Sentences with phrase «scribbled on a napkin»

This ranges from little notes scribbled on napkins to printable lunch box jokes.
Each book has a unique link to its sales page, which you can post anywhere online, insert into emails, tweet or scribble on a napkin at your favorite restaurant.
Countless hours of research, paperwork, phone calls, late - night scribbles on napkins, and handshakes later something concrete came together.

Not exact matches

Netscape created the modern Silicon Valley, where entrepreneurs and venture capitalists could meet at a table on Sand Hill Road and scribble out plans for a multimillion - dollar corporation on the back of a napkin.
But it is the only system where ideas once scribbled on a cocktail napkin can become multibillion - dollar enterprises, and make a lot of people rich along the way.
Again, our definition of an entrepreneur is someone who believes she can change the world with an idea scribbled on the back of a napkin.
The two met in a coffee shop, scribbling ideas on a stack of napkins.
The engineers are busy building towers while the mathematicians scribble strategies on napkins.
«What's next, demanding scribbles on cocktail napkins
If you're prone to record notes and appointments on scraps of paper, napkins or even the palm of your hand, find one central location to consolidate your scribbles.
Guests asked for my card that evening (which ended up being my cell phone scribbled on a cocktail napkin).
I scribbled the Corvette flag on a cocktail napkin, then drew a skull around it.
Those conversations sometimes end up with me scribbling an website address on a napkin or scrap of paper.
But unlike the corporate «art» that might serve as a backdrop for a Dilbert strip, his scribbles are raw and rambunctious, as if scrawled on the back of a napkin at the moment of epiphany (not unlike the cliche about how business ideas are born).
This idea grew from scribbles on a cocktail napkin into a company offering services to help firms decide whether to keep work in house or to outsource it.
Nowadays it just seems like you can scribble something on a napkin and claim / file a patent for it.
While rely on directions scribbled on the on the back of a napkin may get your clients where they need to go, it doesn't do much for your professional image.
This is a time for careful consideration, not for hastily scribbled modern design notes on cocktail napkins.
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