Sentences with phrase «see dramatic transformations»

Schools of character see dramatic transformations; pro-social behaviors such as cooperation, respect, and compassion replace negative behaviors such as violence, disrespect, apathy, and underachievement.
I'm so excited for you to see this dramatic transformation.
You can see the dramatic transformation in progress.

Not exact matches

One of the unwitting consequences of focusing on single parts is the seeming failure by many to see the fundamental change occurring outside the school walls; the impact of digital normalisation on the young, their parents and society, and the dramatic transformation that has been occurring in schools operating on a digital base (Lee & Broadie, 2014).
They see Detroit as a challenging place of dramatic transformation.
Then again, from the transformation of Curitiba to a world - class livable city, through New York's renaissance as a bike, walk and bus friendly place to be, to a dramatic reversal of Amazon deforestation, there are plenty of success stories — many of which would never have seen the light of day if it hadn't been for visionaries and dreamers.
This is one of the most dramatic transformations I've seen.
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