Sentences with phrase «sedentary lives»

As Americans, we're all told that we need to walk more for our health and to reverse the effects of increasingly stressful and sedentary lives.
What's not so great is that in the age of popularized yoga, «McYoga,» as my partner and co-director of our yoga studio likes to call it, it's all too common to find inexperienced instructors leading Western bodies (those of us working desk jobs, leading mostly sedentary lives) into inappropriate poses for their ability, let alone not taught safely.
While they may prefer to relax, they shouldn't be allowed to lead completely sedentary lives, as this will promote quick weight gain.
Unfortunately, many companion dogs today have sedentary lives.
They also live increasingly more sedentary lives, and clients provide treats and food as a basis for enhancing the human - animal bond.
However, indoor cats tend to lead more sedentary lives, which predisposes them to gaining unhealthy weight.
April 5, 2018 • And the number of sufferers is expected to increase, especially in lower - income countries as people in rural areas move to urban centers and adopt more sedentary lives.
Either by self - selection or because of the sedentary lives we have that require sitting 8 hours a day at work, plus an average of 4 more at home we're trying to balance 23 hours of sitting and sleeping with 30 - 60 minutes of exercise a few times a week.
People living sedentary lives eating 300g a day in carbs which is the SAD diet, are over eating and having all that increased insulin response shoving everything into their fat cells and they aren't excercising enough to utilize all those carbs.
Since many of us lead inactive, sedentary lives, our core muscles weaken over time.
They are both coping with various physical disabilities which have kept them in very sedentary lives, and both have a lot of emotional resistance to «gym stuff», especially strength training.
These are all traits that we otherwise lose by living sedentary lives in the modern world.
It is hard to imagine that the people would have experienced the same long - term digestive and health benefits if they practiced food combining but led sedentary lives, ate traditional American foods, and substituted coffee and other stimulants for rest and sleep.
«From that we learned hunter - gatherers were making the transition to sedentary lives before farming.
Children are now engrossed in technology at younger ages — leading to sedentary lives, obesity, and poor gross motor skills.
Most of us lead very sedentary lives.
I learned this the hard way when I tried to rattle off some pull ups after years of sedentary living and quickly tore a muscle in my shoulder.
Bain & Company partner Norbert Hueltenschmidt told the BBC last year that China faces major health care issues with its aging population, environmental problems, levels of access to health care, and sedentary living — physical activity has dropped 45 % since 1990.
Tim Sitt, author of «Move Or Die: How the Sedentary Life is Killing Us and How Movement, Not Exercise, Can Save Us,» explains how you can get a full workout without ever having to go to a gym.
(9) The stretching and breathing exercises have enabled me to gradually recover body flexibility and awareness that I had lost through years of sedentary living.
I have begun the process of leaving my sedentary life in exchange for a fit and active life - style.
The incident in Chester would have frightened most people into a totally sedentary life.
It's an approach that assumes there is a natural way for the body to function in space, and that humanity has long abandoned that ancient wisdom for machines, treadmills, and hours and hours of sedentary living.
When his playing days ended in 1979, however, Frazier wanted nothing to do with basketball or the sedentary life of an ex-jock.
While the geriatric mouse lived a sedentary life in his cage, his younger - looking contemporary literally outran the effects of aging.
«The conglomerate of non-communicable diseases all related to eating habits and sedentary life - styles with its impact on health equity is the most important health challenge.
In fact, it is their toxic properties that made them so suitable for sedentary life.
Dr. Tatta also mentions that cryotherapy, much like infrared sauna therapy, can be used to counteract the deleterious effects of a sedentary life.
Instead of eating diet foods and logging Calories, you may have more success substituting fiber and other nutrient - dense foods for less filling foods, substituting exercise for a sedentary life, and substituting bodily awareness for a Calorie log.
When we don't drink enough water, or when we have a sedentary life or when we breathe shallowly, the water within — the lymph — tends to get stagnant and dirty.
Creating simple daily exercise habits such as walking or walking will counter the effect of sedentary life.
Sedentary life style and calorie rich diet contributed to it.
Mix a sedentary life into all this (in and of itself independently harmful) and it is no wonder that syndrome X starts to rear its» ugly head.
A diet pill is not advantageous while eating high - fat meals, more so if a dieter continues to live a sedentary life.
Certainly this does not mean live a sedentary life outside of sport, but it DOES mean that the athlete should not PROGRAM in non-beneficial activity.
This means that adopting a sedentary life in the hope that it will relieve back pain could actually result in the opposite occurring.
Other wise I have a pretty sedentary life
A sedentary life equals death.
In today's age of fast and processed foods, sedentary living, pollution, and new strains of viruses, a strong and healthy body is essential.
I wont ever do that, so i needed to get my ass moving before my sedentary life style kills me.
It is a fact that living a sedentary life style is a disaster for a healthy heart and you need to be active what ever your age.
The more research that is done the more scientists are realizing that the worst thing you can do to for a healthy heart is nothing at all because the fact is, a sedentary life style is a major cause of heart disease and heart attacks.
Cease to move, live a sedentary life and your erection will also cease to move.
Agnistambhasana encourages to move the hip joint to its full range of motion that breaks the pattern of either underused muscle because of a sedentary life or overused muscle due to a neglected overactive life.
Me personally I'm not a big gym fan, however, a sedentary life style isn't healthy at all.
It follows in the heels of a chronic metabolic problem (metabolic syndrome), usually generated by the holy trifecta of modern sedentary life: a lack of aerobic activity, a brute excess of carbohydrates, and a high percentage of that carbohydrate excess coming from highly processed foods.
I have led a pretty sedentary life, always hated the gym, but have never been overweight at all (I was too skinny in my 20s!).
Sedentary living and sun damage also inactivate the skin.
From the beginning we quickly notice that this is a film that will explore the values of the sedentary life.
While genetic factors have a role, environmental factors (a sedentary life style and high calorific diets) play the dominant role.
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