Sentences with phrase «see killzone»

For now, it seems unlikely that we will see another Killzone game any time soon and that is probably a good thing.
I was really hoping to see Killzone on the list.
It's great to see Killzone: Mercenary has been able to provide a Killzone experience that feels fresh, yet familiar at the same time.
I watch a lot of sports games, partially NBA games, and I have yet to see a Killzone 2 commercial.
You're not going to see Killzone games running at 4K this generation.
We have already seen Killzone Mercenary will utilize the Vita's front - touch screen to perform deadly melee kills, and it was revealed Shadow Fall will use the DualShock 4's new touch - pad to control their OWL.

Not exact matches

This is a culmination of everything Guerrilla has learned from working on the Killzone franchise and they've successfully crafted something that delivers on the potential many saw back in 2015.
Tomorrow will see the release of the PS Vita's best shooter, Killzone: Mercenary, which is a huge bonus.
We see clips of Destiny, Watch Dogs, Killzone Shadow Fall, DriveClub, and many more.
Having previously had mixed success with the Killzone series, it is great to see Guerrilla Games finally land a critical hit and with a new IP.
As such, this has caused many fans to question what this means for the future of Killzone and whether or not we'll see more of these games.
You can see the game had some real interesting ideas but the game really doesn't make much with any of the ideas, which leaves Killzone as a very average game.
that pc shows better gfx in crysis than i have seen in killzone: SF... the leaves aare fully rendered and have the surface scattering effect..
As a Killzone Shadow Fall Player (see my Sniping Montage here, I could care less about Call of Duty.
I saw the article that said it edged it in the UK, but that also said it's well behind where Killzone 2 was.
Considering I'm just speculating and you cant just make it into fact saying that Gears of War cant be played for the PS3 when I do nt see the problem here and plus has everybody forgotten that the PS3 has 2 256 DDR so how can it not play Gears of War and sure considering we saw an awesome CG gameplay of Killzone 2 now that game cant even be played on the XBox 360 ok so if your right that Gears of War cant be played on the XBox 360 considering you XBox 360 fans are so sure of yourselves that means Killzone cant be even be played on the XBox 360 considering its not powerful enough to do those kind of graphics and make have smooth gameplay.
when halo comes out we all know it will make history, lets see how killzone does when ever it comes out.
Just about every month or so, Sony sees fit to roll out another reminder that when the holiday rush is all said and done, Killzone 2 is still waiting to blow us away.
not trying to come off like a [email protected] either, killzone sf looks freaking awesome and is the one game that has me really tempted to go day one with the ps4... it truly looks like a very fun game and has excellent visuals but when you see crysis 3 running maxed out it is a sight to behold nothing wrong with either game, both look awesome and I think kz sf is gonna kick major butt!
Among promises are levels ten times bigger than those seen in Killzone 2 and varied environments (toxic nuclear wastelands, a lethal alien jungle, bitter arctic conditions, «take the battle into space»), each of which feature «a distinct gameplay style for you to master».
Nobody has seen enough of killzone to make a proper judgement.
----------------------------- --------------------- Point 3: The PS3 kept pace with the 360 before the vast majority of the popular exclusives arrive; we haven't yet seen God of War III, Gran Turismo 5, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, MAG, The Last Guardian, and others; it has really only been MGS4 and Killzone 2 that have contributed heavily thus far.
Shove it up your ass mate, I actually liked Halo 3, I actually liked the production values of Heavenly Sword, I look forward to seeing what an immersive experience like Killzone 2 could provide, or what an interactive Star Wars game like Mass Effect can give us.
an seriously true gamers do nt b1!tch about controls i did nt see to many people complaining about killzone 2 controls in this website (i only own a ps3 so do nt conclude im a fanboy and yes killzone 2 i da best fps this gen)
killzone has never been a system seller... the racing games do ok but I do nt see a project cars killer yet... if those screens are to be believed then the wiiu wins just off style and being way way cheaper....
I saw the «war perfected» tv spot at least once a night through late february / early march on various channels later in the evening... it is definitely a matter of the playstation 3's current owner base... and a little less on advertising than a lot of people make it out to be... and its not just advertising; but largely word of mouth... something that killzone as a franchise simply doesn't have yet... but in the end I simply don't know why anyone would care... the game is still brilliant, easily the best looking game of this generation so far... with a multiplayer component that implemented new mechanics that will become standard across the board... and with plans of tons of future DLC, some free, some not... the game will only get better from here... damn it though I just want GG to get the server lobby right... nothing has been delivered yet on what that douche bag producer kyle guy told us would be there... playing with 2 or 3 friends is easy... playing with 8 non clan members in a full 32 player server is as easy as chewing on your own elbow...
the article also goes on to say that the game sold over a couple million worldwide Europe is Sony's strongest area... get over yourself Xbots... 2mil + worldwide already and it hasn't even been released in Japan (where pre-order numbers are high) just because it's not selling as well as Halo doesn't mean it flopped... Halo had a much bigger fanbase and a hell of a lot more advertising... Killzone 2 is well on it's way to sell over 3 million, and i really don't see the floppage in that i think your just acting out because it trumps any shooter on the 360
