Sentences with phrase «search history of»

These function as targeted online advertisements, using web search history of people to find potential customers.
Both versions also include a search history of your last 100 entries, which you can clear at any time.
This additional information goes beyond the search history of the user which is often of little relevance for the case at hand.
To do some Search the history of over 310 billion web pages on the Internet.
The Google Ads you see are governed by many factors including the browsing and search history of the computer you're using.

Not exact matches

SEO penalties are tied to the history of search engines and the way that Google searches the web.
• NSA analysts, using the XKeyscore program, can search through enormous databases of emails, online chats, and browsing histories of targets.
The dead suspect is a German national with a history of psychological problems and police are searching his apartment, Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper reported, without saying how it got the information.
«The search history, social network, personal preferences, geography and a number of other factors influence the information found by the searcher,» study author Harald Holone wrote in a summary of his findings.
On Thursday at the American Museum of Natural History, Regeneron made the largest single commitment the Science Talent Search (STS), the nation's oldest and most prestigious high school science competition, has ever received.
Big Idea: Having gone from helping a couple of students incorporate their company to Sillicon Valley's most powerful lawyer, Drummond has a front - row seat to history, overseeing the search giant's corporate deals as well as the public - policy issues embroiling the search giant around privacy and national security.
Google can target ads based on keywords and personal search history, but Facebook's ads in the margins — for which there's no minimum budget — are ultra-refined, zeroing in on users based on age, geography, interests, education level, connections and a range of other data.
While the volumes of marketing research can point to the brands that are held in high regard in a given state — and why — much can be determined about a state's preference from something as simple as its Google search history.
Like Facebook, Google collects vast amount of data on users — including their YouTube choices, internet searches and location history — to target advertisements.
You will gain insights into the entire interaction history of everyone who visits your website or calls from all marketing channels, including social media, search, advertising and PPC, email, other websites, PR and third - party recommendations.
Having been on the search for a new job for 4 months (a casualty of the Alberta economy), I suspect that ageism is causing potential employers to exclude me (my history is 2 jobs = 35 years) from consideration.
Lastest Results - The results for the most recent drawing is front and center on the Home page Prior Results - We list the results for every drawing in the history of Mega Millions Ways to Win - We list all the different ways your numbers can win Mega Millions Statistics - The number of times each number was drawn, most and least likely number combinations, and other statistics Jackpot Analysis - See what you'd actually bring home if you won the big one, for both the cash and annuity options Search Past Results - You can find out every drawing that your numbers have won a prize, and how much you would have won (or did win!)
Armed with 15 years of search history and price data, the data scientists and data engineers at Trainline have been busy coming up with these smart features for its core consumer app.
For the sector analysis, we took the current six - month price patterns for each of the nine major sectors (Morningstar Sector classifications) and searched through a few decades of history for the most similar instances.
Some of the searches which we or a third party may perform, such as a credit check, may leave a soft footprint on your credit history.
If you're signed in to your Google Account and have Web History enabled, you might have noticed the drop down list of suggestions from the search box as soon as you start typing, it's Google Suggest.
Searching For and Finding Value» 9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Charlie Tian, Founder & Director of Research, Guru Focus Topic: «What Worked in the Market from 1998 - 2008: Undervalued Predictable Companies» 9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Robert Miles, Author & Conference Organizer & Host [USA] Topic: «Portrait of a Disciplined Investor: Beating the S&P 500 by 6.8 % Annually For 25 Years» 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Optional Tour depart from Ayres Hotel LAX to Huntington Library 12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. Briefing by the Chief Curator of Rare Books on the history of the Huntington Library and the Munger Research Center 12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Continue to Pasadena 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Charlie Munger's Wesco Financial Annual Meeting [The Pasadena Center, 300 East Green Street, Pasadena, CA.]
When Google rolled out encrypted search (more on this later, if you need a brushup on the history of Google encrypted search) a Google spokesperson claimed this change would affect «a single - digit percentage of all Google searches
Because these companies are collecting such personal data on you — potentially who you're messaging and when, your browsing and search history, your online purchases, your public profile information, among other details of your digital life — they should be transparent about what they're collecting, how they're share it with advertisers and third parties, and how it's being used to serve you targeted ads.
OK — quick Google search of every person quoted in this article will turn up that they are all somewhat anti-Catholic or have past history of openly criticizing Catholic church.
Thus university theology is characteristically in search of the very possibility of theology as such and tends, on the one hand, rarely to advance beyond prolegomena, programmatic probings, or an apologetic natural theology — unless it turns, on the other hand, with no little relief, to the very respectable study of the history of theology (as demonstrated, for instance, by the Bonhoeffer Society, the 19th Century Working Group of the AAR, the Tillich Working Group, or even the recently founded Karl Barth Society).
