Sentences with phrase «securing speaking engagements»

One of the topics that comes up most frequently among my clients is securing speaking engagements.
We can only suppose that it exists in order to sell books and secure speaking engagement, attract viewers and readers to various media outlets, and attempt to rile up political bases for elections.
A great way to do this is to start blogging, build a website, write articles for newspapers and magazines, and perhaps try to secure some speaking engagements and / or workshops using some of the ideas from your book.
Nine ways to use an announcement press release to get publicity, attract book buyers to a website, or secure speaking engagements
Securing a speaking engagement is not easy.

Not exact matches

We agree that self - publishing (1) can be a means of getting your words in print, (2) it will let you can control your tome's contents and design, (3) if you can market well, by self - publishing you can sidestep the big - house foot - dragging, (4) when your book is complementary to your greater purpose of displaying your expertise (as, for example, using your book to secure related speaking engagements), or (5) when self - publishing is the best (and perhaps only) way to get your words and ideas past the older, established houses so potential readers and buyers have a chance to see and decide about the merits of your independent offering.
So... when Publicity for Nonprofits: Generating Media Exposure That Leads to Awareness, Growth, and Contributions was published, my book marketing plan included securing paid speaking engagements that would allow me to:
Examples include: testimonials already secured by celebrities, famous authors, or other influential people; firm commitments (sometimes in writing) from influential people to help promote your book to their audience when the time is right; you having a massive mailing list or social media following; you having a website and / or blog with massive traffic and / or comments (with the numbers to prove it); your own radio show, TV show, or syndicated column; past and upcoming media appearances; past and upcoming speaking engagements in front of lots of people; pre-sale commitments from corporations or organizations; having your own publicist or being able / willing to hire one.
There's a second — arguably even more important — benefit to the professional - publisher - as - filter principle: authors of professionally published books instantly have more credibility when it comes to securing lucrative speaking engagements, journalism gigs and a whole host of other money - spinners for which knowledgable talking heads command top dollar.
Sell Your Book Like Wildfire: The Writer's Guide to Marketing and Publicity by Rob Eagar Learn how to: • Increase your book sales by driving readers to bookstores and online retailers • Build a brand that makes your books stand out from the crowd • Secure more media interviews and speaking engagements • Connect with key influencers who spread word of mouth • Create raving fans who buzz about your book on social media (2012)
Our public relations services include coordinating book reviews, distributing press releases, securing exposure in a variety of media outlets (TV, radio, websites, magazines, newspapers), setting up speaking engagements, and promoting... more
Nonfiction writers can often use publicity to help secure consulting contracts, speaking engagements, or higher fees than they've gotten before for either of those.
Worldchanging readers were generous over the years and an important part of our ongoing operations, but we were never able to secure major foundation support, so Worldchanging relied most heavily on income generated from Alex Steffen's speaking engagements (Alex gave more than 400 talks over the past five years) and the Worldchanging book.
Here is a sure - fire process you can use to secure as many speaking engagements as you can handle.
As a result of that publicity, I am able to secure more national speaking engagements, which I enjoy immensely.
Office Manager — Duties & Responsibilities Manage office operations for a variety of businesses and not for profit institutions Serve as trusted advisor to senior leadership and member of various advisory committees Train and supervise large staffs ensuring they understand the brand and adhere to corporate protocols Build and strengthen professional relationships with clients, partners, vendors, and senior leadership Set and strictly enforce departmental budgets and project timelines ensuring efficient operations Create and oversee various fundraisers including all logistics, staffing, and marketing Design and implement employee development curriculum enhancing team morale and skill sets Perform human resource functions including recruitment, discipline, termination, and benefit administration Represent the company at public speaking engagements building community respect and goodwill Responsible for material procurement valued in excess of $ 10 million and an additional $ 20 million in inventory Reduce yearly operational costs by more than $ 1 million through effective management techniques Negotiate and administer contracts with vendors and partners ensuring favorable and profitable conditions Oversee all corporate hardware and software purchases, database management, and other IT functions Assist with marketing, sales, and customer service initiatives resulting in significant revenue gains Maintained accurate and secure client records, sales reports, and other pertinent data Represent company brand with poise, integrity, and positivity
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