Sentences with phrase «see it in my life by»

Not exact matches

Greek speakers who have two fundamental color terms to describe light and dark blue — «ghalazio» and «ble» — are more prone to see these two as more similar after living for long periods of time in the UK — where these two are described in English by the same fundamental color term: blue.
Of the respondents who are already business owners and live in highly - developed economies, 78 percent said they choose to launch their ventures because they saw opportunities, not because they were forced to by economic necessity.
You know how hard it is to find time in your calendar for a single event, so make your life easier by creating a recurring engagement — such as a book club or weekly coffee date with a friend — that you'll soon see as a schedule staple.
It's easy to see why this seems appealing: We live in a time where we believe we can live better by gathering more data on everything.
By pausing to say thank you, we strengthen the neural pathways of positivity, making it easier to see the good in life.
She initially became famous by being seen in public with then - bigger celebrities, such as Paris Hilton, and then later became a megastar by allowing E!'s cameras to capture her and her family's life on «Keeping Up With the Kardashians.»
Facebook Live brings that influence to a whole new level by harnessing the power of social video in ways never seen before.
The days we are living in now are special because you know that what you do can be seen by the whole world.
«We all rely on trust in our daily lives - that when sales tax is added, it actually applies and equals the specified amount; that the meter in a taxi shows the correct amount provided by law and correctly measures the actual distance; that when you order takeout, the price you see online matches the amount you pay in the restaurant.
The ensuing years have seen more and more internal business applications leaving companies» data centers to live in the ether, followed by the companies» own products.
«You get affected by things that happen around the world or whatever, a lot more I think as a father, just because you realize how precious life is, and it puts it all in perspective, you know, the idea of not being around to see your children grow up,» he added.
Those smitten by the sleek products that Jobs introduced in his much - anticipated stage presentations have rarely seen them as anything but revolutionary, and claimed that they repeatedly changed not only the expectations of what modern electronics can deliver, but our lives.
Even though some of the best talent working for small businesses these days is young and doesn't always see the value in things like healthcare or life insurance, business owners will be better able overall to attract and retain good employees by offering those benefits.
By journaling in the morning and evening, you'll quickly see the incongruencies in your life.
If you feel overwhelmed by fear in your professional life, read on to see how I flipped the script and turned fear into one of my greatest allies.
People object to a system that they see as being dominated by big pharma, a system that intrusively asserts control over our lives, telling us what's wrong with us, and telling us what we must do in order to get better (as they choose to define «better»).
This also gives the buyers the confidence in choosing products when they see the same being carried by live models just like consumers would.
Many franchisees and franchising experts say there's no better way to cap off your research than by spending time in a franchisee location to see what your life will be like.
The sports network has been seen by many as the strongest channel in the TV universe, because live sports is such a massive draw for many people, and ESPN controls some of the most popular events in every sport.
From kicking off a professional wrestling career back in the 1990s, to the present day, where WWE sees Levesque «revolutionizing the business» with his developmental training processes and global recruiting strategy, Levesque concluded the discussion with CNBC, by stressing how putting in the hard work and taking a gamble can lead to life - changing developments.
Indeed, I suggested Microsoft might kill the whole bad idea and refrain from releasing the device altogether, but sure enough the company soldiered on, only to see the Pro become a big flop, mainly because it delivered none of what people wanted in a tablet — lightness, low price and good battery life, all of which were ironically established by Apple.
In 2016, you will see adoption of cost - effective virtual reality devices (like Ricoh Theta) by businesses to show a 360 degree live video view of their products.
Citizens in major Indian cities can see their life expectancy drop by two years amid environmental problems like air pollution, but HTT can help resolve that, Gresta said.
But if the story told by the film - makers is even close to accurate, the world the workers live in is anything but sane, and they're struggling, after all, to feed their families without the help of the power - brokers who see them as mere pawns in a very high - stakes game.
So get on in here... browse around by using the navigation bars or see some of the articles below... and take advantage of more than 30 years of International Living research, writing, and experience as you plot your own course to a happier, healthier, more affordable life abroad.
TORONTO, January 23, 2018 - Canadians want to live a full lifestyle in their retirement and see many things as being important to their enjoyment, according to a recent survey by Ipsos for RBC Insurance.
As both a business and an employer of people, Google has an interest in being seen by its staff not just as a place of work, but as a way of life.
As has been pointed out by several authors, rising living standards in the developing world have seen rising demand for a higher - protein diet and hence grain to feed animals.
The left - leaning think tank said the finding was «worrisome» because Toronto and Vancouver have seen some of the biggest increases in cost of living over the same period, with the price of houses, in particular, skyrocketing by 37 per cent in Toronto and 62 per cent in Vancouver.
November last year saw the tragedy of a London man losing his life in a fire thought to be started by a faulty Beko fridge fr...
