Sentences with phrase «sedating antihistamines»

Two classes of medications — narcotics and psychotropics — are often problematic, but some countries also exclude medicines used to treat neurological conditions such as epilepsy and others treat sedating antihistamines as banned substances.
Others treat sedating antihistamines as banned substances.
«Many eczema patients who are prescribed medication for itch are often given sedating antihistamines or steroids, but those medications may come at a price,» said Jonathan I. Silverberg, MD, PHD, MPH, assistant professor in Dermatology, Medical Social Sciences and Preventive Medicine and senior author of the study.
Sedating antihistamines Read more about No need to use drowsy allergy tablets - Scimex
Recent evidence shows less sedating antihistamines are a safer, effective option for long - term treatment of allergies, they say.
Mom's use of sedating antihistamines (including Benadryl and Chlor - Trimeton products) are generally regarded to be compatible with breastfeeding, but always double - check the active ingredients as they can vary greatly.
Milk supply: A common concern is that the sedating antihistamines might lower milk supply but, per Dr. Thomas Hale, there is no current research supporting this belief — only some anecdotal reports.

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Antihistamine and decongestant combinations such as Dimetapp and Contac while also posing a risk of decrease milk supply, will also have a sedating effect and can cross into breast milk affecting your baby.
The non-sedating antihistamines (below) are generally preferred and are less likely to sedate baby.
Dr. Hale has said that he prefers the non-sedating antihistamines (even though they are long - acting) over the sedating allergy medications.
That's because it and other antihistamines have a sedating effect.
This all goes back to the fact that things like anxiety can trigger responses like rashes, and in taking an antihistamine we can sedate ourselves and feel better (and less anxious).
Although she does not recommend it, she notes that it was common in the past for people to take over-the-counter antihistamines for their sedating properties.
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