Sentences with phrase «see addressed rather»

Not exact matches

You can tell if a site does that if you see «https» rather than «http» before the website address.
«The role of philanthropy here is not to be the primary funder, but rather to fund pilots, to fund new ideas, to let people — it's always the educators coming up with the ideas — to let them try them out and see what really works super well and get those to scale,» Gates said while delivering a keynote address at a Cleveland schools conference, according to the Post.
CATA does not see that any of these reports has the definitive answer, but rather each has its share of good ideas — some of which need to be thought through and addressed quickly, some of which may warrant additional study, and some of which should likely be rejected outright.
Rather than conceptualising a larger community to which media outlets have a social responsiblity, society tends now to be seen commercially as a composition of smaller «markets», to which the various media address themselves.
The «signs» are just everything which we meet, but seen as something really addressing us, rather than as objective phenomena.
Rather than address his contribution to the understanding of propositions with respect to both the judging and entertaining subjects, let me proceed by focusing on the latter, for it is here that the originality of Whitehead's theory of propositions can be seen more clearly and the unique ontological status of propositions comes into relief.
But this is more likely if people see themselves as an aggregate rather than a community and if the preacher addresses them individualistically.
We can get educated and address our own fears and questions so we can reach out to others rather than pretend we don't see them.
What is more, they can be greatly helped if they see that this is indeed the chief stress in public prayer or church worship, so that such social praying is undertaken by a family of God's children addressing a loving Father (who makes demands upon them, to be sure, but who is no hateful dictator nor absentee ruler nor moral tyrant, but genuinely concerned for their best development as his children), rather than a kind of law - court or imperial audience with a terrifying deity.
It was rather remarkable to see the crown prince at almost every session of the conference listening intently to all the addresses.
In an address to Catholic school leaders on 28 January this year, which appeared in the news section of the CES website in mid-March, Oona Stannard said the agency believes «in the importance of being seen and heard through dialogue rather than remote pronouncements that may have less impact».
I would much rather see this issue addressed with a solid veteran in FA, but if it is not, then I think it becomes a draft priority.
Leeds will be without Berardi, Cooper and Saiz through suspension, all three have seen red in recent weeks and it's a lack of discipline that has contributed to their slump, something Heckingbottom will need to address sooner rather than later.
The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) intended the slogan to address its growing concern that breastfeeding should not be seen as the «ideal,» but rather that formula should be framed as risky.
But if we can react to situations and behaviors in a different way, we can start dealing with the part of the iceberg that's below the surface of the water, rather than just constantly addressing the small percentage that we can see above the water.
So seeing somebody in hospital, but also, once you get home, having trouble at home, a lot of moms are discharged even before their milk comes in, and then the milk comes in sometimes, if there are issues with engorgement or whatever the issue may be, but a lot of moms have a tendency to wait and see, there is this sort of mentality of, «breastfeeding is natural and I should be able to do this, I shouldn't need help», but it really is a learned skill and it's better to get help sooner rather than later because the sooner breastfeeding problems are addressed, the better chance we have of being able to resolve them.
Cole - Schwartz cited recent HRC polling that found 51 percent of Americans oppose DOMA and added most people want to see House Republicans address economic issues rather than defend DOMA.
«I will accept there are certain migrants, especially those from Eastern Europe, who don't have a tradition of general practice, who will go to the emergency department rather than to general practice and we need to address that, but it's certainly not responsible for the massive increase we've seen in recent months and it's certainly not responsible for the 1.7 % increase that we've seen over the last decade.»
During her State of the County address, Mahoney argued that there is «not a single thing» in the Consensus report that will «spell disaster for anyone,» and that people should see it as an opportunity rather than as a threat.
Town Attorney John Edwards advised the Town Board at the continued hearing on July 17 that most of the county's comments and questions were not actually addressed to the council, but rather to the Planning Board, which had yet to actually see the application.
Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy says he'd rather see the Congress craft a constitutional amendment to overturn recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions on campaign finance than have states call a constitutional convention to address the issue.
«In doing so, the hope is that evidence will be seen not just as another voice in the endless «he said, she said» of assertive discourse, but rather as a documented body of derived knowledge worthy of serious consideration as society addresses looming challenges in areas such as health and medicine, the environment and national security.»
Seeing thousands of patients, people rarely mention libido as an issue they would like to address — until you ask them personal questions — and then the naked truth is revealed: women who dread having sex with their partner and would rather sleep, men who can't get an erection, going months or years without having a healthy intimate relationship with his spouse.
