Sentences with phrase «se x»

The current pope himself covered up se x crimes against children.
And many of us Christians know that the se x ual orientation with which you were born is not sinful any more than the color of your skin would be sinful.
If God is the author of science, knowing that what is healthy and good can not at the same time be evil and sinful is reason to know that God does not condemn ho mo se x u ality.
(with exception of abortion as means of birth control) but the best is responsible se x
Many of us Christians know that ho mo se x u ality is not sinful.
So the Christians are trying to say that the Bible condemns ho mo se x u a lity?
The same is with people mas turbating, and doing all these other immoral se x acts.
If the students are «good catholics» (lower case usage intentional, tyvm), they won't need to use the coverage for «contraception, sterilization, and abortion - causing medications» because they won't be engaging in pre-marital se x u al activity.
Ho mo se x uals the folks that gave AIDS to the world.
Searching for god and settling for se x?
In se x, as in Christianity, there are times when it's all about putting your own needs aside and just «giving», other times when there is give and take as well as «sharing», other times when you depend upon the help of others to give you what you need, and still other times when it's just you, alone, with your thoughts and desires.
It had nothing to do with a loving relationship between two people of the same se x, and ho mose xuality was NOT the sin of Sodom in whatever form.
Like heterose xual couples, same - se x couples form deep emotional attachments and commitments.
Assertions that heterose xual couples are inherently better parents than same se x couples, or that the children of lesbian or gay parents fare worse than children of heterose xual parents, have no support in the scientific research literature.
c) This passage does not denounce hom ose xual behavior as a whole, but just the specific act of anal se x.
I have never seen an interpretation in any Bible, or from any scholar, that specifically says to never have se x with a man.
However, since se x with the same gender is normal for a gay person, there is no perversion associated merely by the se xual act.
These correlations are just as true for children of same - se x parents as for children of opposite - se x parents.
stop this senselss reckleness abandon of se x!
Research demonstrates that the psychological and social aspects of committed relationships between same - se x partners closely resemble those of heterose xual partnerships.
These passages in Leviticus can be translated to not mean hom ose xual se x generally, but only limiting hom ose xual se x in Pagan temples.
the problem here is reckless se x people wnna have it at any cost..
as for these kids... adoption or such... but then again the BEST thing is NOT make kids... se x is fun and good andnot exclusively used for procreation..
Chad So, by your «logic», the Christians who most strongly denounce such things as the gay lifestyle, abortion, pre-marital se x, and a host of other things must all be secretly, and guiltily in favor of all these things?
se x is not for precreation only!
eventually people would see that cant get away with convinecne and take more responsibility for others (ie the unborn) and stop recklessly using se x
yet pregnancy DOES come with the territory and thus se x must be handled respobly..
sheesh... how much clearer can you get with: se x is not for procreation only?
The basic assumption in your argument, however, is that hom o se x uality is a sin.
To force (another person) to submit to s e x acts, especially se x u al intercourse; commit r a pe on.
- Quaker: The willingness to perform gay marriages varies by meetinghouse, but there is some acceptance and performance of same - se x marriages among Quakers.
2) keeping their ministers out of fail for illicit se x ual contact.
Soon it will be a species that allows same se x marriage, a much different species than it's ancestors.
John A Except that, by that time, most Christians will be completely OK with evolution, same se x marriage, and maybe even abortion; and they'll be able to cite verses to support their position just like the Christians who oppose these things can today.
The religious right are fighting in the courts for (1) control of women's reproductive rights (2) keeping their ministers out of jail for illicit se x ual conduct (3) protecting their money and corporal possessions from taxes and lawsuits.
1) We were made in God's image, both male and female 2) Basic medical fact: if the development of male se x ual characteristics is prevented the default body type is female 3) Why do males have ni pples?
they like se x, especially with their children.
if you look at the pedophiles that are from the groups I metioned there is almost always an underline of ho mo se x uality or se xual per version of some sort.
The se x that prost itutes and po rn stars are infamous for is their JOB, it's not how they personally get their se xual gratification.
Personally, I believe the Truth... which is that there is nothing wrong with ho mo se x uality... and therefore gay marriage should be allowed... And that's the TRUTH!
Woman is concerned about how having a baby could change her life 16 % Woman can't afford baby now 21 % Woman has problems with relationship or wants to avoid single parenthood 12 % Woman is unready for responsibility 21 % Woman doesn't want others to know she has had se x or is pregnant 1 % Woman is not mature enough, or is too young to have a child 11 % Woman has all the children she wanted, or has all grown - up children 8 % Husband or partner wants woman to have an abortion 1 % Fetus has possible health problem 3 % Woman has health problem 3 % Woman's parents want her to have abortion < 1 % Woman was victim of ra pe or inc est 1 %
Well, they sure do have way more interest in the se x lives of gay people than those of us who aren't h0m0phobes.
Why are you se x ist?
Any scientist on earth knows that the overwhelming body of evidence points towards h om os exu ality, hete ros exuality, and bis exu ality as normally occurring phenomenon within the spectrum of innate human (and hundreds of other animals) se x ual development.
Until Genesis 4 there is no mention of se x ual relations and so no evidence of genitals.
Muslims do not support atheism absurdity of evolution, but existence of truth absolute Muhammed, atheism absurdity of evolution is a fundamental of atheism, pagan ism, self center ism, product of observation of animals se x, having nothing to do with physical science, To learn causes of mayhem among atheists kafeers, Cristians, Jews, Hindus please visit and click on Like.
Promoting the uncontrolled proliferation of recreational se x is just wrong!
Lets» put the onus on their se x partners to provide their contraception needs not the tax payers.
More likely, into building convents to mint more nuns of her order, or into paying off folks suing the Church for se x offences.
You really don't have se x very often do you?
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