Sentences with phrase «second dwi»

I received a second DWI and now have a one - year suspension.
The state prison term for driving during a period of suspension for a second DWI / DUI is 180 days without any opportunity for parole.
There are tough, mandatory jail terms even for persons convicted on a Second DWI.
(CNN)-- Former New York Rep. John Sweeney was arrested early Sunday morning on his second DWI incident in 17 months after refusing to take field sobriety tests, the Saratoga County District Attorney's office confirms to CNN.
Allison's second DWI in the past year is an indicator that she may be in trouble with a drinking problem and need help but also that she IS in trouble with a legal problem.

Not exact matches

The DWI arrest is the second for Lee, a lobbyist with DKC, who was arrested last May for drunken driving in the town of Hurley.
If you feel clear, alert, and energized and have no discomfort in your back, you can do as many as six repetitions of Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana, holding the pose for 30 to 60 seconds each time to refine your actions and build stamina.
Second, very few people who submit to these driver field tests avoid arrest for DWI in Hudson Valley.
Second, very few people who submit to these driver field tests avoid arrest for DWI in Westchester County.
Gross Misdemeanor offenses include repeat assaults, certain driving offenses, and second and third degree DWIs / DUIs.
A typical first time DWI case usually involves two legal cases: the drivers license «implied consent» license revocation; and second, the DWI - criminal case.
The only time a companion ticket may not be plea bargained is when the companion summons involves a First Offense of Refusal (second or subsequent refusals are not subject to the ban) or a School Zone DWI.
Second - offense DWIs are some of the hardest fought cases in New Jersey.
Is your current DWI is being charged as a second offense on the basis of an out - of - state DWI?
While prosecutors are prohibited from resorting to plea bargaining to downgrade a second tier to a first tier, lowering is permitted if your Holmdel DWI defense lawyer presents a meritorious issue concerning the validity of the original breath test result.
If you are convicted of a second offense, the penalties at sentencing hinge on whether the conviction is for a first tier or second tier DWI.
Hiring a lawyer who is skilled in defending Tinton Falls DWI offenses is obviously a objective you should have if you are facing a second offense charge in this jurisdiction.
The penalties for Refusal, although similar to DWI, do differ for a First Offense Refusal, Second Offense Refusal, and Third Offense Refusal.
Although the biggest block of DWI charges involve a first violation, there are also many second offense cases heard in Holmdel.
If you have been charged with a second offense of DWI or DUI in Holmdel Township, the lawyers at our firm can definitely assist you.
refusal to submit to breath test; underage DWI; first offense DUI, second offense DWI, and third offense DWI; driving under the influence (DUI Charges), Marijuana, prescription drugs, and cocaine charge; reckless driving; Woodbridge arrests; and all other Woodbridge Municipal Court matters.
Second time DWI convictions require mandatory prison sentence and felony convictions following three of more convictions require a 6 month minimum imprisonment.
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