Sentences with phrase «seafood consumption»

Researchers are interested in their therapeutic potential for several reasons: Large population studies have shown a correlation between rates of seafood consumption and depression.
Reducing seafood consumption may be one of the best solutions to reduce mercury intake; unfortunately, fish is no longer the only concern.
That is more than 100 times the current global seafood consumption.
Most doctors have suggested seafood consumption for years and the research backs this up.
Due to increasing threats faced by seafood stocks, a few prominent scientists are advocating for the end of seafood consumption.
Low levels of DHA in breast milk and low seafood consumption levels have been linked to postpartum depression, which affects 10 — 15 % of mothers.
«We wanted to [see] whether regular consumption of seafood — fatty fish in particular — in the absence of any advice to increase seafood consumption or fish oil supplementation decreased the risk of diabetic retinopathy,» explained Sala - Vila, a researcher at the Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red in Barcelona.
«If you look at the growth in seafood consumption over the last 20 years,» Kelly notes, «you see that it really has been steadily met by an increase in aquaculture.
Using these data and mathematical models, Ulman and her team have made the most accurate estimates to - date of seafood consumption by residents and tourists on the islands.
A recent and thorough seafood consumption survey from 2013 involving locals and tourists was additionally used to estimate the previously unreported local consumption of seafood.
Your two principal sources of mercury exposure are inorganic mercury from dental amalgams and methylmercury from seafood consumption; these two types of mercury differ in their toxicity levels, biological effects and detoxification pathways
Dear EarthTalk: What are some basic guidelines about seafood consumption, especially for women and in light of all the pollution threats to our oceans and waterways?
«Local seafood consumption surveys should continue to be completed once every three to five years to track changing patterns, especially with the ongoing growth of tourism.
Between 1999 and 2010 changes in seafood consumption meant that blood levels of mercury in women of childbearing age dropped by a third, and the percentage of such women who have worrisome blood levels of mercury dropped by two thirds.
The authors found that the health of reefs can be better maintained by shifting seafood consumption to open water fish, such as sustainably - harvested tuna, instead of reef fishes such as grouper, snapper, and parrotfish.
The researchers also compared the results to federal safety guidelines for seafood consumption and found that the average levels of contaminants were at or below the health standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Mercury discharged into the environment can damage people's health, including through seafood consumption.
To calculate participants» weekly seafood consumption, researchers relied on food questionnaires, begun an average of 4.5 years before death.
Chris talks about how the benefits of seafood consumption far outweigh the risks and how seafood naturally contains selenium which helps negate mercury absorption in the body.
The highest levels of these endocrine - disrupting pollutants were recorded in milk samples from mothers who said they ate fish at least twice a week, consistent with the fact that seafood consumption represents an important source of alkylphenol intake.
Have you been chosen to represent Canada at the Maple Syrup Battered Seafood Consumption Competition?
Research suggests that moms who have lower levels of DHA, as well as lower seafood consumption, are more likely to develop postpartum depression.
They find that 11.4 million km2 of ocean could be developed for fish and 1.5 million km2 for bivalves, providing over 100 times more than current total global seafood consumption.
The finding that higher levels of seafood consumption was associated with higher levels of mercury in the brain was a small but significant correlation, Morris said.
Sure, I recycle with an obsessive fervour that drives my family crazy, never buy bottled water (unless we're forced to overseas), refuse to take plastic bags, and have reduced my seafood consumption to near - zero.
As a result of our seafood consumption and plastic use, half of all marine life has been lost in the past 40 years;
Chicken of the Sea ® Yellowfin Tuna Slices was created by Thai Union's Global Innovation Incubator, partly in response to the FDA's Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015 - 2020 which recommends Americans increase their seafood consumption to a minimum of two servings per week.
So, if you're looking for a way to boost your seafood consumption, the versatility of shrimp makes it a good choice.
Seafood consumption, meanwhile, is rising, driven in part by health concerns and America's love affair with sushi.
Floridians may be decreasing their seafood consumption due to these misconceptions, Fluech said.
«The ocean is central to Palau's life and customs; their seafood consumption must be maintained sustainably,» says co-author Yoshitaka Ota, Nippon Foundation - UBC Nereus Program director of policy at the University of Washington.
Seafood consumption...
The two primary sources of mercury exposure are dental amalgams (mercury - based fillings) and seafood consumption, followed by thimerosal - containing vaccines and mercury pollution from coal - burning power plants.
Exposure level: Overall mercury level for each of the two main forms of mercury (methylmercury, related to your fish / seafood consumption, and inorganic mercury, related to dental amalgam exposure)
Fish and seafood consumption are encouraged twice per week and red meat is limited.
These findings are consistent with the fact that seafood consumption has been associated with severe asthma, current and severe rhinoconjunctivitis, (seasonal pollen allergies), and current and severe eczema (an allergic - type disease of the skin) in adolescent populations around the globe.
Researchers followed 676 women there to explore if low seafood consumption is a risk factor for LBW.
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