Sentences with phrase «search for knowledge of»

What we do argue is that the human search for knowledge of the ultimate metaphysical truths, that is, for the reality on which all things depend for their being, and the Christian attempt to clarify what we have found disclosed to us in Christ, are two complementary sides of the same story, the story of God's self - disclosure to the mind of man.
Science just search for knowledge of what our world is.
The search for knowledge of our actual predicament at whatever risk to our self - image, our pride, and our privilege is the first requirement in the reconciling action.

Not exact matches

Microsoft is integrating LinkedIn's deep knowledge of how people search for jobs, what recruiters look for and how resumes are crafted with Microsoft Word.
That being said, shoppers in search of big bargains should come to Whole Foods with a little more knowledge of prices at other chains for comparison.
We broaden our horizons and search diligently for analogues so that we can bring the knowledge borne of a wide - cast net to our employees and our stakeholders.
After knocking on doors, searching the internet, sitting in lawyers» offices, and hanging out with real estate agents, it would still be impossible to assemble the body of knowledge that we've pulled together for this conference.
Knock on doors, search the internet, sit in lawyers» offices, and hang out with real estate agents, it would be impossible to assemble the body of knowledge that we've pulled together for this recordings package.
In the past, affiliate marketers with a small amount of search engine optimization (SEO) knowledge could get top rankings for competitive phrases, or use advanced black - hat techniques to bring in a torrent of visitor traffic.
When the information you were searching for is presented in a Google Knowledge Card, you don't need to click through because the information is right there in front of you (try typing in «donald trump age» and you'll see what I mean).
Now I am not claiming I have the «Holy - Grail» here to show you how to print money, but I can confidently say I have «Genuine Knowledge and Real World Trading Strategies» to teach my students, which will not only save them many years of «searching» for strategies, but if applied correctly will likely produce high - probability trades on a consistent basis.
In a search for an alternative way of living, he opened an event production company where he invited guest speakers to share their knowledge.
What an awesome dream with rich symbolism... the library indicating a search for knowledge, the ladders which typify a journey toward higher awareness, and of course, the mysterious book which might symbolize many things...
And who looks and search for the thing gets it but does not come alone with out effort... Some have reached levels with their knowledge and names of God to make thing happen just as Jesus was able to do but they are not sorcerers although might have got treated as ones.
On one occasion he went searching for a man in an orange robe with a white beard and turban, having received a word of knowledge.
which was the primal seed of mind, Seers searching for knowledge in their heart found existence in non-existence.
Its methods may in future be improved, its presuppositions revised, but it stands firm as a self - justifying part of the reasonable search for knowledge, and its abandonment would be a «flight from reason».
Speculative metaphysics sometimes seem, as another put it, like a search at midnight in a dark room for a black cat that is not there, but your knowledge of your father is not like that.
So the knowledge imparted was at different levels, - technical rationality, critical rationality to evaluate ends, universal human values, and the humanism of the person of Jesus - but with search for the unity of their inter-relationship realized in the renewal of personal and community life as the ultimate goal.
I turn instinctively towards the ever more numerous institutions and associations of men where in the search for knowledge a new spirit is silently taking shape around us — the soul of Mankind resolved at all costs to achieve, in its total integrity, the uttermost fulfillment of its powers and its destiny.
Search for truth — A constant search for objective truth, with the understanding that new knowledge and experience constantly alter our imperfect perception Search for truth — A constant search for objective truth, with the understanding that new knowledge and experience constantly alter our imperfect perception search for objective truth, with the understanding that new knowledge and experience constantly alter our imperfect perception of it.
They search for new forms of community but tend to be wary of authority figures and particularly of leaders... The young neotraditionalists also have an almost intuitive attraction to liturgy, ritual, and symbol as forms of knowledge that complement the dominant rational, scientific one.»
The Kinsey studies, for all their narrowing of attention to sex as biological function, have few parallels in man's search for objective knowledge of himself.
Monasteries with their dedicated lives, Universities with their search for knowledge, Medicine, Law, methods of Trade — they represent that aim at civilization, whereby the conscious experience of mankind preserves for its use the sources of Harmony.
This in turn led to the commonly - held belief that the golden age of human society lay in the past, and hence true knowledge was to be gained by searching for the best that past ages had bequeathed.
