Sentences with phrase «security dimension»

Much has been said about the global environmental, economic and leadership consequences of United States President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement but there is also a national security dimension.
The Harper government's response to the humanitarian disaster in the Philippines in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan, and the announcement on November 22nd of the Canada - United States Asia Pacific Defence Policy Cooperation Framework, signal that its policy towards Asia is developing a greater security dimension to accompany its single - minded emphasis to date on economic objectives.
Ultimately, a meaningful security dimension to Canada's stake in the Asia Pacific will require engagement across the spectrum of our security establishment — defence, foreign affairs, immigration, border services, intelligence, policing, foreign and development.
Greater investments are needed by our defence, foreign affairs and other establishments to bring a serious security dimension to Canada's approach to the Asia Pacific.
● Guardian of the public interest, specifically in the context of legal proceedings such as commencing / terminating criminal prosecutions, charity matters, the appointment of «advocates to the court» (whose role is to act as neutral advisers to the court) and «special advocates» (whose role is to represent the interests of parties in cases with a national security dimension).
While the scientific and technological dimensions of ocean observatories are widely discussed, the political and security dimensions have only begun to be touched upon.
Werz called for a comprehensive strategy that includes diplomatic measures, short - term and long - term development policies «and a strategy that doesn't shy away from looking at the security dimension,» something he said «we just don't have at this moment.»
Climate change also has security dimensions.
In contrast, high scores on the Security dimension and low scores on the Anxiety dimension were associated with the provision of more emotional care to mothers.
A final analysis revealed that high scores on the Security dimension were associated with less caregiver burden.
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