You see it in industry after industry: hotels presumed that people wouldn't stay in strangers» homes, television networks presumed that programming schedules were constrained by time, and, speaking of Amazon Web Services, enterprise technology companies presumed that servers and software would live on corporate premises.
He sees in Uber the potential for a smoothly functioning instant - gratification economy, powered by the smartphone as the remote control for life.
by As we explained in our last video, one of the most polarizing techniques that prevents people from seeing truth is the herding of masses into «taking a side» that they will adopt for the rest of their life.
Athene was founded in 2009 in Bermuda by James Belardi, former president of SunAmerica Life, and Chip Gillis, former head of Bear Stearns» Insurance Solutions Group, who saw an opportunity to buy liabilities at good prices.
But in fact a whole generation of young adults is likely to see its life chances permanently diminished by this recession.
Silver Standard's rationale for doing the deal was simple — its Pirquitas Mill runs out of feed in 2017 and it sees an opportunity to use Chinchillas, located only 30 km from the mill, to extend Pirquitas» production life by multiple decades.
We conducted a study to see which residents have the cheapest renters insurance in Alabama by evaluating quotes for a sample property (a rental property with roughly 1,000 square feet of living space and $ 100,000 in liability coverage).
Once upon a time, there was a young man who got his dream job in the financial services industry, thought he could make it big one day and worked hard at it, then got disillusioned and disgusted by what he saw around, and finally quit to live a life of greater peace and fulfillment, while pursuing his passion in value investing.
By showcasing the most witty, joyful, bullet - pointed versions of people's lives, and inviting constant comparisons in which we tend to see ourselves as the losers, Facebook appears to exploit an Achilles» heel of human nature.
For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment; if he did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a herald of righteousness, with seven others, when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly; if by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes he condemned them to extinction, making them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; and if he rescued righteous Lot, greatly distressed by the sensual conduct of the wicked (for as that righteous man lived among them day after day, he was tormenting his righteous soul over their lawless deeds that he saw and heard); then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment, and especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise authority.
Gerecht was essentially with (see his 2012 essay «Living with Islam») certain voices in the Obama State Dept., or among the academic supporters of the Revolution at a site like The Arabist, which for a time held that the Revolution presented a chance to split the broad Islamic constituency represented by the Brotherhood, to separate the Brothers ready to meet democratic secularists half - way, from the rest, and to let the latter earn the scorn of the populace through their own policies, actions, etc..
my greatest concern is this «new teaching» on cussing is that I don't see it throughout the life, ministry or teachings of Jesus or any of the disciples or really any man God uses in the word... What I do hear Him say is that we will be «judged by every careless word» and that's not legalism, that's red letter.
Even in life today we see time passing slow or blazing by.
It is like saying there is not smoke with out fire, like sighting a droppings and trail of foot prints you would realize that a camel and passenger passed the desert then the seeing of the greatness of the mountains and passages through them, the seas great waves the skies it helps to realize the existence of super power «GOD» above all... any way it is like the verses written in the Quran «GOD «Allah speaking about how he had created earth to man by the mountains, seas and rain from skies which brings life to earth..
when your mother / sister / cousin / daughter gets r / a / p / ed by some ass, remember you want her to give birth to that child because «GOD» made that baby and don't expect a dime from the governement to help with that «love child» seeing you want the governement to «stay out of your life»... but it's ok if they mess with everyone else based on your idea of «GOD» and what you think is right and just in fairy land.
If you really go down the list looking at every word and the heart behind it in light of scripture and in the light of the law of the Spirit of life you'll find major discrepancies and see how carnal, worldly and unbiblical those points of views really are... I'm concerned about the heart behind such views because it isn't one of a disciple (one who emulates their rabbi and is possessed by the «Holy» Spirit of God).
«I suddenly saw Maria not as a threat to my personal purity or professionalism, but as a little girl, greatly loved by her Father in heaven... [and that] evil had completely devoured and consumed [her life].
-- you are being tested... what you are saying is part of the tests you were created to believe in One God and by using the free will you are denying the oneness of God... this is the biggest test... and so in your daily life... you will see everything on that day and its promise of the Almighty to the humanity... but we just have to be patient and wait till the day comes....
Part of this how the first century church exploded out of nothing from men who, by all accounts, shouldn't have been able to pull it off; part of it is seeing (actually a big part of it) is seeing what God has done in my life — answered prayer that, by all accounts, shouldn't have been answered.
It doesn't and didn't deserve damnation, at least not from anyone not named God, and especially not from remarkably un-peaceful «peace» advocates who seem to find their moral purpose in life by clinging ever more tightly to deluded notions of «empire» the further we get from their hoary 1890s Leninist (See Songbook # 5) provenance.
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