Sentences with phrase «see justice being done right»

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Don't BP shareholders also have the right to natural justice — for justice to be seen to be done?
I'm certain that had he lived to see a gay rights movement he would have been marching right alongside them as he did for minorities, the poor and oppressed, because it would have been a civil rights matter for him; a matter of justice for, as he said, ALL of God's people.
God is right to punish us all, therefore they see his mercy in the ones he doesn't and justice in the ones he does.
I wept because I had been made to see, for the first time, that all the justice that must be shown the black man, all the help given him, everything that should be done legally to give him his rights, will never do what a simple act of love can do: make him know that he is accepted, cared for, yes, really loved by those who do not just «do good to him» but who feel with passionate concern that he is a human brother.
«While we are glad to see and commend the local authorities under international pressure acted swiftly and fairly to resolve the church's land with this right decision, we are still deeply concerned about the justice for this family of martyr which is still not done,» stated Bob Fu, China Aid's president.
I don't know why everyone is so shocked at the Centre for Social Justice being explicitly Christian, its pretty obvious if you read all their publications historically - just read IDS» publication «Britain's Conservative Majority» from 2004 to see that he is anti-secular and he praises the American Christian right for their form, if not for their content.
On - topic questions included the timing of the effectiveness of the laws signed today and when ICE will close it's office on Rikers Island, how many people currently on Rikers Island will be covered by these laws, details of Carlos Rodriguez (who was held on Rikers Island for eight months on an ICE detainer) path to this country and his thoughts during his eight month detention, what Mayor de Blasio would like to see the federal government do about immigration and what he will do absent such action, what he would tell Republicans who think his approach is a dangerous precedent, de Blasio and Melissa Mark - Viverito's positions on municipal IDs and voting rights for non-citizens, the number of people arrested on misdemeanors and then subject to ICE detainers and whether persons arrested on felony charges must first go through the justice system before being subject to an ICE detainer.
«Justice should be done and seen to be done in a manner that the whole world will see that the judiciary is doing the right thing,» he added.
Through interviews with 50 white Americans, who work in community organizing, education, and criminal justice reform, Warren shows how white Americans can develop a commitment to racial justice, not simply because it is the right thing to do, but because they see the cause as their own.
SCHOOL DISCIPLINE: The Atlantic: The Push for Harsher School Discipline After Parkland WSJ: Lawmakers Focus on Obama - Era Policies After Florida School Shooting VOSD: «Restorative Justice» Can Make Schools More Violent if Not Done Right AP: Armed security officers are on the rise in US schools [see also EdWeek] Texas Tribune: TX schools suspended thousands of younger students, report says
The pictures online do not do justice to how amazing it is to look out of every wall of the house and see the rain forest right outside.
If sports is your thing, you can play right on the ocean with jet ski, catamaran, and kayak rentals located right down the beach... word does not do this Villa justice, and you must see it to truly appreciate its beauty.
The votes just aren't there in the Senate right now for his conviction were he to be impeached, but the American People need to see that justice is done eventually.
This is so because in addition to the theological reasons given by Pope Francis recently: (a) it is a problem mostly caused by some nations and people emitting high - levels of greenhouse gases (ghg) in one part of the world who are harming or threatening tens of millions of living people and countless numbers of future generations throughout the world who include some of the world's poorest people who have done little to cause the problem, (b) the harms to many of the world's most vulnerable victims of climate change are potentially catastrophic, (c) many people most at risk from climate change often can't protect themselves by petitioning their governments; their best hope is that those causing the problem will see that justice requires them to greatly lower their ghg emissions, (d) to protect the world's most vulnerable people nations must limit their ghg emissions to levels that constitute their fair share of safe global emissions, and, (e) climate change is preventing some people from enjoying the most basic human rights including rights to life and security among others.
This is so because: (a) it is a problem mostly caused by some nations and people emitting high - levels of greenhouse gases (ghg) in one part of the world who are harming or threatening tens of millions of living people and countless numbers of future generations throughout the world who include some of the world's poorest people who have done little to cause the problem, (b) the harms to many of the world's most vulnerable victims of climate change are potentially catastrophic, (c) many people most at risk from climate change often can't protect themselves by petitioning their governments; their best hope is that those causing the problem will see that justice requires them to greatly lower their ghg emissions, (d) to protect the world's most vulnerable people nations must limit their ghg emissions to levels that constitute their fair share of safe global emissions, and, (e) climate change is preventing some people from enjoying the most basic human rights including rights to life and security among others.
(See above paragraph, combine with economic alarmism, a great sense of solidarity, an easy issue — complex and futuristic — to do it on, and a huge tea party and right wing conservative movement predicated on the idea that markets «solve» everything even though by definition they can't solve externalities — hence along with justice and national defense why we even need just limited government in the first place, and an implicit inherent belief in the right to pollute (here it's really better characterized as just radical alteration against our interests, not pollution), since common area is «fair game,» and there we go.)
At Harrell & Harrell we will help you understand your rights and see that justice is done.
Most people in UK — with the exception of the editor of the Daily Mail — probably believe that justice is what English judges do very well (see eg R (Miller & anor) v Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union [2017] UKSC 5, [2017] 2 WLR 583)-RRB-; so a «right to justice» is not something we need.
Did CJ Roberts» vote for defendant Cunningham at the Justices» private conference right after oral argument and then assign the opinion Justice Ginsburg OR was CJ Roberts» initially with the dissent until he saw that the majority opinion had the weight of nearly all recent precedents on its side?
«The Roberts court: Seeing is believing; At the Senate confirmation hearings for Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito, critics feared that the glossy image of the two jurists being put forth did not reflect their true leanings; How right the critics were
See Ronald Sokol's fascinating account of this case in the New York Times: When Justice Can't be Done Sign up to free human rights updates by email, Facebook, Twitter or RSS
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