Sentences with phrase «search of food»

You can send older students in search of food poems.
Russian dwarf hamsters have evolved to run around for miles in search of food.
Meanwhile, their duty done, male emperors take to the sea in search of food for themselves.
the sanctuary would also help solve a growing conflict between humans and wild elephants, which enter villages in search of food as deforestation destroys their natural habitats.
Killing of animals that wander into Montana in winter in search of food aims to keep in check a herd population whose size is determined by social tolerance rather than the ecosystem's carrying capacity, Yellowstone officials said.
Twenty - four hours a day, seven days a week, they move through the water in search of food such as shrimp and fish larvae, on journeys that can cover several kilometers a day.
Bees that ate glutamate were more likely to fly out in search of food when a hive was moved to a new location.
In the wild hamsters have been known to run five, or more, miles per night in search of food while patrolling their territory.
«In Search of Food Allergens, Consider Sending in the Dogs.»
In 2013, the opposite occurred; the water levels in the lake increased dramatically and caused the flamingos living on the lake to migrate to nearby lakes in search of a food supply.
During low tide, bears frequent the shoreline turning over rocks in search of food on the North Coast Trail, Nahwitti River area.
Brown bears are the consummate omnivores, and Katmai National Park and Preserve provides an untrammeled land for its most dominant inhabitant to travel in search of food of all shapes and sizes.
Shakeology's «Ingredient Hunter» travels the world in search of foods used by shamans and medicine men to promote good health.
Ivory was crying in pain and vomiting when her owner called, also in search of food for her cat.
Some 68 million years ago, herds of titanosaurs (more sauropods) apparently flocked to a prehistoric lake in this area in search of food and freshwater.
The good news is that most spiders prefer to live outside, but as we all know, you'll likely come across one or two who have found their way into your house in search of food or shelter.
Pope Francis demanded on Monday that world governments collectively commit to end rising world hunger by resolving the conflicts and climate change - related disasters that force people to leave their homes in search of food.
The people of Shertallai could not survive and many people fled to other places in search of food.
That year, my mother fled to China with my sister in search of food and money.
Everyday after school the boys bolt through the house to the kitchen in search of food.
Back up in my room, I showered, dressed, and headed down to the lobby in search of food.
But in the morning, while making their way to a nearby town in search of food, they were recaptured and sent to a camp deeper inside Germany.
Our basic instinctual tastes were formed by the evolutionary pressures on our hunting / gathering forebears, who typically traveled 10 - 20 miles a day on foot in search of food, and didn't have have surpluses or much grain.
Nothing in the world is more natural than sucking the mom's nipple in search of food and consolation.
An eyewitness while narrating what happened said a policeman opened fire on a soldier after a heated argument, adding that two soldiers who lodged at a hotel in Rumukpakani were said to have gone in search of food in the community.
A lot of kids in the school going ages are often out of school moving aimlessly round both rural and urban communities in search of food to eat on a daily basis.
The fact that early humans advanced to the Americas despite continent - sized glaciers standing in the way has also prompted him to rethink the conventional wisdom that early humans, like other animals, migrated solely in search of food.
A few prefer to walk, including the little skate — a sandy - colored, wok - size pancake with a tail — that scissors its stubby hind fins back and forth to run along the northwestern Atlantic Ocean's sea floor in search of food.
One of the bears, a mother with a yearling cub on her back, made what researchers are calling an «epic journey in search of food» during September - October 2008.
Whatever life throws at them, they remain rooted to the spot — they can not migrate in search of food, escape a swarm of locusts or find shelter from a storm.
Cats in lush environments have small ranges, whereas those in barren landscapes must go farther in search of food.
It bears a striking resemblance to the path of an insect flying around in search of food.
An animal's home range is the territory it regularly covers in search of food and mates.
There were still on the road side the remains of several corpses, and the marks of where many others had been interred: the villages almost entirely deserted and the houses fallen down, the surviving inhabitants having dispersed in search of food
Researchers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Alaska Ecosystems Program announced findings this week that may explain what the marine mammals are looking for when they swim hundreds of kilometers from land in search of food.
Her sweet potatoes, she told us last year, are under constant attack from baboons and elephants that stray from the park in search of food.
Our ancestors living on the plains of Africa 1.9 million years ago were tall — around 1.83 metres — with long legs and narrow bodies, adaptations that may have helped them keep cool while travelling long distances in search of food.
This waste of fish and effort can be minimised by trawling during the day, when ratfish aren't out scouring the sea floor in search of food.
Cases peak in the dry season, when farmers burn the bushes in preparation for spring planting and rats scurry into houses in search of food.
During the 2012 crèche phase, males in particular spent more time at sea in search of food to regain the mass they lost during their chick - guarding fast ashore.
As Jablonski explains, the changing environment our ancestors faced 1.6 million years ago necessitated more trekking in search of food and fresh water.
Unlike the typical single cell that is tethered to a limited environment, a multicellular unit can roam over great distances in search of food or more favorable ecological conditions or other multicellular units.
If you've ever watched a bird hop from branch to branch in search of food, you've caught a glimpse at how prehistoric flying dinosaurs foraged among forest trees.
In some of these mazes, the animals must run down a series of «arms» fanning out from a central area in search of food.
In particular, the study demonstrates the snakes may fearlessly travel across seemingly unsafe terrain in search of food or other resources with confidence that they will be able to return home easily.
When ants go exploring in search of food they end up choosing collective routes that fit statistical distributions of probability.
nomad (adj. nomadic) The name for someone who has not settled into any community or fixed site, but instead lives by moving from place to place over the course of a year in search of food and shelter.
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