Sentences with phrase «see dead grass»

Not exact matches

Last July, when he saw signs of a spill near his home, Keller notified the Health Department and sent pictures showing a trail of dead grass to an acquaintance at the EPA regional office in Denver.
Now we see the nice patches of super dense green grass where they pee instead of dead grass.
I remember not seeing a difference between the PS3 and 360 versions of Red Dead Redemption until further analysis pointed out to me that the PS3 version had less grass and trees and I realized that small difference didn't matter.
I normally hate first person driving, but the perspective of being in a small rickety buggy while running from Volatiles at night effectively gets the heart pumping in that special Dying Light way... until you're stopped dead by a waist high stone wall that you couldn't see through the forest or tall grass.
He remembers seeing people shot and maimed, stepping over dead bodies, running through tall grass in the jungles, and eating whatever he could find.
When frugal buyers see grass, they see a sky - high water bill that will eventually lead to a dead yard and a new project to be undertaken.
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