Sentences with phrase «secondary brain tumour»

A tumour that originates within the brain itself is a primary brain tumour (as opposed to a secondary brain tumour that starts elsewhere in the body but spreads to involve the brain).
«Brain metastases are a secondary brain tumour, which means they are caused by cancer cells that escape from primary tumours like lung, breast or melanoma, and travel to the brain,» said Mohini Singh, the study's primary author and a PhD candidate in biochemistry at the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine at McMaster.

Not exact matches

In addition to primary tumours which start in the brain, the secondary or «metastatic» tumours which originate elsewhere and which migrate to the brain have been the focus of this new study.
Professor Geoff Pilkington, study co-author and Head of the Brain Tumour Research Centre, said: «Although this work is still at an early stage, we have demonstrated key elements that are associated with tumour cell binding to blood vessels and this may provide a target for future drug development to prevent the development of secondary tumours in the bBrain Tumour Research Centre, said: «Although this work is still at an early stage, we have demonstrated key elements that are associated with tumour cell binding to blood vessels and this may provide a target for future drug development to prevent the development of secondary tumours in the Tumour Research Centre, said: «Although this work is still at an early stage, we have demonstrated key elements that are associated with tumour cell binding to blood vessels and this may provide a target for future drug development to prevent the development of secondary tumours in the tumour cell binding to blood vessels and this may provide a target for future drug development to prevent the development of secondary tumours in the brainbrain.
A secondary headache is one that is a symptom of another condition or disease, such as an infection (particularly sinus), head injury, eye disease, brain tumour or arthritis.
Primary and secondary A brain tumour is a mass of abnormal cells growing in the brain.
Secondary epilepsy (also known as «Symptomatic epilepsy») is when the fits are being caused by another brain disorder such a brain tumour, an inflammation or infection of the brain (encephalitis), a brain malformation, a recent or previous stroke or head trauma.
Primary outcome measures are: carer preparedness measured by the Preparedness for Caregiving Scale28 and carer distress measured by the Distress Thermometer (DT).29, 30 Secondary outcome measures are carer anxiety and depression measured using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), 31 carer quality of life measured by the Caregiver Quality of Life Index — Cancer, 32 carer competence measured by the Carer Competence Scale, 33 carer supportive care needs measured by the «Partner and Caregivers Supportive Care Needs Scale ’34 and «Brain Tumour Specific Supportive Carer Needs for Carers Survey ’35 and health economic cost - consequences measured using a checklist of services used.
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