Sentences with phrase «second debt strategy»

A second debt strategy you could choose is the debt avalanche.

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«You think about the second half of the year, Treasury has a ton of debt to get out there, and pretty quickly it needs to ramp up issuance sizes even more than today» in maturities of five - years and greater, Mike Schumacher, head of rates strategy at Wells Fargo Securities, said on Bloomberg TV.
The second strategy for getting a car loan with a high debt to income ratio involves truthfully increasing the earnings you report on the application.
The second strategy for gaining an approval for an unsecured personal loan when you have a high debt to income ratio is to change denominator and / or numerator in the fraction.
If you can find ways to increase income, you'll have more ammunition to throw at your debt balance; there are many ways to earn extra income (start a side business, get a second job, learn how to invest well), which combined with a strong savings strategy, can accelerate your debt repayment.
For those home owners with some equity in their home who may want to consolidate debt or refinance to take out equity and buy a second home or investment property the longer term mortgage and inflation hedge mortgage strategy can provide peace of mind.
Second, following a debt relief plan requires discipline and strategy.
A second method to pay down debt is the debt snowball strategy.
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