Sentences with phrase «see eye to eye about»

The kid discussion is an essential one to have because couples who don't see eye to eye about kids are twice as likely to divorce, according to studies, and childfree couples divorce more often than couples who have at least one child.
I do think with some kindness and a bit of diplomatic conversation, it is possible to see eye to eye about what's at the core of it all....
The joy of talking about Peirce and Whitehead with Charles off and on during these intervening years has never ceased, even when we have not been able to see eye to eye about some niceties of detail.
As the House advances a 2,232 - page spending bill meant to avert a government shutdown, privacy advocates and big tech companies aren't seeing eye to eye about a small piece of legislation tucked

Not exact matches

Reward them when it's time and talk to them about how you can see eye - to - eye when you're not seeing results — it can only lead to good.
All this escalated Friday with his comment to CNN about Kelly: «You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes — blood coming out of her wherever.»
The bulbs turn off and on rapidly — faster than the eye can seeto deliver internet connectivity of about 40 megabits per second.
Technology integration: «We'll see miniature monitors in fixtures and more affordable screen technology to bring your eye to the merchandise, or touchscreen kiosks that can help answer questions about products,» Denniston predicts.
The tech industry is opening its eyes to the possibilities of raising money using cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and Ethereum through «initial coin offerings,» and it's about to see the first ICO from a major venture - backed company.
You can see the excitement in Nhial's eyes when he talks about the ability for market places to improve the quality of life back home.
«We have had our eye on looking for the best opportunity for us to get into LNG and Asia - Pacific — I see those as pretty closely linked — and that's what led us to thinking about Santos,» says US - born Cook, a one - time trainee on oil rigs in Michigan whose track record at Shell has earned her the moniker of the «first lady» of oil and gas.
One of the things that's great about blogging is that you get to see your own ideas through the eyes of others.
Judas was not to become a martyr because of the way the apostles wrote about him in the Gospel - they saw through the eyes of men, and Judas was unable to redeem himself before he died a natural death, dying instead loathed, hated & driven to suicide for his deed against the Son of God, Jesus, whom he had Loved so much.
The last time that I saw her, she opened her eyes and talked for some time about my own son and how important it is for family to take care of each other and how blessed she had been.
The Romans were prodigious record keepers, yet never saw fit to mention him, except in the above letters, which were more about keeping an eye on his followers, who were starting to emerge, Falun Gong like, as a dangerous cult to the Romans.
A few years back i was being led by god to help some homeless people.I'll tell you about the first homeless girls and i were driving by a liquor store and i seen a girl a lady sitting next to her cart.god showed me through his eyes the hurt she was living with.he spoke to my heart and said, don't pass her up.i turned around whent back and asked her if she was hungry.she was in shock and said yes.god told me to tell her that she is loved.she started crying and had me call her family so she can go home.anyways after that i joind a church and told them and asked to start a homeless ministry.i was told yes and all of a sudden i started getting pushed aside and they took over the homeless ministry.i feel lost and i feel like god is telling me to leave the church.i quit going out with the group because of what happened.i don't know what to i feel lost.
Ben Simpson writes a blog for RELEVANT about how to remain with a church, even when you do not see eye to eye.
He commands us to be «minded» about the things above that we can see only with eyes of the heart, not the things below that we see with the eyes in our head.
Miracles... rest not so much on faces or voices or healing power coming to us from afar off, but upon our perceptions being made finer, so that for a moment our eyes can see and our ears can hear what there is about us always.
Those four steps help us get rid of those alcoholic lenses that were before our eyes — the ones that caused us to see not the decent, kindly folk about us but grotesque and distorted figures — demons in a land of nightmare.
People hear where I am going next week, and because all we know of Haiti is what we have seen on the news, their eyes widen at me, and we end up nodding at each other like, yeah, shit's about to...
So if we refuse to see color when we look at the eyes, hair, and skin of another person, we are inherently acknowledging that something is wrong about our gaze.
the source of the problem is the men who have traditionally left the pregnant woman alone to fend for herself... Roe V Wade came from the womans rights movement... -LCB- this demonstrates that people give a hell of a lot more ofa damn about whats» in a womans uterous than the actual Woman they can see with their own eyes...
It has to do with that annoying log in your eye, you just can't see the truth about yourself.
By reading this book, you will see the death of Jesus in a whole new light, and will also have your eyes opened about the plight of humanity and what Jesus came to rescue and deliver us from.
Now if you were to say that you would not even think about atoms until you were able to see them and you could not see them with your naked eye or with simple instruments, then you would never find them at all.
This book puts some flesh and bones on what we read about suffering in 1 Peter, enabling us to see with our own «eyes» the reality of the unique role suffering plays in our purpose as Christians.
If we theologians have forgotten the seriousness of our task (or have lost our nerve), if we have been uneasy about trying to lay hold on something well beyond our grasp, lest we seem foolish to an age devoted to problem - solving and conceptual clarity, events of the day are not short of reminders of seriousness for those who have eyes to see.
We have known each other for about two years, and though we agree on many basic doctrines of Christianity, we don't agree on everything, and we definitely do not see eye to eye on some central Christian practices like baptism, the Lord's Supper, and church attendance.
