Sentences with phrase «see economic effects»

And of course, we do see economic effects from that, most importantly the long - term elasticity effects on technology that show up in MPG vehicle efficiency changes, for instance.
We have already seen the economic effects that climate alarmist policies have had in other developed countries.

Not exact matches

«What we've seen is that the economic climate has had a huge effect on people being willing to take vacations,» says Karen Sumberg, vice president and director of projects and communications at the Center for Work Life Policy.
In Marten Falls, band members are on the fence, assuming they will see substantial economic benefits but worried about the environmental effects of mining.
So it is perhaps appropriate that the most intuitive explanation for the effects of an improvement in terms of trade on economic welfare that I've seen came from Governor or the Reserve Bank of Australia Glenn Stevens:
The economic effects can be seen in a number of areas including strong growth in business investment, company profits, share prices and imports.
A proposal under consideration from Prince Edward Island would see changes take effect in 2016, but that the start could be delayed based on economic factors.
CA: beliefs are international, your politics affect every country... you have the largest economic base going and we all endure that... if your credit rating drops, we see the effects of it also.
So, we see a major financial and economic crisis beginning with deflation in a certain number of countries such as Japan, which had major effects on countries such as South Korea and Brazil, and also on developed countries where all the countries of the North and South are starting to move into recession.
An incredible resource, this live interactive tool allows users to see the jobs, wages, taxes and overall economic impact generated directly by dairy plants and companies, as well as the multiplier effect of these investments across the dairy supply chain.
Former ACCC Chairman, Graeme Samuel, has indicated that detailed legal debate - including whether or not to introduce an effects test - is likely to take a back seat to broader economic reforms - see Jared Lynch, «Competition effects test to take a back seat, says Samuel» (SMH, 22 September 2014).
Cruddas is certainly not afraid to draw attention to what he sees as the destabilising effects of immigration which, along with rapid economic change, threatens «peoples» sense of belonging and security».
«On the part of the EFCC, I can assure you that the effect of our even more penetrating investigations and commitment to rid Nigeria of all forms of corruption and economic and financial crimes can — and will continue to be — seen from the cases we take to court for trial,» he said.
The rippling effect is seen in the over subscription of the current Eurobond to the tune of 4billion euros, signaling extreme confidence in Ghana's economic outlook.
We have seen opposition in the UK parliament from economic libertarians like Peter Lilley, who worry about TTIP's effect on sovereignty and democracy.
In the Commons tomorrow, Labour will use ancient parliamentary rules to force a binding vote which could see ministers having to hand over all the papers presented to the Brexit war Cabinet on the economic effects of both options.
«I think some of the governor's economic development — the broad - based reforms to the business climate and the more tactical, programmatic work like regional councils and START - UP are taking hold, and you're seeing the positive effect in the vibe of people, in the comments of people,» Adams said, referencing a system of tax - free zones rooted in public universities.
Ausubel suggests instead that the effects of longer - term cultural and economic shifts are beginning to be seen.
The economic boons are so profound that you can see their effects from deep space, in the shining networks of nighttime lights that outline our flourishing global civilization.
Authorities regularly issue directives to try to tackle air pollution in major cities, but the effect has been limited with enforcement still lax and economic growth seen as the priority.
According to a new report from The Economic Times, the British - built exotic cars have seen a price cut of up to INR 1 crore recently due to this effect.
While it still remains to be seen whether negative rates will have this intended economic effect, from a portfolio standpoint, negative interest rates are likely to continue impacting various asset classes.
VennData Says: — The claim that «this will give a chance to see who was truly correct about what to do then versus now...» is an exaggeration of the benefit of ex post outcomes of economic cause and effect.
However, if the effects of the economic stimulus from the tax bill seem like they will be short - lived, the second half of 2018 may see a true retreat in equity markets — something that was absent last year.
I think stock investing is primarily an emotional endeavor and right now psychology is bad and likely to get much worse as the effects of the economic crisis caused by the valuation levels we have seen over the past 15 years play out.
There's no easy way to address the «refinancing ratchet effect,» the study said, because the three factors that can lead to trouble — declining interest rates, rising home prices, and easy access to mortgage loans — are «benign market conditions» often seen as indicators of economic growth.
At such a time, there would be an inclination to clean up the balance sheet, because no one would see the income statement effect from adjusting values closer to economic reality.
Visitors are encouraged to speak with Lerma while he uses the gallery as an artist studio and to return on June 13 to see the finished piece, which addresses issues concerning labor and comments upon the effects of transient economic models, the authenticity of simple objects, and the beauty of impermanence.