Anyone who see's Killzone 2 with they're own eyes knows that it looks amazing, knows that it's a step ahead of any other game out there.
«While the first Killzone saw much more mixed reviews, it did end up selling a couple million copies worldwide.»
Sales «numbers» aren't always indicative of quality.Killzone moved some systems, of that you can be sure.I am pretty sure that the plethora of quality ps3 titles are moving systems, it doesn't rest squarely on killzones shoulders.It wont ever see Gears2 numbers, but then again neither will LBP, Valkyria Chronicles or Warhawk.Convinced of numbers translates to quality I am not.
Dan Chiappini: «We go hands - on with Killzone 2 and see whether it's starting to look anything like the trailer shown all those years ago»
this was the one thing with move that seemed to stand on its own... I don't mind the idea of HD wii sports either, as long as it really is 1:1... that was my only real complaint with the wii when it released... there was motion control, but it was gimmicky and registered «wiggles» into canned animations... not to mention the gamecube visuals... still not sold on Move though... for me to really want one, I want to see what they are doing with shooters... Socom 4 and killzone 3 could be very special for core gamers and motion controls if they are done right... if you can aim on screen in true 1:1 fashion while sitting comfortably at a «normal» gaming distance... it could rearrange how I play first person shooters on a console... developers are saying the Move has input latency of 21ms, which is roughly half of a DS3... and second only to a wired mouse / keyboard... need to see how it works though, as it is not always that simple... just saying that if it does what its supposed to... it could end up being the answer to shooters on a console... as much as I like playing shooters with 2 sticks... I can't argue that I miss the days of a mouse and keyboard (as well as PC being the only platform to get the best shooters on... no longer the case by any means)... but with a first person shooter, there is no wiggle room... pun intended... it has to register every mm of movement on screen... and do it quickly... not sure if it can yet...
driveclub killzone will be better then all those casual game xbox will launch with i really do nt see what people in its line up more games do nt mean better
yeah killzone 2 does not use Resistance 2's water at all... in fact I've never seen water that looks like that of killzone 2 yet... it has multiple layers with multiple real - time reflections... but, at least for the big moving water body in the demo... there are no physics like uncharted or R2 incorporated... if you shoot it, there is a huge plume of water that jets upward, but no real ripples in the body... it still looks great, at the ripples wouldn't look right with the waves and the current of the water... but its definitely not an R2 water engine or anything... however killzone 2 does have the ripples in other areas... puddles will react to bullet fire apparently... and there are areas of flooded buildings with «still» water... that do have the uncharted like ripples according to some... but the big flowing river does not...
I respect what Guerrilla has done with the Killzone franchise over the years, but I'm thrilled to see them spreading their wings and branching into a completely different genre of game.
their is no way after seeing games like killzone mgs4 and games of this caliber that ff13 can come out on the ps3 and not be clearly superior than the 360 version.
You see, it's fairly common for high profile shooters ala Halo, Resistance, Gears and so on... so it's quite natural that people expected Killzone 2 to have this and are disappointed when it doesn't.
Things like knack and killzone are things I would expect to see offered free by now.
The more I see of Killzone Shadow Fall, the more I get excited for it.
As a longtime fan going back to the original Killzone on PS2, I was excited to see a sequel announced along with the PlayStation 4 in February this year.
Set 30 years after the events of Killzone 3, we see the Helghasts and Vektans separated by a large security wall; one very reminiscent of the Berlin Wall.
Of course Sucker Punch and Guerilla Games continue to work on post-release content for inFAMOUS: Second Son and Killzone: Shadow Fall, respectively, while Sony San Diego keeps cranking out the best baseball sim we've ever seen.
With Killzone HD I get to see where it all began an experience I doubt I would have had without a PS3 version.
I love killzone and its the only shooter that I see as different than all the other shooters out there.
Since a majority of the PS4's launch titles are multiplatform games you won't see a huge leap in visuals if you don't buy Knack, Killzone or Resogun.
FC: Yeah, I spent days poring over the list to get an idea of the data contained on the tapes, and to see whether any of the tapes might possibly contain Killzone 1 assets.
If that's the case — maybe Bungie is taking the Killzone 2 theory, which is; the player sees the gun the most while experiencing the game — why not make the weapon the most detailed thing inside the videogame.
We've seen portable shooters before, from Medal Of Honor Heroes and Killzone Mercenary on PlayStation's handhelds to the original Doom on GBA, but nothing like this.
The Vita is still crying out for quality first person shooters beyond Killzone: Mercenary, and we can't wait to see whether Gearbox» has successfully managed to cram their massive superb FPSRPG onto the platform.
They team behind Killzone have been hard at work on another game for 3 years now, so seeing something from them wouldn't be too surprising.
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