Sentences with phrase «secular morality»

Secular morality refers to ethical principles and values that are not based on religious beliefs or doctrines. It focuses on using reason, empathy, and human experience to determine what is right and wrong, rather than relying on religious teachings. Full definition
It is possible that a grand secular morality is coming to birth to meet this necessity.
Nonetheless, «when people reasonably think that rational analysis and an acceptable rational secular morality can not resolve critical questions of fact, fundamental questions of value, or the weighing of competing harms, they [may] appropriately rely on religious convictions that help them answer these questions.»
I was only pointing out the differences and consequences between intelligent secular morality and morality according to the word of God.
For the Church of Christ formally to cooperate with this recently invented secular morality would spell the end of coherent morality itself.
The Whitney has included him in «An Incomplete History of Protest» but he hated the reduction of art to politics, religion, or even secular morality tales.
Because «rational secular morality» can not conclusively decide such important value questions as how highly we should rate the preservation of fetal life, or how generously we should provide for the poor, legislators and judges as well as ordinary voters may with good conscience rely on their personal religious convictions to resolve such questions.
A secular morality is capable of continually changing and adapting as our understanding of humanity increases.
The deepest appeal of secular morality is its role in the formation and preservation of «love relationships.»
Proving once again that secular morality is vastly superior to this version of Christian morality.
So gay rights, legal marijuana, that is secular morality, but you are correct — Christians now days just play at it — they get abortions, live together, smoke pot — in most cases church is just a social club especially among Catholics.
B., Please correct me if I misstate the intelligent and secular morality, but I believe it says consensual s.e.x.u.a.l. relations between consenting adults is ok.
Do you still like intelligent and secular morality?
Though his film is an eloquent testimony to the power of a nun's religious faith, he himself is hesitant to speak about religion as anything more than an offshoot of secular morality.
Secular morality is far superior to that which is portrayed in the Bible.
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