Sentences with phrase «security properties»

By harnessing the unique security properties of multiple innovative lightweight materials we created a composite strap called Boaflexicore ®.
Yes, very similar hardware-wise — similar security properties.
how the scheme goes about lending money in general and its policy on lending (for example, how the scheme assesses the borrower's capacity to repay the loan and how often security properties are revalued)
Zcash is more computationally expensive but comes with more rigorous security properties.
Programmers could state vaguely what security properties they need, and the programming language itself would decide what consensus protocol would be best used under the hood.
an independent valuation of properties used for loan security is obtained before making or renewing a loan and within two months of directors forming a view of a likelihood that a security property value decrease may have caused a material breach of a loan covenant, and
The loan - to - valuation ratio tells you the size of a loan as a proportion of the value of the security property for the loan.
the responsible entity uses independent valuers that are members of an appropriate professional body where the security property is located
The app stores have similar security properties, verified apps, application isolation — very similar security properties.
Soft forks that do not degrade the security properties of Bitcoin, that do not take away from any currently used features, do not add costs to miners, and are preferred by some, would result in profit - maximizing miners choosing to serve a wider audience by enforcing the soft fork.
You can lock down any folders you don't want guests to have access to with the security properties dialog.
«If you want to have those security properties around all of your tickets, then you need to put all of your tickets on the Aventus protocol,» agreed Aventus's Vey.
The second protocol is called Inter Blockchains Communications (IBC) which allows multiple parallel blockchains to interoperate while retaining their security properties.
Completed a shift summary daily, activity report and also maintain confidentiality of all security property reports
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