Following the release of Hollywood blockbuster Silence, John Dougill tells Sam Hailes about his book In Search of Japan's Hidden Christians (SPCK) which unpacks the history behind the film
But rather than implying by this, according to his original Barthian position, that one can not enquire behind the evangelist's message to that of Jesus, Diem now recognizes that «we must search back to that first phase of the history of the proclamation, the proclamation of the earthly Jesus himself».»
Next, looking back to the introduction of contemplation in the sport chapter, worship is understood as flowing from a response to the reality that is, and the Mass is seen as fulfilling the human search (evident in the history of religious rites) for the right way to worship.
As we attempted to outline in our last editorial, when we search the pages of human history we do find such a line of spiritual and religious tradition that not only claims the direct authority of the Absolute Transcendent One whose name is «I Am Who I Am», but is also coherently developmental in doctrine and in providence across millennia.
It is a stage in the history of the search of men and women for freedom of the spirit in love and marriage.
In fact, Wesley was confused by the experience, but his perplexity was to lead to a period of soul searching and finally to one of the most famous and consequential conversions in church history.
Finally, if man today is searching for a living God of the future rather than an anthropomorphic God of frozen history, the growth process has begun.
It was, therefore, an occasion tinged with the ambiguities and quirks of history when Patriarchs Demetrios and Diodoros — the former in search of ecumenical unity, the latter preoccupied with preserving Greek tribal hegemony in a scandal - ridden church — embraced in Jerusalem.
«2 Therefore, philosophy of religion must balance itself between the extremes of a philosophy that cuts itself off from religious experience and a religious stance that segregates itself from philosophical reflection.3 The search for a philosophy of religion is a search for total world - view in which the idea of God encountered in human history is thoroughly integrated.
See Professor JD Crossan's book, In Search of Paul, p. 401 for a good review of the history of his ma - rtyrdom i.e. Paul (as was Peter) was rounded up along with many Christians in Ne - ro's purge of the c - ult using the great fire of Rome as the pretext for the exec - utions.
James» intellectual search was answered by Catholicism's rich tradition of thought, history and doctrine.
As one who accepted the strange vocation of being an apocalyptic seer, Blake was not in quest of a hidden but ancient mythical form; instead, he was engaged in a desperate search for a new mythical «system» by which he might record the dawning of a final movement of redemption in the arena of our totally fallen history.
We can observe this search for a unifying principle at work in the history of philosophy, developing from Thales» water, Plato's Form of the Good, and Aristotle's Unmoved Mover, through most of medieval and early modern philosophy, and on to the objective anticipation of the final whole around which Pannenberg centers his system.
When the believer confesses his faith in God and affirms that he belongs to God, he affirms that this mysterious God is also the one who gives final significance to nature and to history, the one who gives meaning to the human search for meanings, the one who is the explanation of the fact that there are explanations.
Sartre's theory of essembles, so deftly spelled out in the Critique, reflects the radically determined historicity of perception and meaning; Solzhenitsyn's Gulag embodies the search for an ethics after history has been exposed as a power play.
The gale of information assails you freely, carrying you where it will, shaped to your personal search and purchase history.
Or freedom from religion, but there was once an article that had Texas» Board of Education trying to make Thomas Jefferson vanish from the history books, and was he not the one who believed in «separation between church and state» as well... anyone not believing me is free to spend a few seconds to do some web searches... the articles are out there... or people can remain in ignorance, but then they still won't feel any more blissful or happier...
Every theology of atonement arises in the history where we continue to search for an adequate expression of the truth.
Introduction: In Search of a Context «Christologies based on a Europe - centered history, a too narrow or deductive Christ - centered theology, and a church - centered mission tied to classical dogmas about the person of Christ and theories of the atonement, which respond to Western needs, are not only irrelevant to the life of the people but often...
Because the universe is itself fundamentally a story of restless searching for novel forms of order, we do not have to segregate it from the history of salvation and the realm of freedom.
A strong impulse toward ecumenical unity emanates from the personal and spiritual writings of this self - described «maverick Baptist working for the United Methodists» in search of «catholic» reality within the «basic unity of... the church as the Body of Christ» («Church History Is My Vocation.»
The history of art is, in one sense, the story of the effort to keep searching for new ways to bring together the most different elements imaginable.
Waugh understood that this search was all about the actual, raw fact of the Crucifixion really happening: the Christian faith is not a set of moral principles, or a myth and some lovely traditions, but the truth, rooted in history.
The study of history thus provides opportunities for the practice of freedom, by participating imaginatively in the decisions of persons who have acted in the past, thereby transcending the narrow confines of one's own existence, and by engaging in the activity of constructing and reconstructing a picture of the past, in the search for an ever more adequate account of the human drama.
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