O.J.: Made In America likely would have made the cut if not for a (totally defensible) editorial decision to classify it as television rather than film, but I voted for three other docs this year: Tower (addressed in the «outlier» section of my ballot), Author: The JT LeRoy Story (which correctly recognizes that letting Laura Albert expand on her own «myth» makes for better cinema than any objective investigative alternative), and Weiner... which ranked lowest on my personal list, but is the one I'm most surprised not to see on the collective list.
Seeing the film again 20 years on, I was irritated by the way Orlando addresses remarks to camera (pictured right) as though s / he were an observer of the story rather than a participant.
A school culture which positively addresses mental health, rather than seeing it as a sign of weakness, will be better equipped to address issues early, before staff inevitably leave.
Rather than waiting to see how those changes would affect their schools, the district set out in 2008 to incorporate a bold vision into its strategic plan: Vancouver would create an «opportunity zone» where schools would focus on addressing the impact of poverty that can affect students» classroom performance.
All too often, professional learning is seen as a random event rather than as a routine feature of a school where educators collaborate to examine and address problems of student learning.
Many of you may remember my post 10 Things Amazon should correct in the Kindle from a year ago, and it is rather disheartening to see that virtually none of these issues have been addressed.
Citing the ridiculous fear that addressing animal fighting would ultimately abridge gun rights, Dan Boren equated strengthening the law with a threat to Oklahoma's sporting traditions; he sided with criminals rather than be seen as soft on animals.
When you notice that your dog is itching rather often and has been treated against fleas and other irritants, schedule an appointment with your vet to see if there is some other issue that must be addressed.
The skeptics see clearly that solving a claimed problem in the context of an agenda to address any number of other perceived ills having little to do with the problem makes the original alleged problem seem rather convenient... as in, a little TOO convenient.
I don't want to go into the issues addressed in the film too deeply because I would rather you see it for yourself — however, realize there are serious consequences for humans in this documentary as well.
I'm sure they'll have some really illuminating stuff, as I've seen them address the idea of «Gross National Happiness» rather than GDP: evaluating contentment and satisfaction beyond the raw numbers.
Having published these findings, the next thing readers will see are the usual claims from the left to try to discredit the Heartland study (rather than address the science).
• Internet references should give an exact URL for what is referred to rather than just a home page address, and include a note of when the page was accessed (see Jones, 1984a below).
Many CAGW proponents seek to have everything subordinated to that issue, to see policy imperatives primarily through their particular prism, most here — whether or not they think that CAGW is real and must be addressedsee sense in addressing a broad range of issues of short - term significance rather than focussing efforts on prospective long - term problems.
Let's see if you can address the actual statistical issues and stay on topic, rather than regurgitating previously debunked talking points and false accusations.
We were happy to see that the movie treated its premise with a great deal of self - awareness, addressing the fact that the no impact conceit could easily be labeled as gimmickry rather than an earnest experiment to see what one can and can not live without.
Moreover, it allowed the Court to avoid having to address the question of the (il) legality of not only the EU's, but also Morocco's conduct in light of international law (see, eg, the rather critical Opinion of AG Wathelet, paras 143ff).
Sam Glover: I guess I would say — and that one is also very cool — the next time there is anything resembling this scale of mobilizing lawyers to address an emergency, I would love to see those websites pop up within 48 hours rather than a week.
As I survey the conjecture on the topic there is one thing that I do not see addressed that bothers me and that is the topic of preparatory reading or rather the lack thereof.
Rather than the legal time and billing software display you expect, you see an ominous ticking clock next to a message that your hard drive will be locked in a matter of hours unless you wire hundreds of dollars to a suspicious address.
Rather, it is intended to address the situation where there may be an avenue of relief outside of a court proceeding that a party can use to remedy their «injury, loss or damage» — see, for example, 407 ETR Concession Co. v. Day, 2016 ONCA 709 (CanLII), 133 O.R. (3d) 762.
You will need to be extra cautious rather than assume that some particular issue you may now face is the same as one you saw and addressed during an earlier leadership experience.
Two others will impact how Hulu's recommendation system works, and address complaints that Hulu suggests content you'd rather not see.
People will only see your public address and what's on it in terms of your bitcoin balance, rather than your private information.
Once you answer these five questions and make sure each are addressed in your resume, you have now created a targeted document that directly relates to what the employer needs to see on a resume rather than just what you want to write.
Practical tip: If you speak to professionals on the day (by which we mean an actual conversation rather than listening to them address the group) connect with them afterwards on LinkedIn — see below.
You might overlook a transposed number or letter in your own familiar phone number or email address because you read what you expect to see rather than what is actually on the page.
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