Sentences with phrase «see damage done»

If there's an incident — a pipe bursts and you can clearly see the damage done, or you come to find a TV missing that you're pretty sure was handing on that wall when you left for work — it's easy enough to know what you need to make a claim for.
So frustrating to see the damage done to Ron's car.
His personal experience as an agricultural missionary in Africa had prepared him to see the damage done by imposing Western - style agriculture on the African landscape.
The real reason most people in this country are turning away from organized religion is that they see the damage it does everyday in the world.
It's as if they are living in their own little bubble and they can not see the damage they do to the club.
During his residency, he saw the damage done to the brain by the instruments of surgery.
Now is an excellent time to start a new diet that is free from processed foods because your body will not crave these foods so much, and by now you've seen the damage they do to your body.
I have come to this work after seeing the damage done by a focus on weight loss and diet culture.
Without seeing the damage done during the accident, what parts were involved exactly, it would all be speculation because...
We have seen the damage done.
We see the damage it does, yet we don't want to address it.

Not exact matches

«I think what we need to do is really to start negotiations and to see how we do this withdrawal; if a transition is needed, making a transition that is not causing economic damage (for either side),» Verhofstadt said, adding that it was only then that both parties should consider their future relationship.
Sofge said coalition personnel will then, «within the bounds of proportionality,» do engineering analysis to see what will be damaged in a strike and what effect it would have on nearby structures.
Now that you've calmed yourself down, take a minute to analyze the situation and see how much damage has actually been done.
They saw the damage that would come from the collapse of oil prices long before Bay Street did.
«We would like to see New York thrive because we have a lot of people here, but I don't think it would damage us dramatically,» if more business moved overseas.
I see a dismal Hillary Clinton economy, plagued, burdened, and compounded by the damage Barack Obama has done to it.
It remains to be seen how much damage the declines will do to top and bottom line results.
My impression is that Buffett honestly doesn't like to see investors making decisions that will damage their financial security over time.
I really don't see how this benefits the stores, but Private Equity will likely do less damage as each store is owned and operated independently.
I'm maxed out on mortgages, so all PI is going to debt paydown and it's amazing (at least for me) to see what kind of damage this passive income can do.
«As we sit here, quite a few people are doing something wrong at Berkshire, but when it gets to some sales practice like was taking place at Wells Fargo, you can see the kind of damage it will do
Over the past three decades we have seen an increase in insured damages, and it is up to all of us — the insurance industry, governments and citizens — to do our part in responding to the effects of climate change.»
And, though Buscher had seen the place safely through multiple floods, tidal waves, and Hurricanes Iwa and Dot during her tenure, the immense damage done by Iniki closed the Coco Palms for good.
Fundamentalist and Literalists also do damage to the bible especially when they are only see it their way.
Although I'm sure that you mean well, you have the potential to do a lot of damage to people in need who might not have the critical thinking skills to see through your lack of compassion and knowledge.
He refused, moreover, to drive a motorcar once he saw the damage that paved roads and automobiles had done to the English countryside.
Imagine a 10 year old boy goes to see him and says he is gay... what will kermit do... certainly not help, and the potential damage is quite high.
So, each one of us needs to walk about our damaged house, examining each room in the light of God's Word, seeing what God's list points out for you to fix, and then doing it.
Because we've spent a good deal of time here discussing the harmful effects of a shame - based purity culture that treats people who have had sex before marriage as «damaged goods» by comparing them to polluted water or chewed - up gum (see «Do Christians Idolize Virginity?»
There is also some from the good side as well, but when one looks at the history of the belief, one sees far more damage done to humanity from it's belief, so by my way of seeing it, «satan» inspires most religions.
They did not see the additional goods they might acquire as more valuable than the human relationships that would be damaged.
If you don't see that the RCC has given itself its own bad name then shame on your for turning a blind eye to all the damage they have done and all the children they have let down.
What U should do is seeing it through the terorrist eye, unlike other moeslim they would see it as achievement that would motivate them to do more damage.
However, much damage has been done and I don't see the friendship ever being the same again, if it can be repaired at all.
(Besides, according to your rationale, Jesus spoke in another time and culture not to us, for us, or about us - Do you see how your thought process is so damaging and simply leaves you hanging.)
I didn't expect disaster so close to home, but when I saw the damage of the floods in South Carolina this fall, I did expect the Church to do something.
Grace got me out of the church, hopefully before I did too much damage but it is a subtle thing that often takes distance and time to see clearly
and don't even have to go into history to see they do more damage then what they do good...
And before you accuse me of being an Atheist or God hater, I am a Christian that has seen far too much of the damage our theology does to continue abiding by it.
So you can see how I usually get this email after significant damage has already been done.
-LCB- Editor, see Michael Flynn's article in this issue) The book also gives little consideration to the damage our modern industrial system may be doing to the capacity of the earth itself to support life.
There are, however, two serious problems to such an approach: First, it is difficult to see how some of these passages could possibly be interpreted in a way that is in keeping with Jesus of Nazareth; and second, even if this could be done, the process would necessarily do damage to the original intent and to the established scriptural meaning of these passages.
And yes, I have seen the damage that Christianity has done to many families but I never allow that to affect my methodology... I let the Bible speak for itself!
have seen the damage it can do..
We choose not to follow today's organized religion because we are educated enough to see how much destructive damage they have caused throughout history and still do cause on a daily bases.
They see that in the United States the broadcast and print media have increasingly turned viewers and readers into a product to be delivered to the the sponsors, so that the objective of news has changed from informing, enlightening and entertaining simply to reaching and holding the largest audience regardless of the damage done to other journalistic objectives.
I hate the damage that has already been done, but it would be devastating to me to see the oil reach the marshes and wetlands of south Alabama where I grew up.
I seriously don't see how devoted Catholic's can keep putting their hard earned money in the collection plate to pay for the defence of this pedophile rapists and paying off millions upon millions in damages!
Both images, however, see the Constitution and society exercising «wardship» by protecting believers from at least the more egregious damage these feeble - minded might do to themselves (perhaps further justification for Obamacare's sterile sex coverage — three centuries of religious imbeciles is enough!).
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