Sentences with phrase «see as the boundary»

«Later, the sea ice gradually expanded from the very high Arctic before reaching, for the first time, what we now see as the boundary of the winter ice around 2.6 million years ago,» says Jochen Knies, who is also attached to CAGE, the Centre for Arctic Gas Hydrate, Environment and Climate at the University of Tromsø, the Arctic University of Norway.
With these caveats, I am struck by the tendency of storms to form at or near the boundary between the dry soils of the western plains and the moist soils further east; one can clearly see this as the boundary between green and tan land surface in the satellite loop.
«Later, the sea ice gradually expanded from the very high Arctic before reaching, for the first time, what we now see as the boundary of the winter ice around 2.6 million years ago,» says Jochen Knies.

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In some circles, Denton is seen as the author of his own misfortune in the sense that the site's cavalier approach to privacy and pushing the boundaries of newsworthiness have made it a pariah.
The New Yorker «s Jia Tolentino profiles civil rights attorney Gloria Allred, whose career, she writes, can be seen as a «decades - long project to expand the boundaries of legitimate victimhood.»
Outer trend lines are seen more as a boundary for price that the trend will have a hard time breaking.
I also find it quite weird that the law is seen as «bad» when it is their to define our directions — guide our steps — help us set - up values and boundaries for our very nurturing (this idea is also very clear in the gospels).
I believe that human actors who fail to give pride of place to moral boundaries that must never be crossed, such as the direct killing of the innocent, and who instead are ready to see their obligations in terms of moving beyond them in favor of «good results,» will be harder put «to take seriously the role that divine authority plays in morality»; for they will to that extent lose a sense of the moral limits that remind us of our finitude and anticipate consideration of a law of our being that is not one of our making.
Unless by «Christianity» you mean «the way» of Jesus, which I see as transcending religious boundaries.
We could see your gifts and callings as a blessing to be used in community instead of as an isolating boundary of «The Holy and The Rest of Us.»
More than a few Catholic theologians speak about a «final fundamental option» on the boundary of death, rather than a purgatorial option, as the latter has to do only with those who die as «just souls» yet to be fully cleansed (see Edmund Fortman, Everlasting Life After Death).
Nobody can get any relief from you — you follow us to our places of refuge, stomp all over our boundaries because you don't see any boundaries but your own as being legitimate, and basically rub a pound of salt in the raw gaping bloody wounds that you have given so many of us over the years.
Rather than imposing boundaries to inquiry, such commitment is better seen as the identification of a center and 1ocation to inquiry.
We could see their gifts and callings as a blessing to be used in community instead of as an isolating boundary of «The Holy and The Rest of Us.»
«So there are some who see it as their job to stalwartly guard the boundaries of the tent to keep it from crashing, and some who think it our job to be bravely inclusive and stretch the tent.
If one is a pastor or celebrity Christian not only is spiritual abuse and other abuses overlooked but overlooking abuse by your celeb cronies is casually accepted and asking questions is seen as breaching their «boundaries».
I don't understand how you can say you're not setting up boundaries, when — as far as I can see — a large minority of your cartoons criticise mainstream ecclesiology?
This tends to be a real problem among the holy hipster set where boundaries are seen as oppressive and evil whereas I see healthy boundaries as life giving forces that can keep me from falling into an addictive cycle.
Steven Hawkins like many other scientists see the cosmos as being but a singular constrained universe with an ending even though the vastness of outer space reaches far and away beyond the boundaries of a simple singularized universe!
Furthermore, even then it would have to be recognized that the boundary between what would be called «experience» and the unconscious is vague and fluctuating, and that, for most purposes, they must be seen as constituting a unity.
the blood of the son of god is greater then mur and the biblea moral system its a gospel and a covenant that says we cant meet gods standard but jesus did, so everyone can be forgiven of anything if they recieve it form jesus od does nt say just cause u murdered your excluded to god sin is sin, the only difference is the level of boundary you break ad the consequence in this life, a liar gets a small consequence a murder will in this reap judgement, but to after this life god sees as we a sinned, jesus paid it all and he forgives everyone who believes in jesus for an they did
The boundaries certainly are not sharp: looking from the inside, I am rather constant in seeing my body as part of myself, but I am not so sure about my property.
But Christians hold that freedom is not boundary-less; God's boundaries are seen as helpful, aiding us to be free from the chains of sin.
When shows like NYPD Blue first started exploring the boundaries of sex scenes on television, it was largely seen as progressive.
I learned that letting my kids explore, ask questions, then more questions, to push the boundaries of their understanding helped me to learn as well, while helping them to see that often there is more than just one way of seeing things.
While all too many naturalists seek, as we have seen, to expand these boundaries, the creationists, knowingly or not, advocate their shrinkage.