It takes advantage of people's search for meaning, their desire to be part of something bigger than themselves, even if it goes against truth and knowledge.
In my maturing years, as I went out to search for my own knowledge of good and evil, I visited some of the historic churches of the world; but in the end my visits were really nothing more than visits.
The «search for knowledge» and «the pursuit of science,» one might suggest, will suffer grievously if we no longer respect the distinction between theory and fact.
Until the church can explain the ever growing fossil record, they are forcing people to search for alternate ways to believe in a higher power without contradicting their knowledge of the world around them.
One needs to search for it within the context of a wholesome outlook of its deeper meaning, sensitivity to the hidden riches characterising human thought and knowledge.
But there is much that this sort of analysis misses, and may even destroy, in the search for knowledge.
Seeking discord, and searching for its interpretation, but no one knows its true meanings except Allah, and those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: «We believe in it; the whole of it is from our Lord»; and none will grasp the Message except men of understanding.
In his search for self - knowledge, Oedipus discovers resources of which he was previously unaware: a capacity for intellectual honesty that overcomes the pride that prohibits it, and a power of endurance that exalts him and those who, as chorus or audience, are involved in his destiny.23
In the context of a university, for example, revelational knowledge does not conflict with but can properly be understood as assisting the autonomous search for truth undertaken by the various disciplines.
My son, if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments with you, making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding; yes, if you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.
We are just consciously aware of it,, and in our infinite search for truth and knowledge we label it often as «God».
Those who truly want to know God must search for the necessary knowledge to become subjects of God's Kingdom on earth.
On the contrary, the human search for knowledge and love is essential to the human condition and takes on ultimate meaning in light of the communion of Trinitarian persons.
While postmodernity reacts against «philosophy» and intellectualism, exalting the «freedom to choose», it does not search for the truth and in fact thrives on the mere «possession» of «knowledge» and on individual «empowerment», thereby retaining pervertedelements of Western cultures that many in Africa have rightfully resented.
The position of ignorance is the beginning point in the search for knowledge.
Each believes that common rules are fine for common people, but that singularly great people must be free — to experiment without limits in search of knowledge, and to seize power and wealth.
When he studied the lives of those who gave themselves to the search for truth, he saw that they might be classified in four groups: the scholastic theologians, who proclaimed themselves the followers of reason and speculation; the Isma`ilis and other Shi`as who held that to reach truth one must have an infallible living teacher, and that there always is such a teacher; the philosophers, who relied on logical and rational proofs; and the Sufis, who held that they, the chosen of God, could reach knowledge of Him directly in mystical insight and ecstasy.
Alongside perplexed preparation for manifold tasks one finds present in many of these men a drive toward knowledge of the essential, a search for central Christian wisdom about the fundamental issues of life.
To be consonant with the Word of God, philosophy needs first of all to recover its sapiential dimension as a search for... the ultimate framework of the unity of human knowledge and action, leading them to converge towards a final goal and meaning (para. 81)... to verify the human capacity... to come to a knowledge which can reach objective truth (para. 82)... Hence we face a great challenge at the end of this millennium to move from phenomenon to foundation, a step as necessary as it is urgent.
With the wealth of knowledge found in these slideshows, you're sure to get the answers you've been searching for.
Since we are looking not just to maintain our position on the market, but also to co-create trends, we have organised Innovation Days, events dedicated to finding new opportunities in the glass industry, sharing knowledge and searching for innovative solutions that we can implement and use to shape new trends, thus placing ourselves and our partners ahead of the competition.»
This constant search for excellence relies on the particular talents of the men and women of the group, on the utmost quality of its products and on a complete knowledge of modern technologies.
This knowledge will prompt your baby to search for an object that you have partially hidden and to drop toys and other objects over the side of a crib or high chair to watch you retrieve them.
27 Crafts for Preschool: Activities for Preschool Children - The preschool era is such an exciting time in your life: you're at the peak of your cuteness, your mind is itching for knowledge, your imagination is dying to expand, and your hands are constantly searching for something to keep them busy.
I among them, for I recommend that you search out William Morris» account of John's death, coming as it does from the folk knowledge of fourteenth century peasants.
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