Sentences with phrase «security of one's people»

Though it's not a happy thought, it is important to think about the financial security of the people you'll leave behind when you die.
On this basis, the criminal laws in question were found to engage security of the person concerns.
The most common of these circumstances is that the defence makes a strong argument that the implications on the defendant's privacy and security of person far outweigh societies interest in granting the order.
(1) a deprivation of the plaintiff's freedom to exercise her democratic input to access the courts on a matter of fundamental interest to her; (2) a deprivation of security of the person by seriously interfering with the plaintiff psychological security and integrity.
In our view, many aspects of Bill C - 59 require substantial amendments — in order to both withstand constitutional scrutiny and adequately protect the rights and security of all persons in Canada.
The FCA was not receptive to the Association's argument, and the PSLREB's finding, that an individual's private life, and activities such as hockey games and attendance at the opera, could be protected by the right to life, liberty, and security of the person as protected under section 7 of the Charter.
A registered disability savings plan (RDSP) is a savings plan that is intended to help parents and others save for the long - term financial security of a person who is eligible for the disability tax credit (DTC).
For example, in Fleming v. Reid (1991), 4 O.R. (3d) 74 the Ontario Court of Appeal held that disregarding the instructions of a psychiatric patient given while competent constituted a violation of the patient's security of the person under s. 7.
On Thursday June 11, 2015, our Supreme Court of Canada ruled that the law limiting medical marijuana to dry leaves infringes on Canadians» liberty and security of person protected by section 7 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Two lower courts in Ontario struck down two provisions of the Criminal Code prohibiting the operation of a common bawdy house and a prohibition against living on the avails of prostitution on the basis that the provisions violated s. 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which provides that the state can not deny a person's right to life, liberty or security of the person except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.
The federal government introduced Registered Disability Savings Plans (RDSPs) in the 2007 Federal Budget, to help parents and other individuals save for the long - term financial security of a person with a disability.
Operating without standards endangers the safety and security of people on the ground and complicates efforts to identify appropriate policy and interventions to protect and assist populations.
The legal challenge argues that the cuts to the Interim Federal Health Program threaten the rights to life and security of the person contrary to section 7 of the Charter, amount to cruel and unusual treatment contrary to section 12 of the Charter and discriminate against certain refugees in violation of section 15 of the Charter.
Asked about Mr. Avenatti's allegation relating to threats on Friday, the president's press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said she had «no knowledge» about it, but «obviously we take the safety and security of any person seriously
The public or common social security of the peoples» life is being dismantled and subjugated to the jungle of the globalized market; and the people will be exposed to economic, social, political, cultural and spiritual violence that are fundamentally caused by the global market process.
When the motive of service yields to that of prestige and power, the fundamental security of people dependent upon the high quality of medical treatment is jeopardized.
It also means having career security of people inside the political system so that a politician with expertise who doesn't get reelected doesn't have to take a job as a lobbyist but can take a job as an adviser to other politicians of his own party.
He argued security of the people remains a primary and secondary need of the peace and stability of every country, wondered why those who are to protect the citizenry were engaged in such bloody act.
The RDSP is intended to encourage saving for the long - term financial security of a person eligible for the disability tax credit.
Where Charter rights of prisoners to dignity and security of their persons conflict with the Charter right of female employees to equality of opportunity, it is necessary to balance the competing interests involved under s. 1 rather than having one set of rights override the other by virtue of s. 15 (2).
Thus, the concern is whether the new laws offend security of the person and freedom of expression or whether they will be upheld as constitutional (Blaze Carlson and Fines).
It says the current ban infringes on all three of the life, liberty and and security of person provisions in s. 7 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
«It seems to us, then, that considerations involving personal autonomy, decision - making, and dignity — the very values asserted by both Ms. Rodriguez and the plaintiffs in the case at bar — have consistently been regarded as engaging security of the person and to a lesser extent, liberty,» wrote Newbury.
The second potential issue is proving that this is a true life and security of the person argument and not a masked economic benefit argument.
Second, it limits the liberty of medical users by forcing a person to choose between a legal but inadequate treatment and an illegal but more effective one, the law also infringes security of the person.
Why don't we have a law that recognizes the facts and makes it clear that a human being's right to life and security of the person begin only once they have been physically separated from their mothers, i.e. the umbilical cord has been cut, and that until such time their existence continues at the mercy of their mother.
He suspended key rights guaranteed in his country's already battered 1973 constitution, including: articles governing security of the person; safeguards as to arrest and detention; freedom of movement; freedom of assembly; freedom of association; freedom of speech; and equality of citizens.
Although the Court in Blencoe v. British Columbia (Human Rights Commission) held the liberty interest in s. 7 is no longer restricted to a freedom from physical constraint, this still required a nexus between security of the person and reputation where it is state - imposed and the stress is «serious,» and even then, these cases would be exceptional.
In addition to this, I am well - aware of the occupational hazards that this work poses to the custodial staff, and have the capacity to implement and ensure constant vigilance where security of people and physical assets is concerned.
Instead, Justice Susan Himel will have to decide whether the three sections of the Criminal Code (which prohibit communicating for the purposes of prostitution, keeping a common bawdy house, and living off the avails of prostitution) violate the s. 7 guarantee of security of the person and / or infringe on freedom of expression.
The site offers vey nice and practical tips for the safety and security of the people who date online.
• Qualified to handle adverse situations such as vandalism and accidents, with a view to ensure security of people and vehicles
The Charter prescribes that no one can be deprived of their rights to life, liberty and security of person except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.
Cambie then responded by launching its own action in early 2009, challenging the constitutionality of provisions of the provincial Medicare Protection Act claiming that they caused undue delay in access to health care resulting in a violation of the patients» rights to life, liberty and security of the person as guaranteed by s. 7 of the Charter (amongst other challenges).
This appeal requires us to decide whether a medical access regime that only permits access to dried marihuana unjustifiably violates the guarantee of life, liberty and security of the person contrary to s. 7 of the Charter.
The Court further held that this violation of sex trade workers» security of the person did not accord with the principles of fundamental justice.
While emphasising that it is the duty of government to guarantee the welfare and security of all people in its area of jurisdiction, the governor stated that the present administration in the state will do the best with all the resources at its disposal, without fear or favour to guarantee security of lives and property.
On this basis, the prohibition on such communication gives rise to security of the person concerns within the meaning of Section 7 of the Charter.
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The federal government has Registered Disability Savings Plans (RDSPs) to help parents and other individuals save for the long - term financial security of a person with a disability.
The plaintiffs will argue that BC's legal aid system discriminates against women and children and violates their rights to life and security of the person by increasing their risk of exposure to violence and intense stress.
After a big success of UAN, Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna, Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme, Mudra scheme, PM Narendra Modi is now heading towards newer milestones by launching schemes for financial security of the people.
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