Chrissy from what you have written i believe you have always had a sensitive ear to God that shows obedience and godliness that is not the norm.You must of had godly influence from parents or someone close to the family.Its shows wisdom beyond your years what you know instinctively has taken me years to learn as my heart was stubborn and hard hearted.By your words i see humility and surrender to the Lord that is a powerful testimony may he continue to strengthen you in your Christian walk and may you be a blessing and a witness to others who do nt know the Lord.It shows God has no boundaries he is able to reach people in any situation if they have ears to hear.brentnz
Citing the story of the empty tomb, for example, Newbigin says that the reigning plausibility structures of the West turn around the account by explaining it as visions created in the minds of the disciples because of their predisposition to believe, whereas the Christian tradition would prefer to see it as «a boundary event» that brought the disciples to a new way of seeing and thinking.
Rupert can be asked whether The Concept of Nature can be used to provide a philosophic background for his notion of «morphic resonance,» and I want to see whether the concept of a bare sensory awareness in a passage of nature couched in terms of durations can sufficiently produce boundaries so as to yield breath groups in spoken speech and semantic reiterations in paragraphs and language; and Chris wants to know whether Whitehead's starting point can be used, though not in Whitehead's manner, to develop a realistic conception of space and time.
He insisted that in the Catholic Church as a whole only the Pope could transfer a bishop from one see to another, could create new dioceses, or could change the boundaries of existing dioceses.
Ideology, seen from within, has no outside; in this sense one does not transgress its outer limits as one crosses a geographical boundary... It is impossible to come to its frontiers from within... in discovering its demarcations, ideology discovers its self - dissolution; it can not survive the «culture shock» consequent on its stumbling into alien territory adjacent to itself....
His love for the game had no boundaries as we often saw him instructing and encouraging the players on opposing teams.
Our kids test us at every age and stage; it's part of their job as children to push boundaries with us and see... Read more»
Some parents are opposed to such names as they see them as a sign that the grandparents may be ignoring boundaries and taking on the parental role.
I was more getting at the fact that AP is sometimes seen as leading to, or as being part of, «over-parenting» — which I think it could do, if your take - home message about AP was not «get to know your kids and their needs, be there for them when they do need you, set appropriate boundaries, let them develop at their own pace» but something more like «your children need you!
As your child grows, they test boundaries, and unfortunately, that often means that they want to see what happens when they don't nap.
It's an interesting theory, he says, but «there are other equally feasible hypotheses, such as if a child is impulsive, has autism, is inattentive to social cues, has trouble internalizing verbal social rules, has seen modeling of inappropriate behavior, or lacks a sense of social boundaries
Seen as America's Technicolor cowboys and brothers - in - arms in service to the creed that great music has no boundaries.
Happily Cassians are drawn to the arts with this creative side and are often seen enjoying life to the max making them the center of attention - hopefully not unwanted attention as they like to break boundaries at times also.
As user4012 pointed out, this brand of extremism, which doesn't have political goals that fall into more established political boundaries (literal national boundaries), saw decades of high - amount and high - level funding from the Saudis, primarily, to build up to this point.
In their study of Mondragon, «Enabling Ethical Economies: Cooperativism and Class», J.K. Gibson - Graham argue that we should see economic life as diverse, and seek to understand how our multiple roles of worker, carer and citizen break down traditionally conceived boundaries.
«The risk is that the more the Lib Dems seem to play this game of saying «if you don't give us Lords reform we won't give you boundary changes» it might make individual Conservative MPs put what they see as the party interest ahead of their own individual interest,» he adds.
The redrawn boundaries are seen as vital to the Tories securing an overall majority at the next election.
The culmination of the historical state lower house seat malapportionment known as the Playmander eventually saw it legislated after 1989 that the Electoral Commission of South Australia redraw boundaries after each election with the objective of the party that receives over 50 percent of the TPP vote at each forthcoming election forms government.
Sees some minor boundary changes with neighbouring Chisholm and Higgins, the Liberal margin nudging downwards from 7.6 % to 7.5 % as a result.
That is why different projections of boundary changes will produce slightly different results, as you will see in the next few days I suspect.
Others whose constituencies are an average size could still see their seats carved up, such as the shadow foreign secretary, Hilary Benn, whose Leeds Central seat was recommended for abolition in the last analysis by the Boundary Commission for England.
The boundary changes are seen as likely to help the Conservatives and boost David Cameron's chances of winning an overall majority in 2015.
«I would love to see how these boundaries might continue to be pushed and whether we could see an increase in an organization's relationship with their publics as a result of something like native advertisements,» Sweetser said.
DECaLS was designed from the ground up as a public project, so it is wonderful to see the data enabling exciting discoveries that are pushing the boundaries of the known Universe, said Arjun Dey of the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO), one of the co-leads of the DECaLS survey.
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