Sentences with phrase «seasonal ice retreat»

When seasonal ice retreat occurs early, low - albedo open water areas are exposed early, which gain a lot of energy from the sun.
At the same time, as the melt season advances, the importance of solar heating, one of the main drivers of seasonal ice retreat, starts to wane due to increasing cloudiness and lower solar elevations.
With lack of multiyear ice, a normal or slightly below - normal thickness offshore ice cover (based on ice thickness flights earlier in the season) and coastal ice vulnerable to early break - up, ice conditions would favor a normal or somewhat early seasonal ice retreat.
But will probably end up as the third - or fourth - greatest seasonal ice retreat on record.
Arctic researchers caution that there is something of a paradox in Arctic trends: while the long - term fate of the region may be mostly sealed, no one should presume that the recent sharp warming and seasonal ice retreats that have caught the world's attention will continue smoothly into the future.

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«This study was the first to quantitatively elucidate that ice - ocean albedo feedback is a primary driver of seasonal and yearly variations in Arctic sea ice retreat,» says Kay I. Ohshima.
, then at the seasonal cycle (what does the sea ice advance and retreat look like?
And as technology improves, oil prices rise and the seasonal ice cap retreats, countries like Norway and Russia are acting with startling speed.
Variability, trends, and predictability of seasonal sea ice retreat and advance in the Chukchi Sea.
27 January 2000: The Hektoria Glacier system is stable, but increased summer melting from climate warming in the 1980s and 1990s affected the glacier system in two ways: (1) a seasonal speedup from summer melt water percolating through the glacier ice to its base, and (2) initial retreat of the Larsen Ice Shelf due to the effects of melt ponds (downstream from this imagice to its base, and (2) initial retreat of the Larsen Ice Shelf due to the effects of melt ponds (downstream from this imagIce Shelf due to the effects of melt ponds (downstream from this image).
Seasonal sea ice retreat in 2012 began with a major reduction event in early June (Figure 2) associated with persistent high pressure over the Beaufort Sea and low pressure over the Kara Sea, now referred to as the Arctic Dipole (AD) weather pattern (see discussion of the AD in previous Outlooks).
A recent study by NSIDC scientists Mark Serreze, Julienne Stroeve, and Alexander Crawford, along with University of Washington scientist Rebecca Woodgate, demonstrates strong links between seasonal sea ice retreat and advance in the Chukchi Sea and the inflow of ocean heat into the region through the Bering Strait.
It is undergoing dramatic change with retreat of the permanent, as well as seasonal, ice.
Record seasonal retreats of sea ice northward into the Chukchi and Beaufort seas were reported for 2002 - 2005 [258], but they were exceeded by ice retreats in 2007 and 2008 [255].
Interestingly, in the Seasonally Ice - free Zone (SIZ, the band located between the winter and summer sea ice edge), this production is highly stimulated by increased iron availability due to the seasonal sea ice retreIce - free Zone (SIZ, the band located between the winter and summer sea ice edge), this production is highly stimulated by increased iron availability due to the seasonal sea ice retreice edge), this production is highly stimulated by increased iron availability due to the seasonal sea ice retreice retreat.
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