save for some scribal errors, it is self - consistent and thousands of ancient copies exist — some that date back to within the first 100 years after Jesus was born.
Do you believe the bible is inerrant in the autographa and has been accurately copied down through the generations to the extent that we realize there are scribal errors but we pretty much know what they are?
I think we know there are scribal errors in this bible of ours (no doubt from me)-- but I am yet to find a scribal error that changes the character of Jesus from what he claims to be to someone altogether different (ie: not the son of David or from Nazareth or hates Gentiles, etc) or changes his teachings from one thing to another (ie: we don't catch him stoning someone in adultery anywhere or cursing the roman guards for crucifying him).
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