Sentences with word «seatwork»

The failure to complete seatwork satisfactorily can be caused by a variety of factors, including difficulty understanding the directions, an inability to do the work, distractibility, poor time management, or lack of motivation.
WHY: The youngest learners in Chicago Public Schools are facing multiple standardized tests — as many as 14 in some kindergarten classrooms — inappropriate amounts of seatwork and homework, and a lack of opportunities for play, exploration, and creativity.
Talk with her in a non-judgmental way to try to determine why she is having problems with seatwork: Does she understand the directions?
Campers complete individual seatwork assignments, and then participate in a peer tutoring program for reading.
Second student complains to principal about teacher refusal to explain seatwork.
Due to time or other constraints, sometimes these problems have been left for students to complete during independent seatwork or homework.
Dr. Ken Shore offers nine tips for getting successful seatwork from all students.
Included: Nine tips for getting successful seatwork from all students.
Part of a student's difficulty in finishing seatwork might be the clutter on her desk, causing her to have trouble focusing.
Refuse to answer more questions about seatwork.
Check with students during seatwork to see if they need assistance before they have to ask for help.
The computer program has gotten quite good at detecting different types of activities — lectures vs. group discussion vs. seatwork, for example — and is starting to be able to also differentiate between good questions and bad.
Correct seatwork and display on bulletin board.
This type of math instruction is evidenced by routine teaching acts as giving information, asking low - level questions, giving directions, making assignments, monitoring seatwork, reviewing assignments, giving tests, etc. (Ladson - Billings, 1997).
The teachers in the most effective schools spent 134 minutes a day on reading (including small and whole group reading instruction, independent seatwork, independent reading, and writing in response to reading) as compared to teachers in the moderately and least effective schools who averaged 113 minutes a day (in both levels of school effectiveness) on reading.
-- inappropriate amounts of seatwork and homework, and a lack of opportunities for play, exploration, and creativity.
Those who completed the seatwork are allowed free time once they cleaned up, and I was impressed by the children's willingness to return to their seatwork when I noticed they had begun playing without picking up or finishing some assignments.
Reward students who finish their seatwork.
You might, for example, allow students who have completed their seatwork to engage in pleasurable activities of their own choosing.
A student might come to believe that her failure to complete seatwork will not catch up to her, however, almost invariably, it does.
Arrange a seatwork buddy for the student.
Or you might schedule a recreational activity at the end of the week for those who are up to date with their seatwork and homework.
Have the student begin her seatwork with you.
Arrange a private signal with the student to encourage her to focus on the seatwork assignment.
Ask a responsible classmate to help the student complete her seatwork.
Provide the seatwork in chunks.
When reacting to a student who has trouble completing seatwork, you need to figure out why she is not completing in - school assignments.
Giving a student the seatwork in parts will make it appear more manageable to her, and she will be more likely to tackle it.
If you can zero in on what might be impeding her seatwork, try to modify the task in accordance with her needs.
The Seatwork Slacker When responding to a student who doesn't complete in - school assignments, you first need to figure out why she is not completing the seatwork.
Use a kitchen timer to motivate the student to complete seatwork.
Once the students are shown what to do, they can also be used for homework, seatwork, or at a math center.The grids are large enough for students to write the numbers in with some numbers already entered to guide the students along.
This booklet can be used for small groups, homework, seatwork, or at a math center where it could be laminated.
(Alicia) e. To see if we know a lot so that when we do our seatwork we can answer the questions.
Worksheets and seatwork does not foster learning or active engagement in student's educational experiences.
More Than a Score is concerned that the youngest learners in Chicago Public Schools are facing multiple standardized tests — as many as 14 in some kindergarten classrooms — inappropriate amounts of seatwork and homework, and a lack of opportunities for play, exploration, and creativity.
This resource also contains three additional pages with just math problems for you to use for morning work, homework, bell work, seatwork, quizzes, pretests or post-tests.
Everything students do — such as conversing in groups, completing seatwork, answering and asking questions, working on projects, handing in homework assignments, even sitting silently and looking confused — is a potential source of information about how much they understand.
Effective teachers explicitly teach students how to behave responsibly and respectfully in every classroom situation — teacher - directed instruction, independent seatwork, cooperative groups, tests, and all major transitions.
Recent data show that most instructional time is composed of seatwork and whole - class instruction led by the teacher (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Early Child Care Research Network, 2005).
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