Sentences with phrase «security missions»

Beloved at Los Alamos for decades, no one has better understood and supported the essential and enduring national security mission of Los Alamos better than Senator Pete Domenici.
The research supports the Laboratory's Nuclear Deterrence and Energy Security mission areas and the Nuclear and Particle Futures science pillar.
Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) funded the work, which supports the Lab's Energy Security mission area and the Materials for the Future science pillar.
This counter displays the running total of homeland security mission funding since 2001, except for Our Mission.
The practical training provided a rare opportunity for IEA experts to share expertise on monthly data collection outside of OECD countries — monthly data supports the core energy security mission of the Agency and serves as a basis for the Oil Market report.
The work supports the Laboratory's Global Security mission area and the Information, Science, and Technology science pillar through the capability to predict and detect infectious disease outbreaks.
Another item White noted, is that the Pentagon currently supports the DHS border security mission with efforts from NORTHCOM, SOUTHCOM, PACOM, the National Guard and the Army Corps of Engineers.
Yes, apparently the U.S. military has been employing cats on veeeeery important national security missions for decades, for instance taking advantage of the fact that wily felines always land on their feet to have them lead the way on airborne missions (no parachutes required!).
In addition, she has primary responsibility for Sandia's Energy and Homeland Security mission portfolio, as well as for California weapon systems engineering.
«NNSA pursues its mission in nuclear security through the application of world - class capabilities, and meets the evolving challenges of tomorrow through our commitment to innovation and research in the fundamental sciences needed to adapt to this dynamic yet enduring nonproliferation and nuclear security mission,» said Anne Harrington, NNSA Deputy Administrator for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation, in a release.
Ruh roh (cue the Scooby Doo voice), and you might be looking to your furry friend as a possible helper in this new security mission.
Policies that facilitate the release of removable aliens apprehended at the border and elsewhere, which allow them to abscond and fail to appear at their removal hearings, undermine the border security mission by encouraging more illegal immigration (page 1, para 2).
professional and superior quality of life in support of current / future operational strategies, and... high - risk security missions and linguistic support.
PULLMAN, Wash. — A first - of - its - kind - worldwide research capability will help unravel the mysteries of material behavior at extreme conditions and short time scales in support of the National Nuclear Security Administration's vital national security missions.
Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) funded the work at Los Alamos, which supports the Lab's Global Security mission area and the Science of Signatures and Nuclear and Particle Futures science pillars.
The work supports the Laboratory's Global Security mission area and the Information, Science, and Technology science pillar through enhanced ocean model components of global climate simulations.
On April 18, the Subcommittee on Energy advanced a spate of bills to the full Energy and Commerce Committee to give the DOE «tools it needs to execute its core energy security missions and to promote domestic energy infrastructure and capitalize on the nation's energy abundance,» a press release says.
Falcon Heavy is a large, reusable launch vehicle that will allow the closely held company to bid on heavier payloads than it can with its Falcon 9, such as big commercial satellites and national security missions.
We will play a leading role in NATO and maintain the ability to conduct strike operations, peacekeeping, security missions and the deployment of a joint expeditionary force.
He told the BBC that the mission there would shift from a security mission to «much more of a military assistance mission» where British soldiers embedded with Iraqi army units would help «stiffen the backbone» and build confidence in the force.
The DOE's Office of Nuclear Energy develops, manufactures, tests and delivers radioisotope power systems for space exploration and national security missions and maintains responsibility for nuclear safety throughout all aspects of the missions.
The work exploits the Laboratory's extensive modeling and supercomputing simulation capabilities developed in support of its national security mission.
This work advances the state of the art in imaging capabilities at the Laboratory and is already proving useful in imaging larger programmatic items related to the Laboratory's national security mission.
Plutonium Facility - 4 at Los Alamos National Laboratory houses plutonium operations vital to the lab's national security mission, but work there has been mostly paused since June 2013.
The work supports the Lab's Nuclear Deterrence and Energy Security mission areas and the Information, Science, and Technology and Materials for the Future science pillars.
The honor is conferred for their contributions in research and development that supports the Energy Department's science, energy and national security missions.
Through the exploration of materials, Los Alamos pursues the discovery science and engineering required to establish design principles, synthesis pathways, and manufacturing processes for advanced and new materials to intentionally control functionality relevant to the Lab's national security mission.
Nothing is more important to me than ensuring that our military has the training airspace and ranges to safely and effectively prepare for the critical national security missions that we ask them to be prepared to execute.
CACI provides information solutions and services in support of national security missions and government transformation for Intelligence, Defense, and Federal Civilian customers.
Conducted investigation and data collection to produce actionable intelligence to satisfy Commander's Critical Intelligence Requests on law enforcement and national security missions.
Training courses in SAP solutions geared for U.S. national security missions, leading to «Certified SAP Associate» status, a credential that is valuable in many career paths in the -LSB-...]
medical evacuation, law enforcement, search and rescue, and homeland security missions.
Besides flying cargo for NASA, SpaceX is taking private clients in the commercial satellite and telecom arena, as well as government science missions and military national security missions.
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