Sentences with phrase «see constant movement»

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In contrast to the constant crustal movement seen on Earth, Venus is thought to undergo periodic episodes of plate tectonics, in which the crust is subducted rapidly within a few million years separated by stable periods of a few hundred million years.
Looking through these photos made my heart happy, it seems this gets more real every day, seeing my belly grow and feeling her constant kicks and movements.
The constant chaotically organized movement, the crowds of tourists, sirens wailing and the great history of mankind seen on every street corner are all parts of Rome.
Of course, the whales are wild and there is never any guarantee that you'll see them, but your captain and guides will be in constant contact by radio with other boats all using gps and knowledge of the recent movements of the animals in the area.
The Shinjuku Station is also the world's busiest railway station, so that's worth a detour to see the amount of people and constant state of movement.
Walker's recent canvases translate the constant movement and changing light of the sea, seen from a rugged shore, into robust, zig - zagging, roughly brushed bands of color.
They combine their strengths in a constant exchange of interdependent movements unseen and seen - molecular, tectonic, tidal and volcanic.
The recent resurrection of abstract art and color field painting can definitely be seen as part of the revival trends in contemporary art practices and certainly as one of the main features of postmodernism, dominated by the appropriational spirit and constant recycling of the old art movements.
It could be seeing a sudden wave of meetings by senior managements (an indication of something major going to happen), or constant discreet out - of - office movements by certain individuals (they could be going to interview someone or they are going to be interviewed)
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