Sentences with phrase «see her grown up children»

Meryl Streep stars as rock star returning home to see her grown up children.

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Now that the link's been established in this small group, the researchers noted, more research needs to be done to explore the neurological component of the condition, as well as follow - up monitoring to see how the condition plays out as the children grow up.
«You get affected by things that happen around the world or whatever, a lot more I think as a father, just because you realize how precious life is, and it puts it all in perspective, you know, the idea of not being around to see your children grow up,» he added.
«What we need to do is help children see that that behavior is a core part of who they are, so that when they grow up they don't lose creativity,» he explains.
If your marriage is so blessed that you see a family growing up around you, may you be conscious that while you have an intimate relation to your children you have a still more intimate relation to yourself as an individual.
I can SO see this happening with / to some people I know, if their children grow up and leave church (or possibly even just the family's particular denomination).
From all the research I've seen, children of gay couples develop and grow up to be just as normal as those of straights.
Santa Fe When I was a child growing up in a small town in southern Illinois, my parents once took me to the central part of the state to see the capitol building and Abraham Lincoln's home in Springfield.
It is not difficult to help parents to see that their most heartfelt desire for their children is that they should grow up to be good people who are respected by others.
I think most of the Americans are in lost... as most of them do not know who their father is and it is very unfortunate... even if they know who their father is, the mom has children from diff men outside of marriage... and while a child is being raised, watching what his / her parents do to enjoy their life... so things become normal when they grow up... like if you go back early nineteen century, women were not allowed to go to beach without being covered... and now it totally opposite... if you do not have a boyfriend or girlfriend before 15, the parents worries that their teenage has some problem... and lot more can be listed... And then you go to Church, what our children learn from there... they see in front of the Church an old man's statue with long beard standing with extending of both hand... some of the status are blank, white, Spanish and so on... so they are being taught God as an old dude... then you learn from Catholic that you pray to Jesus, Mother Marry, Saints, Death spirit and all these... the poll shows a huge number of young American turns to Atheism or believing there is no God and so on... Its hard to assume where these nations are going with the name of modernization... nothing wrong having scientists discovered the cure of aids or the pics from mars but... we should all think and learn from our previous generations and correct ourselves... also ppl are becoming so much slave of material things...
I have seen children who had every possible advantage — two loving parents, a stable home, and a close - knit community — grow up to be cruel and violent.
The widows came together in their desire to survive and to see their children grow up.
We see ourselves as the new grown - ups and you as the children placated by your Santa.
Beth Redman remembers a moment growing up in church which further emphasises this: «When I was very young I saw a song on the overhead was written by a married couple [Noel and Tricia Richards] and something about that really impacted me... Even as a young child I knew God was speaking to me that one day I would do that with my husband too.»
Atheist's do nt turn away from god, they grow up like when a child stops believing in Santa and the Tooth fairy, and so you see it for how ridiculous it really is.
I have a huge desire to really grow the business as I'd love to see children up and down the Country learning and enjoying how to cook so they don't grow up opening a jar!
I grew up eating your cereal and now that I have my own children, it is nice to see how many more varieties you have.
As a child, I grew up with biscuits made with «Bisquick», and as you can see from the ingredient list below, it's not very good.
And as a child I didn't see it then, but looking back I was really lucky to grow up surrounded by all this freshness.
As much as children love these bars, I've never seen a grown up turn them down either.
Growing up, my parents would receive many boxes of See's Candies Assorted Nuts and Chews chocolates for the holidays, hide them, and every so often take a box out for all their six children to enjoy.
Monica grew up on a farm in Marshall, Michigan, so as a child growing up on a farm that her parents ran, while both working full - time jobs outside of farming, she saw just how hard farming could be, and vowed she did not want to have anything to do with farming once she moved out.
To the best of our ability, their father and I raised our children to see both parents working in the home and without as normal, and when they grew up, our daughters, our only children, had no second thoughts about giving time to their careers, nor to the advantages of breastfeeding and the importance of providing healthy, whole foods to their families.
People who are getting all offensive about animals saying other people need to give them away or that this and that is animal abuse and neglect need to grow up and honestly never have kids because i've seen it before and have no doubt they will be child abuser and neglect their children.
