Sentences with phrase «second language development»

Where children are learning complex science or social science concepts taught in one language, with intentional second language development building on that learning.
If candidates understand the process of second language development, then they will more effective decisions about organizing schools for ELL success.
Dual Language Learners Social Emotional Component focuses on social emotional development and its relationship to second language development in young children.
While Montessori, in and of itself, is a unique educational model, the Latin American Montessori Bilingual (LAMB) Public Charter School pairs it with second language development and inspires children to learn as part of a natural process of their development.
Ideal for in - service professional development and college or university courses, this invaluable DVD will help early childhood educators understand the complex process of second language development and ensure better social and academic outcomes for English language learners.
Studying and researching the development of young children growing up in homes where English is not the primary language, has led her to believe firmly in how important first and second language development are to later learning.
Courses will examine first and second language development; second language literacy development, assessment, and instruction; successful approaches to assessing and teaching oral language and content skills including designs for differentiating instruction according to students» levels of language proficiency; and the multiple factors that influence academic achievement among this student population.
Focused attention is given to first and second language development, including the interrelationship among reading, writing speaking and talking and the linguistic structure of both the English and Spanish language.
use assessment tools * to evaluate first and second language development and measure children's progress
Karen N. Nemeth is an author, presenter, and consultant specializing in first and second language development.
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