Sentences with phrase «second fear period»

Afterward, between 6 and 14 months they officially enter the doggy adolescence phase during which they may become rebellious and a second fear period occurs.
While the 8 to 12 week puppy fear period is in some cases hardly noticed by puppy owners, the second fear period appears to have a much bigger impact.
It's most often seen in pups who didn't go through a second Fear Period during their fourth month.

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However, a second referendum isn't all that welcome, for fears that it would slow down the process and extend the period of uncertainty the nation is facing even more.
The term refers to U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy and has its origins in the period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting roughly from 1947 to 1956 and characterized by heightened political repression as well as a campaign spreading fear of Communist influence on American institutions and of espionage by Soviet agents.
Sure, there have been outriders floating radical ideas about policy and party reform, yet despite the fears among MPs that there would be a period of blood - letting following Owen Smith's emphatic defeat in the second leadership election last summer, there has been no abuse of the party's internal processes by Corbyn, evidenced by the failure of his supporters to secure berths in the pre-election carve - up of safe seats.
He's building on the socialization and interactions that he started on during the second and third months, and has hopefully come through the first Fear Period unscathed.
2nd Fear - Impact Period (if has not yet occurred): Puppies that did not experience their Second Fear - Impact Period in the last stage of puppy - hood will experience it during the Adolescent Period.
The Second Fear - Impact period is similar to the First Fear - Impact Period and lasts for approximately 3 period is similar to the First Fear - Impact Period and lasts for approximately 3 Period and lasts for approximately 3 weeks.
2nd Fear - Impact Period: Starting in the 5th month of the Juvenile period, there may be a Second Fear - Impact Period that lasts for 3 Period: Starting in the 5th month of the Juvenile period, there may be a Second Fear - Impact Period that lasts for 3 period, there may be a Second Fear - Impact Period that lasts for 3 Period that lasts for 3 weeks.
Many breeds experience what is sometimes called a «second» fear period, between 6 and 12 months.
Other research indicates that there may be a second «fear» period that occurs between 6 and 8 months old (for more information, see «Socialization).
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