Sentences with phrase «second burst»

When scrolling through the 7 - second burst of shots that Clips takes, you can select a specific frame and save it as a high - resolution photo.
Second burst was in December 2013, when the price fell from $ 1,242 to $ 600 per coin.
All of this sounds complex, but you're not really supposed to use it all at once — the aim is for the Watch to shine in 10 - 15 - second burst throughout the day, not in extended usage sessions.
Sure, starting well in a race is important but I'd much rather learn how best to do so on the fly, rather than training myself to get a gold trophy by repeating the same 10 - second burst of gameplay over and over again.
The 2013 comes with a more powerful lithium ion battery this year, as well as S + button for a 5 second burst of speed, and a back up camera.
This reminds me of the days when we went from narrow band to broadband on the Internet and suddenly there was a second burst of the Internet because all kinds of new usage exploded.
Here, you do a 60 - second burst of intense activity, like rapidly pounding the treadmill or furiously lifting weights, then take a 10 to 30 - second break.
This supplement makes me feel like I get that second burst of energy sooner!
Exercise that consists of two minutes of rapid walking followed by a twenty or thirty - second burst of running up and down a flight of stairs (or similar activity) that gets your heart rate up past your anaerobic threshold repeated a total of three to five times is all you need to promote a burst of growth hormone secretion.
The 1 / 1000th of second burst of energy means that the pulsars are at most (300,000 kilometers / second) × (1/1000 second) = 300 kilometers across.
In practice, officers use a 5 - second burst.
When you see a taser demonstration, the volunteer usually gets a half - second burst — enough to fell most people with excruciating muscle spasms.
About 1,000 times a night, billions of neurons undergo a synchronous one - second burst of non-REM electrical activity.
HOUSTON — Years of scientific work were almost certainly destroyed and perhaps tens of thousands of lab animals drowned when a second burst from Tropical Storm Allison hit here this weekend.
The Cider with Character TV ad will air throughout May and June and will include a second burst of air - time during August and September.
In a large microwave safe bowl, melt together the butter and chopped dark chocolate in 30 second burst stirring after each interval.
If you're going microwave combine the condensed milk, butter, salt, and chocolate in a large bowl and warm up in 30 second bursts, stirring after each 30 seconds, just until the chocolate's melted and the mixture is smooth, stir in the peppermint extract.
Alternately, add all the ingredients to a microwave - safe bowl and melt in 30 second bursts while stirring after each.
Then in a small bowl melt the chocolate chips in the microwave in 30 second bursts, stirring in between each burst.
Heat on medium for 30 second bursts, stirring after.
Place the chopped chocolate and butter in a small heat - safe bowl and melt in the microwave in 30 - second bursts at 70 % power or over a double boiler, stirring until melted and smooth.
Make the chocolate glaze by melting 1/3 cup mini chocolate chips in the microwave in short 30 second bursts, stirring between each 30 period.
PULSE the cauliflower in 1 - second bursts, until it looks about the size of grains of rice.
Melt white chocolate in the microwave in 30 - second bursts, stirring between each interval, until completely melted and smooth.
In a medium bowl, melt dark chocolate in the microwave in 30 - second bursts, stirring between each interval, until it's completely melted and smooth.
Meanwhile, make the whipped ganache: place butter, chocolate, corn syrup, and salt into a microwave safe bowl and microwave in 30 second bursts until 2/3 of the way melted.
Melt the chocolate and butter in a small glass bowl over a saucepan of simmering water or in the microwave set to medium on 30 second bursts, stirring frequently.
The easiest way to melt this is in 25 second bursts in the microwave, giving it a stir after each burst.
After the 2 1/2 minutes are up, remove the paper towels and cook beets for two 30 - second bursts, flipping in between bursts.
You can quickly warm up the milk by popping it in the microwave for 15 second bursts and giving it a stir in between, and warm up the eggs by placing them in a bowl of lukewarm water.
** To bring milk to room temperature quickly, microwave for short 10 - 15 second bursts.
Scatter the chilled butter pieces around the bowl and pulse in 1 - second bursts just until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
Melt in the microwave with 30 - second bursts of high heat, stirring well after each interval.
Microwave on high in 10 - second bursts, stirring between bursts, until smooth and pourable.
Repeat this two more times (making four total 45 - second bursts), then pour the popcorn out onto cookie sheets to cool.
Microwave on medium heat at 30 second bursts stirring between each, to melt all the ingredients until completely blended and smooth (if you don't have a microwave, you can heat in a saucepan over a low heat, stirring frequently).
When ready to serve, melt the chocolate chips in the microwave in short 30 second bursts stirring between each.
well i did it in 30 second bursts like you said and it worked fine.
Sleep spindles are half - second to two - second bursts of brain activity, measured in the 10 - 16 Hertz range on an EEG.
These sweep the audible frequency range from 20 hertz to 400 hertz in 20 - second bursts.
Ischemic postconditioning is a variation on angioplasty that involves using 30 - second bursts of blood flow interspersed with 30 - second pauses to restore blood flow to the heart.
Make intervals shorter and more intense: Try 20 - second bursts, followed by 10 seconds of rest.
Just place the caramel in a small bowl and microwave in 10 - second bursts, stirring in between, until it is smooth and more fluid again.
Just ramp up to high intensity for 30 - to 60 - second bursts, do a few recovery minutes at a lower intensity, then repeat, Otto says.
While less than comfortable, these 40 - second bursts remind me that momentary aches are fleeting, nothing a moment of rest can't resolve.
If the slices are still not quite tender enough cook them further in 30 second bursts until they're as you like them.
Those benefits can be achieved even with low - volume high - intensity interval training (HIIT), which involves 15 - to 60 - second bursts of high - intensity cycling interspersed with two to four minute intervals of low - intensity cycling.
Cook in 30 second bursts, forking through the eggs after each burst.
Once you get comfy and your movements are fluid, aim to complete this beginner cardio blaster from Peterson twice a week: Shoot for 10, 15, or 20 minutes, depending on your current fitness, with 10 - second bursts of speed and power at the end of every minute, and build from there.
At the end of each week the subjects cycled for half an hour and then had to sprint six times for ten - second bursts.
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