Sentences with phrase «seconds comes»

Seriously, you call the heir to Steve Jobs and the second coming of da Vinci a loser?
And the sooner you realize you're not going to be the second coming of Mark Zuckerberg, the better.
Salary is still the top priority at 56 percent, but a close second comes good work - life balance (49 percent), with job stability and on - the - job happiness equally important at 37 percent.
In second came Adam Sandler's embarrassing career nosedive, Jack and Jill.»
Call it the three stages of development: First comes the product itself, second come ancillary products, and third comes the infrastructure of related services.
Second Life tries for a second coming with a new environment designed to be a less seedy, more secure place to do business.
The second came when a video started circulating of Uber CEO Travis Kalanick yelling at an Uber Black driver because of poor fares.
At this point the only prayer the managers running those funds have is to throw more of other - people's - money into Tesla's furnace and pray for the Second Coming to save them.
I guess doing the topic first, date second comes from working in the magazine industry for so long and learning that dates change, but once you've paid for content, you're going to use it!
Second came internet - specific companies, garnering US$ 11.9 billion in investment through 1,005 deals.
If a coin is promised to cure cancer or be the second coming of Jesus, it's being shilled.
Elon Musk - founder of Tesla and SpaceX - either represents the second coming... or the man behind the curtain.
In fact, I've warned investors on several blogs about shares of Tesla over the last year only to receive hate mail at the idea that Elon Musk could be anything other than the second coming of Christ.
There won't be a second coming of jesus.
It is an interesting concept to think the Second Coming is anachronistic.
There is a second coming of Christ or a new millenium where Christ will rule again.
It is called «The Hetoimasia, Etimasia (Greek ἑτοιμασία, «preparation»), prepared throne, Preparation of the Throne, ready throne or Throne of the Second Coming is the Christian version of the symbolic subject of the empty throne found in the art of the ancient world» - Wikipedia
@justme: people have been spouting off that garbage for also 2000 years, claiming that the second coming will happen on their watch.
Why do you think there will be a second coming of Christ?
You might be the second coming of Bill Hicks.
Mathewe, Mark, Luke, and John all Believed that the second coming would happen while they were alive.
Read the fourteenth chapter of Zechariah if you'd like to see exactly what the Second Coming will be like.
The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Hope for Christians that the second coming is near.
Called The End Is Now [here's our review], it tells the story of the Henderson family and what happens when their small town becomes the test market for the rapture — the spiritual event in which some Christians believe they will be taken up to heaven prior to Christ's second coming.
In the Middle Byzantine period, from about 1000, it came to represent more specifically the throne prepared for the Second Coming of Christ, a meaning it has retained in Eastern Orthodox art to the present.
Eschatology — the study of the second coming and the end times — became a hot Christian topic.
These attacks to the Christian faith are not surprising and will coninue in - crescendo until His second coming.
Steve, actually Matt 16:28 which you are referring to does not mean his second coming but the establishment of his kingdom which was the church.
Until Christ's second coming that is where they remain, at which point they'll either ascend to heaven, or be left here on earth with all the others who are not heaven sent.
The Jews will be all saved at Jesus» Second Coming.
Many conservative Christians in the United States read the founding of the state of Israel in 1948 as paving the way for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
oh... and that second coming of Christ thing... well the Romans were very dirty minded..
The seal of the Prophets, Prophet Muhammad, told us in great details about Jesus» second coming.
Exodus 12:12 states that there are other gods, while the rest of the bible makes the claim that there is only one: Third, the bible claims that only the father knows when the second coming of jesus would happen.
They expected the second coming in their lifetime.
It chronicled the end times and God's judgment on the world during Jesus» second coming.
Second point: You do not go to heaven or hell until Jesus returns in the Second Coming.
Also, you do not go to heaven or hell until Jesus returns in the Second Coming.
The two - thousand - year history of Christianity played out exactly the logic of the Christian story, with its culmination in the Second Coming of Christ.
Bertrand Russell, in his book, «Why I Am Not A Christian», He discredits the inspiration of the New Testament: «I am concerned with Christ as He appears in the Gospel narrative... He certainly thought that his second coming would occur in clouds of glory before the death of all the people who were living at the time.
the second coming..).
Mormon doctrine teaches that the Second Coming of Jesus was imminent, [48] and that God would soon exact punishment against the United States for persecuting Mormons and martyring Joseph Smith, Jr., Hyrum Smith, Patten and Pratt, all of whom were considered by Mormons to be prophets.
Christians have been calling for the Second Coming since Biblical times.
Second coming christ.
The cares and dangers of life were no longer minimized by the second coming looming large on the horizon and the perplexities that had been simplified by their clear and immediate end came crowding back in.
and the second come back with the claim that they are only exercising their democratic rights.
According to some Christian leaders at the time, all signs pointed to Christ's second coming — and with that, something called the rapture where all Christians disappear, leaving everyone else to face a host of apocalyptic disasters.
that's way better than the second coming.
** Jesus tells the high priest that he would see his second coming.
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