Sentences with phrase «security blunder»

The phrase "security blunder" refers to a mistake or error made in protecting or ensuring the safety of something important, such as information, systems, or physical locations. It involves a failure in the security process, which could lead to potential harm or unauthorized access. Full definition
In 2014, Stamos took on the role of chief information security officer at Yahoo, a company with a history of major security blunders.
However, Mr Brown has refused to accept arguments this week's security blunder undermines the government's credibility to run a national ID database.
«If a teacher or a school had been responsible for such a monumental security blunder, heads would have rolled.
A total of 2.2 million customers are believed to be affected by the cloud security blunder.
However, Square Cash itself has not suffered such security blunders.
Australia's troubled Commonwealth Bank admitted Thursday it had lost financial records for almost 20 million customers in a major security blunder — ...
Australia's troubled Commonwealth Bank admitted Thursday it had lost financial records for almost 20 million customers in a major security blunder — but insisted there was no need to worry.
The new and first Xbox Entertainment Awards on Xbox LIVE has been breached, in a security blunder the system is leaking out information and the gamertags of those who voted and entered the competition sweepstakes.
The security blunder is not the first on the company's record.
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