Watching some kinds of conflicts can even be good for kids — when children see their parents resolve difficult problems, Cummings says, they can grow up better off.
Children who grow up never seeing breastfeeding at home and only seeing bottle - feeding on TV or in their books are surely less likely to want to breastfeed their own babies when the time comes.
Since most parents didn't grow up with this technology, it can be hard to see eye - to - eye with your child.
But given the circumstance that she was in, she's going to feel confident and proud of the decision she's made as she sees her child grow up.
In many societies, children grow up seeing their moms and aunts and friends breastfeed, and the knowledge and awareness about how to breast feed is naturally passed down from generation to generation.
None of us are perfect, but whatever problems come in parenting are compounded when we refuse to see our child as an individual and refusing to learn and grow up on the journey of parenthood.
Depending on your church baby dedication is also sometimes viewed as an opportunity for the baby to be recognized by the church acting as a benchmark to ensure that the church follow up to see that your child is doing well and will grow according to the Christian values.
I was flipping through it and saw a section in which she mentions that Italian children grow up loving their veg because their parents prepare the items with such love and care — and love them, themselves, I presume.
I have yet to see evidence that if your child is between 1 and 2 and in a proper seat for their weight that there is much difference - I grew up in an age where seat belts were optional and we used to ride in the car on each other's laps or in the front seat near the dashboard so moving my child to forward facing when it becomes necessary and they are not 2 yet I feel is not bad at all.
While the Gravo DuoGlider Classic Connect may not exactly be built to survive multiple generations, it's definitely built to last a few years — enough to see your child (actually 2 children) growing up.
The thrill of seeing them walk through the door, whether every week or once a year, is something every parent will grow to look forward to and appreciate as their children grow up and away from home.
You can talk about what the future looks like for the bride and groom, discuss possible grandchildren down the line, and mention what it was like to see your daughter grow up from child to adult:
This learning curve is often made steeper by the fact that in today's culture, many of us grow up never having seen a child breastfeeding before.
There are various degrees of this, as we see in insecure attachment research, and definitely few insecurely attached children grow up to choose violence that makes the news.
While school - age children grow at different speeds — one might experience a growth spurt at age 5 while another might not shoot up until years later — there are some common physical milestones you can expect to see in 5 - year - old children.
If your child has seen frightening reports on TV and seems upset, tell him it's the job of the grown - ups around him to protect him.
By now, your child will probably be used to seeing and playing with other children and you may find they forge some close friendships, especially if they have grown up with another child of a similar age, like a cousin or one of your friend's children.
If it is for a regular check - up, explain that all children see a doctor, and that the doctor checks how she is growing and developing.
I like the idea of co-sleeping, but once they are older it might be nice to have some grown up time with my husband at night and that's not something my child needs to see!
When a woman is told by lets say their dad or uncle» if you let them cry it out they will be better as they grow up» This is just my opinion, Women have the «nurturing instinct» meaning when they are told they should put their baby down and them CIO and they do so their instinct is telling them to go pick the baby up but another influence tells them other wise, now MEN to me have the instinct to teach their youngins to «cry me river its not so bad youll live» id prefer not letting my child CIO, I just wanted to see how long out of curiosity that she would CIO (my dad suggested i try) and she went on for an hour before i said forget this i cant concentrate i have to pick her up cuz it ai nt doin nothing... so i havnt done it since.
You know, if you happen to see a mother's breast while she is feeding her child, and you find this somehow offensive, then you should probably take a critical look at yourself and grow up!
If your child repeatedly sees you enjoying vegetables at family meals or during snack time, she will grow up learning that eating veggies is normal and healthy.
People who grew up in homes that were characterized by a permissive style, where there were few rules and children were allowed to make all of their choices, may be see attachment parenting is similar to helicopter parenting.
People who grew up in homes that were characterized by an authoritarian style, where the parents make the decisions and the child is expected to comply with little room for choice, likely see attachment parenting as synonymous with permissive parenting.
In other cultures, parents naturally know how to use slings, because as children they grew up seeing slings used, and wearing their siblings in slings.
They have to grow up, but this is the exciting part and a way to help children see that this is an exciting time in their life and nothing to be scared of.
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