Sentences with phrase «second class citizenship»

Sexual orientation can not and must not, be the basis of a second class citizenship.
One of the biggest mistakes that I see in the climate science community is that the meteorologists were relegated to second class citizenship in the climate debate and the physicists took over.

Not exact matches

It is true that the US did not persecute the Jews - or at least, as one Nazi lawyer remarked in 1936, it had not persecuted the Jews «so far» - but it had created a host of forms of second - class citizenship for other minority groups, including Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos, Puerto Ricans and Native Americans, scattered all over the Union and its colonies.
The real question is whether we have the guts, the resolve and the strength to implement the necessary changes before we doom another generation of kids to lifetime under - employment, second - class citizenship or worse.
Say no to second - class citizenship.
The civil rights revolution largely succeeded in its effort to eliminate legally enforced second - class citizenship for blacks.
Many white folks still insisted that Negroes were inferior people doomed to second - class citizenship.
But for any reader who wants to find in one volume the immense complexity of traditional Muslim rationale for relegating Christians to second - class citizenship, this is the book.
Speaking very roughly, it refers to the second - class citizenship of Jews and Christians» the so - called «People of the Book»» living in the House of Islam.
It was an experience in which he had grown up in poverty, the poverty of second - class citizenship.
The Early Days of Christianity Women have suffered second - class citizenship for so long that it is hardly surprising if nowadays we are suspicious that it is not God but man who continues to debar...
Rosalyn Gold - Onwude went on to detail the hardship, inconvenience and general second - class citizenship suffered by Stanford's Littles (backcourt players, or «peasants,» as she also calls them) on a team built around Bigs (frontcourt players, a.k.a. «the czars, the emperors, the queens»): «The Littles endure harder drills and slow delivery of new gear only to tolerate yet another injustice: the plays aren't for us.»
«We would be creating a second class of citizenship,» Jacob Rees - Mogg told the Spectator yesterday.
We need our elected officials to be leaders on diversity, not urging second - class citizenship for some groups of people.»
Oh, and largely trapped in relative poverty and second - class citizenship up until my lifetime, and I ain't that old.
The demonstrators choose The Handmaid's Tale, now a series on Hulu and based on a Margaret Atwood novel, in which women are relegated to second - class citizenship without reproductive rights in a male - dominated dystopia.
Little did I expect that today Romanians would be under threat of being relegated to second class EU citizenship.
In a sign that Pluto's second - class citizenship is here to stay, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) at a meeting this week in Oslo, Norway, declared that dwarf planets will now be called «plutoids.»
To allow an entire class to use the technologically sophisticated Second Life, the High School of Global Citizenship and Global Kids relied on a Motorola Innovation Generation Grant to pay for new laptops for all the students.
He explains that this episode features a speech from Dr. María «Cuca» Robledo Montecel, IDRA executive director, at the High Poverty Schooling in America: Lessons in Second - Class Citizenship conference at the University of North School School of Law on October 13, 2006.
With the higher duty to protect children, many teachers bravely faced this challenge, using their classrooms not only to teach basic skills, but also to encourage critical thinking skills and inspiring young people to challenge second - class citizenship.
We offer English as a Second Language, Citizenship, Computer Literacy classes, Financial Literacy, parenting workshops, book clubs, as well as community social gatherings, such as potlucks or movie screenings.
In the Panamera, the isolation of the rear seats imbues a sense of second - class citizenship despite the beautiful finishes.
Among the cast of characters in the movie is Sarah Jane, a light - skinned black girl who rejects her mother and passes as white to escape the fate of American second - class citizenship.
Can a nation that has so freely appropriated the land and resources of Puerto Rico, while consigning its residents to second - class citizenship and exorbitant government debt, be itself appropriated as a screen upon which Soto can project the (wooden) rejas of her Boricua childhood?
When I wrote that being carless in America is like second - class citizenship, it stirred up quite a debate.
Toronto August 20, 2015 — The BC Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA) and the Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers (CARL) have launched a constitutional challenge to the new Citizenship Act, a federal law relegating millions of Canadians to second - class status.
The most significant additions were the creation of «conditional permanent resident status» in 2012 (for Applicants in a spousal sponsorship application) and, with the changes to our Citizenship Act, «second class» Canadian citizens in 2014.
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