Sentences with phrase «secular ethics education»

The dialogue will focus on education in light of the Dalai Lama's longstanding priority and deep commitment to secular ethics education initiatives, Roeser said.

Not exact matches

globalisation with a human face, global citizenship, sustainable development, good governance, consensus - building, global ethic, cultural diversity, cultural liberty, dialogue among civilizations, quality of life, quality education, education for all, right to choose, informed choice, informed consent, gender, equal opportunity, empowerment, NGOs, civil society, partnerships, transparency, bottom - up participation, accountability, holism, broad - based consultation, facilitation, inclusion, awareness - raising, clarification of values, capacity - building, women's rights, children's rights, reproductive rights, sexual orientation, safe abortion, safe motherhood, enabling environment, equal access, life skills education, peer education, bodily integrity, internalisation, ownership, bestpractices, indicators of progress, culturally sensitive approaches, secular spirituality, Youth Parliament, peace education, the rights of future generations, corporate social responsibility, fair trade, human security, precautionary principle, prevention...
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