Sentences with phrase «second counter argument»

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In support of this second point, the President has pointed to overall declines in total Post Office revenue (an argument analysts are quick to counter — revenue in the Post Office's shipping and packages segment continues to grow).
If you mean that we counter creationists arguments that evolution runs counter to the second law of thermodynamics by saying that that law only applies to heat transfer and randomness in a closed (gaseous) system, well, that is true.
My counter argument is in my peer - reviewed paper «Radiated Energy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics» published on several websites in March, 2012.
I thought explaining how they have taken out the real heat from the Sun because they had to use its measurements for their «backradiation from greenhouse gases» would be the easiest to explain..., the arguments about the second law are interminable because few understand that physics well enough to counter the AGW tweaking of it by several sleights of hand.
The appeals court found that the two statements were proper because, in the first instance, it rebutted the defense's opening statement that the jury would hear both sides and, in the second instance, it countered defense counsel's closing argument that «the evidence of innocence is compelling.»
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