Sentences with phrase «second agreement»

What I came up with is best articulated by Don Miguel Ruiz's Second Agreement in his book The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom.
In the second agreement, Shkreli agreed to give 6,300 Retrophin shares to Marshall in return for a release for him and the MSMB Funds.
We also discovered a second agreement, variously expressed: that theology in the Wesleyan spirit must be truly ecumenical, or it is not truly Wesleyan.
However, in 1951, German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, who viewed Jewish reparations as part of the burden Germans needed to confront frankly in order to wipe out the Nazi past, offered reparations amounting to DM 3.45 billion to the survivors of the Holocaust, and a second agreement in 1953 committed the Federal Republic to still further reparations payments.
And just in case there are any outraged woman out there pondering over these comments, isn't it funny how all of you increase the second an agreement is made to produce children.
The second agreement with the New Lenox Public Library Board reaffirmed a commitment to continue the Commons project even if the Park District doesn't participate.
He said a second agreement with architects would be necessary when the district is ready to begin the project, which would require additional board approval.
The second agreement was later approved by members.
The contract which runs from 2016 through March 31, 2019 is the second agreement ratified this year.
At the moment, no additional information was available on the second agreement announced on Friday along with a package of ethics and lobbying reform legislation.
The second agreement called for the three participating companies to study the potential viability of an ethanol plant in Germany.
The second agreement with ZF covers the development and manufacture of an new 9 - speed front - wheel drive transmission for medium - duty applications, with an expected 7 % reduction in fuel consumption over the current 6 - speed transmissions.
In a second agreement with Vietnam Airlines, Sabre Airline Solutions worked with IBM to provide the airline with a complete Internet Booking Engine (IBE) that will provide the airline's customers with a wide - ranging menu of services.
This device would also not come into play, however the second agreement would allow Philips to create titles using Nintendo characters for it's own home entertainment system, the CD - i.
Environment: Big news from the United Nations global warming conference was the last - second agreement on a pact for cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
However, the receiver was unaware of the second agreement and would not have recommended approval of the sale to Mr. Baig had they known.3
Still, given the EU's negotiating power and clout it is fairly likely that a second agreement would materialise, without the risk of dragging the trade components with it in case there is no agreement.
There could also be a risk that the second agreement, the investment one, would not materialise.
This is the second agreement reached with companies in the law book industry which use automatic shipments to distribute publications to libraries, government agencies and law firms in Florida.
The Court determined that the arbitration clause in the first agreement was not applicable because the second agreement superseded the first and because no allegations were made with respect to the first agreement.
This would especially be the case if the second agreement is terminated for consideration.
However, Article 1 (3)(b)(i) apparently applied to the facts because the state where the arbitration was to be held (France or Switzerland, or the U.K. if the second agreement applied) was not the state where the parties carried on business (Ontario or Canada).
«Don't take anything personally,» is the second agreement in «The Four Agreements,» a bestselling book by Don Miguel Ruiz.
Regarding the second agreement, Ruiz says: «As you make a habit of not taking anything personally, you won't need to place your trust in what others do or say.
The vendor then entered a «back up» second agreement to sell conditional on non-performance of the first agreement.
The second agreement contained similar terms as the first agreement but instead listed only fifteen specific lots that the Salesperson could sell, and named a price for twelve of those lots.
When the first agreement expired, a second agreement was entered into between the parties.
Shortly after joining Broker, Plaintiff entered into a second agreement («Team Agreement») with two other salespeople affiliated with Broker in order to create a team.
The court found the second agreement was unenforceable because it involved the Broker splitting commissions with unlicensed persons.
The first version of the listing agreement expired after one year, but it was replaced with a second agreement which did not contain an expiration date.
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