Sentences with phrase «seat of existence»

Because the seat of existence in each moment negated itself, its consciousness of itself as continuing through time, as responsibly purposing, willing, and controlling, was constantly undermined.
The Indian recognized, as few Westerners have done before modern times, how much of the psychic life is organized around centers largely independent of the seat of existence.
Identity through time was relegated to the unconscious, while the seat of existence remained in consciousness.
The seat of existence of Hindu man, no less than of Western man, was in the rational consciousness, and he recognized the natural tendency to identify this with his self.
The denial of Atman, therefore, on the part of Buddhism was not some strange metaphysical doctrine to the effect that the flow of experience did not occur or that there was no seat of existence in human experiences.
In the West, the identification of the self with the seat of existence has been virtually unquestioned until recent times, although many of the connotations of the Indian Atman have confusedly been associated with it.
Although this did not lead to a return to the dominance of the unconscious, it did prevent the new seat of existence in consciousness from entering upon any further development.
Atman, which is translated as «self,» had connotations of ultimacy and self - identity that did not fit the seat of existence.
In our Western usage, it is tempting to identify the self with the seat of existence as defined in the preceding chapter.
What is common to all axial peoples is that the seat of existence shifted from the unconscious to the reflective consciousness, and that, thereby, the reflective consciousness ceased to be bound by the mythical meanings of the unconscious.
The shift of the seat of existence to the rational consciousness, however, created an alienation of the self from the unconscious psychic life as a whole.
It presupposed, of course, the emergence of rational consciousness and the location of the seat of existence within it that was characteristic of all axial men.
But the seat of existence from which these forces were viewed, and in some measure objectified, could not be identified with any of them.
The Indian was conscious of his own seat of existence in a way largely lacking among the Greeks.
Thus we may say that the rise of rational consciousness as an important new factor, which constituted the threshold crossed by civilized man, prepared for the possibility that the seat of existence shift into this consciousness.
In all axial men, the seat of existence is located in the rational consciousness.
The locus of the seat of existence in reflective consciousness does not guarantee its control over all that takes place within that consciousness.
That is, it reflects the shift of the seat of existence to consciousness and the consequent objectification of the mythical products of the unconscious.
Here we must think of a reflective consciousness in which the seat of existence is capable of changing.
This unity was achieved around some center or some determining perspective, and it is this center that is the seat of existence.
Within the soul, further distinctions were made, for example, between reason and desire, and the seat of existence was identified with reason.
This shift in its turn further strengthened the rational consciousness, and finally man was able, from this new seat of existence, to assert conscious control over the whole of consciousness.
This means that when the seat of existence was located in the unconscious, individual identity through time was far less exclusive than it became with the axial shift of center to consciousness.
In any case, the shift of the seat of existence to reflective consciousness is witnessed to in writings dating back to the time of David, if not earlier.
When the seat of existence shifted effectively to reflective consciousness, a new type of continuity between successive occasions of experience arose as well as a new separation of the individual thus constituted from all other individuals.
It could be prevented only by the realization that the seat of existence is not the true self.
The shift of the seat of existence from the unconscious to the conscious estranged the self from the sacred power, and the triumph of the rational consciousness over the mythical broke also the power of the sacred.

Not exact matches

Benchmark argues that it never would have granted Kalanick those three extra seats had it known about his «gross mismanagement and other misconduct at Uber» — which Benchmark claims included «pervasive gender discrimination and sexual harassment,» and the existence of confidential findings (a.k.a..
If he does know of our existence, he's taking a back seat approach, and watching how it folds out while laughing at all the man made religions that try to speak for him.
This belief grows out of a profound experience of the worth of existence, a deep - seated affirmation of life as worthwhile.
But the emergence of the reflective consciousness as the seat of human existence did not necessarily entail an awareness by the soul of itself.
I have defined axial existence in terms of the movement of the seat of the soul to its reflective consciousness and its dominance over the unconscious.
The achievement of Socrates was, then, that in him the seat of individual existence became firmly identified with reason.
The idiom of resurrection emphasizes that it is not a part, but the whole of a man's historical existence which is raised before the Judgment seat of God.
«The crisis, then, presses toward a conversion, deep - seated, organic, religious in essence, so that no part of political or personal existence will be untouched by it.»
They were inspired to build the best jogging stroller in existence that was lightweight with a state - of - the - art suspension system and tough polymer tires, not to mention a padded reclining seat for the little passenger.
The idea was for him to merely force the Democrats to spend money to defend a seat that was then drawn out of existence by the GOP).
«To give meaning to militancy and violence, a group of brigands and outright criminals have been assembled and given such blood clotting names as Invincible Forces, Delta Forces, Kandaha Boys, Volta Crocodiles and also given official covering from the seat of government to perpetuate their illegal existence,» Mr Portuphy said.
«But to build a stadium with less football seats than the stadium that's now in existence, I've never heard of that before,» DeFrancisco said.
The existence of the dossier appears to be confirmation that Labour sympathisers fear Mr Bailey's appeal amongst the large number of black voters in the Hammersmith seat.
The very existence of compensation seats reinforces my point that there is no way to fairly determine geographic districts.
Labour had won 60 fewer seats than the Labour government of 1964 to 1970 and if a progressive government had been formed, it would have led a hand - to - mouth existence.
This was a safe Labour seat during the three parliaments of its existence.
The existence of such seats is a feature of a FPTP electoral system, not a bug.
It was a safe Conservative seat for most of its existence.
We examined some righteous stuff: a Tucker Torpedo, the game - changing rear - engine Lotus - Ford single - seater in which Jim Clark won the 1965 Indy 500, and a 1931 Bugatti Type 41 Royale, which is one of only six in existence.
However, one new CX - 5 derivative that will eventuate in this generation — as early as next year in Australia — is the first seven - seat version, which we revealed the existence of back in 2015 and was again confirmed by a Japanese blog in January.
The existence of the five - door, five - seat Velar SUV coupe was confirmed today, with full details set to be revealed on March 1 ahead of a motor show reveal the following week in Geneva.
From the beginning of the contest period for a board seat through the first year of a hybrid board's existence, companies» total returns were 19.1 percent, or 16.6 percentage points better than peers».
Constructed in the seat of the former Konzerthaus auditorium, vacant since its destruction during World War II, its very existence is symphonic testament to regeneration.
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