China seems to see the overall effect of Arctic climate change as more of a beckoning economic opportunity than a looming environmental crisis.
In an interview with the Herald, the head of the Sustainable Development and Human Settlements of the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), José Luis Samaniego said the region is already seeing many effects of climate change and faces an average GDP drop of one percentage point because of it.
Because much of the local economic development agenda is determined at the provincial level, educating and informing local leadership must be seen as an effective lever to effecting a green shift.
Or to put it another way, global warming will be a big issue 50 years from now, but peak oil is already an issue, and we saw the first economic effects in the summer of 2008.
The effect they were testing: That is, Republicans more than Democrats see climate change solutions as a greater threat to the economy, and Republicans» economic beliefs about climate change policies mediate their skepticism of climate change science...
And one only needs to look back at the past few weeks to see the tangible and devastating economic, environmental and health effects of natural disasters.
So when can we expect to see Pearce / Kloor or any of the corporate media pundits drawthe connection between mass death caused in Africa by the supposed absence of DDT and by the effects of ongoing and quite deliberate economic / military policies over the past 60 years?
In this video ILO Director - General Juan Somavia and UNEP Director Achim Steiner lead a discussion about the effects of climate change on the nexus between economic growth and environmental sustainability and debate about the fact that the only choice will be to see how they can reinforce each other in the years to come.
Other than David Benson's interesting points, I've yet to see a single cogent response to the RMI paper I referenced on the economic side, nor to the biological effects cited on Chernobyl, nor to the papers on risks and subsidies.
We are already seeing the effects of shortages around the world, particularly in India and China where populations soar alongside economic growth, as well as in Africa where technologies lag behind.
I do nt see how the effects on these people will have any significant economic impact on rich European or Americans who contribute the most to AGW and who have the means to decarbonize their energy supplies.
Where one takes over child - rearing responsibilities that would otherwise have to be paid for or shared by a spouse, he or she is still seen as contributing to the family's economic well - being, and this may have an effect on family asset division in the case of marital breakdown.
Similarly, the Court has held that a Member State fails to fulfil its obligations under Articles 28 EC and 30 EC when, without valid justification, it encourages economic operators wishing to market in its territory construction products lawfully manufactured and / or marketed in another Member State to obtain national marks of conformity (see, to that effect, Commission v Belgium, paragraph 69) or when it refuses to recognise the equivalence of approval certificates issued by another Member State (see, to that effect, Case C ‑ 432 / 03 Commission v Portugal [2005] ECR I ‑ 9665, paragraphs 41, 49 and 52).
The incredible thing about technology is that it has the effect of leveling the playing field. At one time there was this misguided notion that all attorneys that ended up working for the top law firms were somehow genetically superior to the rest of the legal world. As demonstrated by my favorite book in this last year Outliers, and this post The Outliers of the Law — the old sytem of selecting the best and brightest has no actual grounding in finding the true outliers. In this post by Jordan Furlong supports this idea that the «best and brightest» is a fallacy handed to those attorneys with the best pedigrees and economic situation rather than those most likely to be exceptional attorneys. Don't expect to see this changing any time soon.
52 However, the mere fact that it might appear desirable, for economic reasons or in order to preserve the family unit in the territory of the Union, for members of a family consisting of third country nationals and a Union citizen who is a minor to be able to reside with that citizen in the territory of the Union in the Member State of which he is a national is not sufficient in itself to support the view that the Union citizen would be forced to leave the territory of the Union if such a right of residence were not granted (see, to that effect, Dereci and Others, paragraph 68).
Like every other area of the country, South Carolina has seen its share of negative economic effects as a result of the struggles we have gone through as a nation.
See Kelly Bedard and Olivier Deschenes, «Sex Preferences, Marital Dissolution, and the Economic Status of Women,» Journal of Human Resources 40, no. 2 (2005): 411 — 34; and Elizabeth O. Ananat and Guy Michaels, «The Effect of Marital Breakup on the Income Distribution of Women with Children,» Journal of Human Resources 43, no. 3 (2008): 611 — 29.
Griskevicius et al. [45,54] found no effect of current socio - economic status on attitudes towards reproduction, but instead strong effects of childhood resource stress (see § 6b, p).
Although retailers have begun to see the effects of the economic slowdown on their sales figures, they haven't had much relief from expenses, including the cost of leasing space.
«Participants did not see the steel and aluminum tariffs, by themselves, as likely to have a significant effect on the national economic outlook,» the minutes said.
As the country shakes off the effects of the worst economic recession in recent history, RE / MAX Chairman and Co-Founder Dave Liniger sees good news for homebuyers and sellers in 2012.
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