Sentences with phrase «see it that way because»

This black woman who sees «A black woman» only sees it that way because she is a minority, not because she doesn't have «privilege.»
Its too bad that a lot of people who have never taken a critical thinking course in their lives don't see it that way because they need to be swayed.
You see it that way because probably the media is more interested in the sixers and other teams with drama.
I am glad you see it this way because that's the normal and healthy way to deal with this kind of behaviour!
I didn't originally see it that way because, hello!
It takes a whole lot as a writer to be able to see it that way because as a writer you usually love what you write.
I don't think Paula sees it this way because she was influenced by growing up with Kai.

Not exact matches

Failures are lows that allow us to learn and adapt and grow in ways we never would have been capable of without them and the successes we see in the future will only be greater because of them.
They typically react (slowly at best) to three outside drivers: (a) their competition brings a new offering to market, and they need a quick competitive response; (b) their customers see and begin to adopt new processes and solutions, and the customers demand that their products and services conform to the new ways of doing business; or (c) they see a new tool, product, or service in the market offered by a new player and they quickly determine that this is a game - changer which they need to own (rather than try to build themselves) because they lack the internal capacity to do otherwise.
So when I first heard about Chicago - based KnowledgeHound, I was pretty excited because I saw it as a SaaS startup that was addressing a large and important problem: the inefficiencies in the way corporations were spending billions of dollars on market research and surveys.
Ultimately, this happens because learning a new language is like giving our brain the ability to interpret the world differently — including the way we see and process.
Look «luck» up in the dictionary and you'll see this definition: «the things that happen to a person because of chance, the accidental way things happen without being planned.»
As Stiglitz sees it, Americans, particularly on the right, embraced the Chicago school's way of thinking because it appeared to be the efficient solution to stimulating a stagnant economy.
The league source said that James and the Cavaliers flip - the - switch mentality could have a crippling effect on opponents because, frankly, no team has seen the way they really play.
Because as Scaramucci advises in the Big Think video: «I think you can really see people's intentions by the way they talk to other people and their level of civility.»
The connected car is now widely seen as an open platform on which you put many things and I want to take a lot of credit for the way this is being played out, with millions of dollars of investment dollars because of the work I have laid out.
Memorable bosses see the bus coming and pull their employees out of the way often without the employee knowing until much, much later... if ever, because memorable bosses never try to take credit.
Because living in another culture while still retaining your own forces you to see the world from multiple perspectives and acknowledge there are many ways to look at any given situation.
Of course if you aren't a spiritual person than it will be difficult to see your work as a sacred offering and because business is about making up your own rules, I would say... choose to see your business in whatever way works for you!
Clearly EMC, like every other IT incumbent, has one nervous eye on Amazon Web Services, the public cloud giant that became a huge success largely because software developers saw it as a cheap, easy way to get the resources they need to build and test their products.
What's more, despite the fact that «many executives see it as a badge of honor,» Jolly says, hurry sickness can also damage your career even before it wrecks your health, because being in an incessant hurry has a way of making people miss the forest for the trees.
Co-founder Mike Winn said he sees opportunity because certain business are going to need more than one drone in the sky, and they are going to need a way to manage them.
One standout personality type, the narcissist, is particularly difficult because he or she often lacks the ability to see things any other way than their own, needs constant attention and admiration, and generally lacks empathy.
Because when you can follow so many people and see what the people are doing it's great inspiration in many ways but it's also really hard to figure out, even more so, what you have to offer and what is different about you.
And the sad truth, the enormous elephant in the room that nobody wants to see, is that the overwhelming majority of you are never going to get there because you spend way too much of your time slacking off.
Because of the unique way the Shake Weight works, you can leave it on your coffee table, just do a couple minutes here and there, and see results.
The most telling part of the deal is that Google will retain many of Motorola's patents as well as its advanced research and development unit, which is too bad in a way because it probably means we won't be seeing innovative phones like the Moto X from the new Lenovo - owned entity.
Following the money is always the best way to see what interests a rich man because it tells you two things — what he likes as an investment for future growth, and what he sees as having reached the limits of growth.
Maybe focusing on one particular course that teaches video production at the college makes way more sense, mimicking what you see in the Wix ad, because then a potential student can imagine what it is like to take that course.
«The way that the Canadian and U.S. markets are integrated we're not seeing a lot of great opportunities showing up because of tariff changes as they affect the United States.»
This is more important today than ever because the way work has changed has changed the way we see things.
Zuckerberg said Thursday that «voters make decisions based on their lived experience,» continuing, «Part of what I think is going on here is people are trying to understand results of the election, but I do think that there is a certain profound lack of empathy in asserting that the only reason that some of them are voting the way they did is because they saw some fake news.
The old way of vacations, because it was seen as the «amount of days off that I have to use before they expire» was taken with an overwhelming sentiment of entitlement, and many things fell through the cracks when a team member went off on vacation for a week.
I hate that word because the way I see it positioned by the business sector: the word «quota» means people with no qualifications.
«Retail clients we've worked with — Walmart and Toys «R» Us, for example — have seen workplace safety incidents decline significantly, because we've found a way to help their employees learn to work more safely.
«It'll be fun to watch in some ways to see what it looks like when you're not there, because it's a different perspective,» said Brady.
Similarly, project managers can't even see what's going on with client interactions because traditional email isn't set up that way.
Phil Anschutz is a billionaire because he saw a way to buy movie theaters out of bankruptcy and make them profitable again.
Hogan says he sees a lot of startups get 90 percent of the way there then run out of cash, and it's often because they didn't raise enough during their last round and plan for enough runway.
It is not the 2,000 - pound hulk of a great white shark you see, but in some ways it is a more frightening sight — precisely because of what remains unseen.
But I was just amazed by how everyone, young and old wanted to be involved... and was so deeply enriched and touched by the experience and the laughter and the love I experienced from the people I met and how women would in particular open their hearts to me and tell me the stories of where they've come from, particularly because I have the language and was coming there as a woman and just how touched they were that I was there as a woman from England who's learned the language and who's an artist and running this project and come all the way to see them so they didn't feel forgotten I think that was pretty much what they felt... that their stories were being heard so they don't feel forgotten knowing the tents would be around the world.
«We try to see how they react, because in many ways, leadership is instinctual,» says Hasenfratz.
Romer didn't plan it that way, but he believes he can parlay that following into ad sales because he can tell advertisers that he has «a young male readership that can't be seen outside of Thrasher,» a skateboarding monthly.
However, the Chinese people oppose abolishing the death penalty because they see it as a way to punish corrupt officials, Muqing says.
«The way I see it, it doesn't matter that your Fitbit doesn't have a camera, because your phone does, and your laptop does, and your TV will.
«In some ways, because of that business focus that he's always had throughout his career and that he's done a very good job of publicizing, he's seen more as a dealmaker than a sellout,» Forbes» Zack O'Malley Greenburg told Complex.
Because, you see, Loblaws — arguably one of most skilful retailers Canada has ever produced — has announced that they think maybe the way to improve the drug store experience is by making dinner for us.
Facebook says it isn't a news entity, perhaps in part because it doesn't want to shoulder the responsibilities of behaving like one, but the reality is that such decisions have a huge impact on the way that its 1.5 billion users see the world.
Most salespeople make mistakes in their prospecting calls simply because they've never actually seen it done the RIGHT way.
Moreover: «We don't want to do an actively managed ETF because we don't want our holdings displayed at the end of every day and let competitors see what we own — and then have them arbitrage it one way or another.
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