Sentences with phrase «section of human history»

Coming in knowing only a small portion of what happened in that grim section of human history, I found that I left with a much greater understanding of what it was like.

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Hegel, in those difficult, often cryptic, but nevertheless profoundly rewarding pages in the final sections of The Phenomenology of Spirit, where he discusses Christianity as the «absolute religion,» gives witness to the advent of an absolute form of Christianity which both negates all previous religion and promises a reconciliation of all those antinomies which have plagued human consciousness throughout its history.
The section on History draws from art history, archaeology, and literature to theorize infant carrying strategies of humans, including archaic History draws from art history, archaeology, and literature to theorize infant carrying strategies of humans, including archaic history, archaeology, and literature to theorize infant carrying strategies of humans, including archaic humans.
Internet Women's History Sourcebook This section of the Internet History Sourcebook provides online documents about the history of women from human beginnings to the pHistory Sourcebook This section of the Internet History Sourcebook provides online documents about the history of women from human beginnings to the pHistory Sourcebook provides online documents about the history of women from human beginnings to the phistory of women from human beginnings to the present.
He has studied human - caused damage in a riparian zone in Colorado, written a book on the climbing history of a section of the Alaska Range, and mentored students in a variety of Alaska's environmental issues.
Signs of status in fashion have always evolved; it's about time that wearing dead animals for the sake of glamour was relegated to the history books under the vast «human folly» section.
Become familiar with their corporate history (a good source for this is the «About» section on their website), their mission statement, their organizational structure, and the names of their key personnel in management, human resources, and in the department you envision yourself joining.
Here are a couple of examples of how to write the work history section for a human resources manager position:
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