Sentences with phrase «secondary messengers»

Secondary messengers are molecules inside our cells that transmit signals from the outside of the cell to the inside. They act like messengers, relaying important information to help regulate various cellular processes and responses. These messengers play a crucial role in allowing cells to respond to different stimuli and carry out their functions effectively. Full definition
Most women with PCOS are insulin resistant and do not properly release secondary messengers (such as inositol).
Secondary messengers acts to repair the doorbell so that the cell doors open in a timely response to glucose, resulting in less insulin needing to be secreted.
When insulin binds to its receptor, it «unlocks» and releases secondary messengers.
Moreover, the scientists showed that calcium signaling can be studied directly in intact plants in different physiological and ecological contexts, which helps to better understand its role as a secondary messenger in plants.
«We succeeded in visualizing the dynamic signal processing of intracellular calcium as a secondary messenger which is elicited by insect feeding and transmitted systemically to unattacked areas of the plant,» Axel Mithöfer, the leader of the project group «Physiology of Plant Defense» in the Department of Bioorganic Chemistry, summarizes the results of the study.
What has now emerged is that NO also acts as a secondary messenger substance in connection with the amplification of the output signals of neurons.
But the results of our research show that it is also of importance as a secondary messenger substance,» explained Strauss.
Research is finding that phyic acid in certain levels may have a protective effect in the body and a secondary messenger role in cells.
A member of the B vitamins, MYO is believed to improve egg quality and acts as a secondary messenger involved in glucose utilization.
Inositols are secondary messengers.
They are considered «secondary messengers» in insulin signaling.
These secondary messengers tell the cell it is time to take in glucose from the blood.
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