Sentences with phrase «seasoned mom friends»

In the maternity ward, have nurses help you and don't be shy about asking your seasoned mom friends to observe your latch.
Don't feel like you need to venture into the wilds of the baby department alone: bring along one or two seasoned mom friends, they'll be able to tell you which products were absolute lifesavers, and which ones ended up getting regifted.
Have a seasoned mom friend show you the way or ask your pediatrician to show you.

Not exact matches

The season, which really picks up in the final episodes, also follows a lovely romance between Kate's dad and her friend Luke's mom, which is one of the few «parent» stories on a teen show that's not a complete waste of screen time.
When we were growing up, our sweet mom would spend hours in the kitchen during the holiday season baking yummy cookies and treats for our neighbors and friends.
In addition to reading up on breast and bottle feeding, ask your healthcare provider, a lactation consultant, and friends and family who are seasoned moms lots of questions:
As a seasoned mom of a fussy baby, I delight in calming the babies of my friends and family.
This year, I thought that some of my «mom friends» from my kids» school could use a nice break from the craziness of the season and invited them to join me for coffee and cookies.
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