Along similar lines, physiologists believe that the human eye is capable of distinguishing among more than six million hues, and yet the fact that we typically use only about a dozen words to describe colors suggests that we see them much less richly than we are capable of doing.3
When we see Him do this, it is then that our eyes are opened to the truth about sin.
Here I am today, an older man talking to you about the secret of spiritual power in general, when all the time what I am really seeing in my imagination's eye is that young man I was years ago, shot all to pieces, done in and shattered in a nervous breakdown, foolishly undertaking too much work and doing it unwisely, all my hopes in ashes and life towering over me and saying, You are finished; you can not; you are done for.
Yes, there is something out there, but until I die or see it with my own eyes or heart, I'm not going to make up rules about it and put a label on it.
Until religion can answer things we can see with our own eyes to be correct, or God drops by to tell us about himself, religion is going to continue to lose to logic.
@jf well your information about the New Testament is about as accurate as your Old Testament knowledge, The prophecies of the Old testament concerning Christ could not have been written after the fact because we now have the Dead Sea Scrolls, with an almost complete Old Testament dated 100 - 200 years before the birth of Christ, Your interpretation of God at His worst shows a complete lack of understanding as to what was being communicated.We don't know what the original texts of the New Testament were written in as to date there are no original copies available.Greek was the common language of the day.Most of the gospels were reported written somewhere in the 30 year after Christs resurrection time frame, not the unspecified «long after «you reference and three of the authors knew Jesus personally in His earthly ministry, the other Knew Jesus as his savior and was in the company of many who also knew Jesus.You keep referencing changes, «gazillion «was the word used but you never referenced one change, so it is assumed we are to take your word for it.What may we ask are your credentials?Try reading Job your own self, particularly the section were Job says «My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you.Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes»
Jesus spoke to Peter about feeding his sheep, and to his apostles about people who lacked the eyes to see and the ears to hear and how they will never understand his parables even if they try (and, interestingly, he said this as the reason he taught using parables rather than just stating things out explicitly).
although emphasis upon judgment is not lacking, it was a glory about to be revealed, the radiance of which could already be discerned by those who had eyes to see.
While I can read church history and come to the conclusion that for a very long time the church has been about lots of things that had little or nothing to do with Jesus, in my own time I can see it with my own eyes.
As I was about to shut my eyes I see in the corner of my room a double edge sword shows up from no where.
I have had this experience three times now, on three different occasions, in admittedly similar circumstances, but not similar enough to explain the coincidence: I am speaking from a podium to a fairly large audience on the topics of — to put it broadly — evil, suffering, and God; I have been talking for several minutes about Ivan Karamazov, and about things I have written on Dostoevsky, to what seems general approbation; then, for some reason or other, I happen to remark that, considered purely as an artist, Dostoevsky is immeasurably inferior to Tolstoy; at this, a single pained gasp of incredulity breaks out somewhat to the right of the podium, and I turn my head to see a woman with long brown hair, somewhere in her middle thirties, seated in the third or fourth row, shaking her head in wide - eyed astonishment at my loutish stupidity.
People in our churches are dealing with the issues discussed in «Real Marriage,» and to pretend these aren't real issues and to avoid talking about them is akin to closing your eyes and declaring that you don't see the need we are serving.
People hear where I am going next week, and because all we know of Haiti is what we have seen on the news, their eyes widen at me, and we end up nodding at each other like, yeah, shit's about to get real, man.
«She cast a charmed theatrical light about her so that to see anything through her eyes was to see it in brighter colors than ordinary.»
The very search for a solution to life's problem was to the writer only «a striving after wind,» (Ecclesiastes 1:13 - 14) and in the end, seeing wickedness in the place of justice and evil men where the righteous should have been, (Ecclesiastes 3:16) he «hated life,» (Ecclesiastes 2:17) denied all moral government in the world, and concluded that although a man, in the intensity of his search, «see no sleep with his eyes day or night,» he will never understand what life is all about.
Open your eyes, see how hypocritical it sounds for you to complain about anyone else putting up a banner or blog post that differs from your personal philosophy.
I feel that vision in that sense is corrupt, and perhaps part of being followers of Christ is to forget about our vision, and see the world through His eyes.
Well, he's got me proclaiming, for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, that something is deeply amiss within; that we think we're special and you are not; that you need us more than we need you; that we don't trust you or your brain; that you are obviously going to hell without us; that we are completely out of touch with the real world; that we don't have a sweet clue about you, your kind, or your needs and desires; and that we're oblivious to innuendo and blind to double entendre.
Socrates» statements about suffering injustice rather than inflicting injustice, Jesus» teachings and Paul's elaborations, and Luther's classic description of the power of the Christian life, to name but a few, are sufficient testimony for those who have the eyes and hearts to see.
If, for instance, it became law that all blue eyed redheads were to be sent to prison, just because, and the church sat back and spoke not a word about it, I see that as sin.
Many of the stories are about my two boys, about seeing God through their eyes, about opening myself up to a world that is waiting to fill me with wonder and awe.
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